
After the Rapture #fundie disappearances.info

[Directly After the Rapture]
This has got to be the most challenging event ever to face those charged with maintaining order in our society. The 24 hour missing person rule is the only reprieve anyone will get. Many roadways will be littered with accidents caused by out-of-control vehicles... vehicles without a driver. Young passengers are missing. Stranger still is the common thread of the missing drivers: a cross hanging from the mirror, a Bible in the car, a fish emblem on the back of the vehicle, and maybe even that silly bumper sticker that proclaims the warning "In case of the Rapture this vehicle will be un-manned". There just may be more truth in that statement than previously considered. Seat belts fastened with clothing arrayed as if the person just vaporized. For indeed, that is exactly what has happened.

Forensic experts would do well to examine closely the fibers of clothing in direct contact with skin, as they will likely exhibit evidence of exposure to extreme high-level electromagnetic radiation. The same principal that raised Christ from the dead in A.D. 30 is at work here in the event of the Rapture