
Some CCers #psycho #sexist crystal.cafe

>4chan makes me hate women
>cc makes me hate men
>just stay home 24/7 unnerved about people
Is this the ultimate outcome of imageboarding?


this "both sexes are bad" shit is unrealistic and delusional. Women don't kidnap rape and murder little boys en masse like men do every single day. Stop being edgy


I'm already wary of men but yeah, internet makes me slowly hate women too and it sucks.

The vile crap, catty remarks and misogynistic things some women post online against other women have led me to look at them with the same kind of suspicion I look at men with. And I hate it. Before, all my friends were female and, though this sounds really naive, I had some kind of basic trust in women as a whole. Now, I'm wary of everyone and suspect them of not being their true selves irl, so cutting back on internet use wouldn't help my issue at all.


>work with women in female dominated industry
>become extremely misogynist
>come to cafe
>can't stop calling men "moids" in my head and wondering what horrible things they've done to their girlfriends and what kind of disgusting porn they pull their dick to
>can't even say I hate humans because I hate animals even more, especially cats and dogs because they shit all over and are useless
I am a miserable and hateful creature. But at least I'm cute.


The problem is that there's no sisterhood among females. Mothers see their own daughters as sexual competition. Female friends backstab and torment each other over a bottomshelf scrote. Sisters abuse each other if one of them is perceived prettier than the other. Random women on the streets will wish other women on the street dead because their boyfriend looked at them for one second. Females are in a constant state of war with each other

And ofc this is all instigated by males. They want and need to keep us in this state. Females being at each others throats constantly enables a lot of moids degeneracy and behavior