
gothelittle #fundie jordan179.livejournal.com

Heterophobia: Note the protest after Prop 8 in California. People forced out of their jobs, an old lady brought to tears by the harassers in her own home, another old lady knocked down and beaten, a group of Christians meeting in a park assaulted, blacks told that they'd "just better be careful" if they leave their own neighborhoods, and numerous properties and cars damaged. White powder sent to Mormon temples. Oh, no problem here! No danger!

I did some calculations using FBI crime statistics and a survey of Massachusetts voters once and found that while there were 1025 crimes against people due to their sexual orientation nationally in 2007, 1,029,279 people in Massachusetts alone know someone who would fear violence done to them or their children if they voiced their disapproval for gay marriage. 428,870 know someone who's had it happen to them. Ah, no danger here! No worries!