
Dale Kelly #fundie groups.google.ca

the evolutionists know there is a standing moral authority

they seek not to take a part in this moral authority

they seek to supplant existing social orders and set THEMSELVES up as the
authorities of life, with no added social value

I challenge the evil evolutionist cult to state ONE social value that the
theory of evolution adds

they add NO value, this is why they are relegated to cult status

they are jealous power crazed zealots, and their agenda is obvious

LC (AKA "Iben Getiner, Jon Young, etc., etc.) #fundie groups.google.ca

Tests to determine if you are a Homo


Hundreds of homos lead normal, happy lives.

There is no shame in being a homo.

Homos are weak and easily beat up.

Groups of homos are dangerous and will try
to take off your clothes and kill you.

Homos like to kidnap little boys and marry

Homos know all the latest dance steps and
have great stereo equipment.

Homos never say their prayers.

Homos cry if you're mean to them.

The only way to kill a homo is with a silver

Susie Q #fundie groups.google.ca

[When asked to back up her assertions about evolution]

I have made no assertions. But don't let little things like facts get in your way.

Yet more bs.

One more time: Please present convincing evidence that people were once non-human animals.

Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean that your _silly_ theory of evolution is factual.

That's rudimentary logic, by the way.

Now I await yet more bs from you religious fanatics.

That's exactly what you are. You've never even seriously examined the allleged evidence suporting the ToE. You just accept its veracity on faith.