
x #conspiracy cryptozoologynews.com

[On Reptilians and a man's alleged encounter with them]

I see them everyday as a shaman, demon astral bodies of living regular people also, you have to “see” at deep levels to see them everyday. This ‘man’ saw only one, he is a very beginner. Not everyone is a reptile clan which dragon clans fall under (on the lighter side), there are bird clan people, Einstein/Darwin were money clan people etc., there are wolf clan people. Its all inside us, only to be revealed. Of course the fearful people will freak.

Unidentified California Man #conspiracy cryptozoologynews.com

LOS ANGELES — A California man on Wednesday said he saw a judge “changing shape” in West Los Angeles.

The man, whose name was omitted in the report, says he was attending a court proceeding for a traffic violation when he observed the judge turn into “a reptile”.

“I was standing about 10 to 15 feet from the Judge,” he explained.”He momentarily changed shape into a reptilian, then changed back into a human form.”

The alleged event, which the man claims to have taken about 5 to 10 seconds, was reportedly not noticed by the other 15 people present in the court room, including officers and reporters.

The Los Angeles resident also maintains that his case was rescheduled.

“The next time I was to go in front of that judge, she recused herself and would not see me again,” he added to the report, submitted to MUFON. “The judge did not want to speak to me after this, but had the bailiff tell me to return at the next scheduled court date. I never saw the judge again in my return visits to the court.”

The judge, he said, was dressed in a black robe and her face was the only body part he noticed to have changed shape.

“I did not see her hands at the event as they were on the desk and were blocked by the podium where I stood. No words were spoken during the shape change.”

The man says he is sure about what he saw and that he had only told two people about the incident.

“I saw what I saw. I will never forget it,” he said.

Mary Katherine Scruggs #fundie cryptozoologynews.com

[Commenting on article entitled "Los Angeles Judge Turned into a Reptilian, Says Man"]

This can happen.. I have seen it done.. The evil spirit that that the person that are demonic possessed will take the shape of the demon that are in them. I have seen this time, and time again. I have seen a woman who practice witchcraft. One day at Church every time I looked at her I saw her dressed in witch’s grab. Each time I would shake my head and still yet I saw the same thing.!!! I go home afterwards and called my mother. I told her what I saw.. Then we hung up.. Then she called me back and told me she my father what I said. My father told her that he had seen the same.. My Dad said he wasn’t going to say anything about it, yes he saw the same thing..! I have seen people who looked like puff up Bullfrogs. Some kind of animals. The Native Americans call these people shapeshifters. I call them people who are capable of doing so are in some dark stuff, or demonic possesed.. All we can do is pray for them!!! Being in the ministry there is a gift called the gift of discernment. Not everyone has this gift of God. So to say this man is really blessed to have it.