
Pat Robertson #fundie laughinginpurgatory.com

Pat Robertson, leader of the 700 Club and horse enthusiast, is enraged at the current exercise craze, Prancercise. The exercise regimen was developed by Joanna Rohrback, and requires the practitioner to prance about like a horse. In her book, Prancercise, The Art of Physical and Spiritual Excellence , the author describes the routine "A springy,rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse's gait and is ideally induced by elation."

Pat Robertson has been quite public about the demonic roots of this seemingly benign pony-like movement.

Here is his written statement.

Look here, people are God's children, and meant to walk about like Jesus did. Jesus never pranced. He rose people from the dead. He turned water into wine. But the Bible never states that Jesus trotted about in a pony or in a horse like manner. In fact, the Bible does say that Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem. He definitely did not canter into the capital of God's earthly kingdom.