
Steven Goldberg #sexist mattforney.com

[Excerpt is cited from a review by Matt Forney]

No doubt there are many reasons why some women will accept the illogic of feminism. Anyone wishing to explore this area should examine a contemporary America in which the rage of young women protesting professional discrimination is complemented by a revulsion toward professional roles by the men who are “supposed” to fill them. For an understanding of the forces that lead to the feelings of meaninglessness that so many men and women now seem to attach to their traditional roles perhaps one should begin not with the content of roles that were formerly capable of providing meaning, but with the failure of contemporary American society to inculcate in the society’s members the feeling that the society’s value system, its way of defining reality, is correct and meaningful. It is this ability, rather than the specific characteristics of the value system or the value system’s “humaneness,” that is the precondition for the society’s survival and that is relevant to the members’ current feelings of meaninglessness and the feelings of aloneness that are inevitable if the members have no meaning to share. When a society loses its ability to inculcate values its members fall into the abyss—

Matt Forney #fundie mattforney.com

My friend Davis Aurini has been predicting that the U.S.—and the world at large—will break out into war later this year, based on his reading of The Fourth Turning and the churn and conflict that defines the generational cycle. I used to doubt him. I don’t anymore.

The release of the FISA memo last Friday has laid bare the impossibility of uniting America.

There’s enough analysis about the memo itself to fill a book, so I don’t need to write too much about it, other than to say that it’s just as bad as everyone thought it would be. The Obama administration, in collaboration with the FBI, the courts, and the intelligence apparatus of a foreign country, spied on then candidate Donald Trump solely because they did not want him to become president. Their justification for obtaining a warrant was based entirely on partisan opposition research, most of which was fabricated.

This is worse than Watergate. Watergate was just a botched break-in, a 13-year old blowing off toilet seats with cherry bombs. Obama and the FBI openly colluded with a foreign nation to stop a democratically elected candidate—Trump—from assuming his office.

And the sad reality is that it doesn’t matter.

Prior to the memo being released, the Democrats and the fake news memo were attacking it relentlessly, warning anyone who listened not to read it, lest their heads be filled with Satanic thoughts. At no point before or after did the left contest the truthfulness of the memo, instead using only emotional, rhetorical appeals about how the memo was a “smear job” or would undermine Americans’ faith in the justice system (as if that ship hasn’t already sailed). Within hours after its release, leftists were making jokes about it on Twitter.

You cannot reason with people who cannot see objective reality. The left doesn’t care about the abuses of power revealed by the FISA memo because they don’t care about anything but their feeeeeelings, their subjective reality. To them, President Trump is Orange Hitler and he has to be stopped by any means necessary, including rioting, assassination attempts, judicial activism, and trampling all over our civil liberties and the rule of law.

If this is how they feel about the president, it’s also how they feel about you.

I wrote years ago that there is no one more dangerous in this world than the man who considers himself a victim. A man who sees himself as a victim can invent any justification for whatever he wants to do, because he’s been wronged and he needs to exact justice on those who he believes to have harmed him. He is right by virtue of being wronged, and anyone who questions his actions is just as bad as those who he perceives to have hurt him, regardless of how real that hurt was. The greatest villains of history have always wrapped themselves in the cloak of victimhood, whether it was Hitler and the Nazis believing they were victimized by the Jews and the Poles, to communists believing they were victimized by international finance, to Puritans believing they were victimized by the big bad Catholic Church.

The American left—and the global left at large—believe themselves to be victims above all else. Minorities believe they are the victims of whites, women believe they are the victims of men, and sodomites believe they are the victims of heterosexuals. The electoral triumph of 2016, in which an unabashedly heterosexual white man became president when it was “her turn,” has pushed the left into mass psychosis. They feel like they are victimized every moment of every day, and they will not stop until they perceive that victimization to end.

As the rise of antifa and the left’s approval of violently attacking people who offend them shows, the left won’t stop unless the rest of us submit to them or are killed.

As Anonymous Conservative has pointed out, this is due to the defective brain structures of leftists and their inability to handle threat detection and response. Life as a leftist is utter hell. Imagine going around all the time constantly feeling like you’re under assault, interpreting innocuous gestures and comments and minor inconveniences as attacks on your race, sex, or identity. That’s the leftist way of life: existing in a state of permanent agitation, always on the lookout for “microaggressions,” “mansplaining,” or “wypipo” coming to ruin your day.

It’s because of their defective brain chemistry that leftists cannot interpret objective reality. You say one thing and they hear another, making communication with them impossible since we cannot even agree on the meanings of words. For them, communication and basic observation is like a Rorschach test on acid.

For example, a long time ago, there was this soyboy who made a video attacking me as a “pick-up artist” (a term I have never used to describe myself) and accusing me of pretending to be a woman online so I could convince myself that women don’t like cunnilingus. In actuality, I invented a fake female persona years ago so I could troll the manosphere and make fun of “red pill women.” But because this soyboy has brain damage, he sees a satirical article I wrote about women not liking it when men go down on them and assumes I wrote it out of personal insecurity.

It’s entirely possible he knows this full-well and chose to libel me anyway, but nearly ten years of experience writing has shown me that the left is increasingly incapable of perceiving the world correctly and telling truth from fiction.

This is why war is inevitable now. To the average person, it is increasingly obvious that one-half of the political spectrum is totally divorced from reality. When one half of the population hates the other half and can justify doing anything to them—including getting them fired from their jobs, arresting them for hate speech, spying on them, and physically attacking them—no compromise or peace is possible. As the Bible put it, one cannot be unequally yoked.

Similarly, President Trump’s constant fakeouts on DACA and amnesty are also hitting this home. As Trump pointed out in his State of the Union Address last week, the amnesty deal he’s offering is more generous than the one that Obama proposed several years back, yet the Democrats are still rejecting it.

The average voter is seeing this and going, “Why SHOULDN’T we deport them all? The President is trying to compromise with the other side and they absolutely will not cooperate.”

If two groups who hate each other—who can’t even see reality the same way—are forced to inhabit the same space, they will eventually try to wipe each other out. Will it be the right or the left who inherits the Earth? I can’t say; all I can say is that the current paradigm is about to end.

We truly were cursed to live in interesting times.

Matt Forney #fundie mattforney.com

[A transcript of Matt Forney's speech at the recent Identitarian Ideas IX conference]

I don’t think I need to remind anyone that the election of President Donald Trump was a turning point in American and European history. For our entire lives, our overlords in the government and media have told us that we were on the losing side of history. That we were destined to fail. That the future of our civilization was rainbows, unicorns and chocolate chip cookies, fruits Frenching their boyfriends in front of empty churches, neon-lit mosques eclipsing the cities our forefathers labored to build, and finally, being finessed out of our neighborhoods by swarthy foreigners who stare at our sisters, wives and girlfriends the way lions stare at gazelles.

But for now, the arc of the moral universe has been redirected.

The arc of the political universe has also been redirected. One of the most important achievements of the past two years has been the total destruction of the mainstream American right-wing. My friend Edwin Oslan calls them “Conservatism, Inc.,” the alt-right calls them “cuckservatives,” but regardless of how we abuse them, they were the primary impediment to real, nationalist change in the West. It is they, not the left, who are the biggest losers in the age of Trump. Right now, the left is so excited about the prospect of “resisting” the President that they almost seem sexually aroused by it. It’s your National Reviews, your Weekly Standards, your Rick Wilsons and Rich Lowrys and rich finks in general who have lost everything in the God-Emperor’s ascent.

I’m not just talking about the neocons, the loudest, yappiest poodles echoing in the cuckservative kennel. There’s a whole world of inanity beyond the armchair quarterbacking of soft, pudgy Manhattan intellectuals renaming French fries to “freedom fries” or calling on poor men’s sons to fight their wars for them. Mr. Trump has helped sledgehammer the foundations of American cuckservatism, and we are now dancing among the ruins.

A common refrain during the election was that Donald Trump was not a “true” conservative. The myth of the post-National Review right-wing in America is that the United States was intended to be a different society than the nations of Europe, one bound not by blood and soil but by the liberties granted by the Constitution: the proposition nation. In the minds of the geldings who believe this myth, such as, for example, the guy at CPAC who denounced us as “left-wing fascists” a couple of days ago, Trump and the alternative right are a rejection of these core American values, a return to the bad old days of European nationalism, endless war and diminutive Austrian men with funny mustaches.

The problem with myths is that they have a bad habit of being false. The proposition nation so beloved of William F. Buckley and Norman Podhoretz is nothing but Saran wrap stretched over the casserole of white America. While it’s true that the Constitution represented a break from the European tradition of monarchy, the ideals that fueled the American Revolution were derived from Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke and implemented by Americans of European descent. Without Europe’s peoples or its philosophies, there is no Constitution, there is no right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and there is no United States of America.

The “golden age” of immigration to Ellis Island, so beloved of cucks and leftists and a fundamental underpinning of the proposition nation myth, is itself a crock of garbage. As Jim Goad detailed in his book The Redneck Manifesto, during the 19th century, corporations lobbied the U.S. government to bring in Italians, Chinese and other foreigners to break the backs of labor unions and lower wages for the average worker. The lie that immigrants do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do has a far longer history than you think.

But myths cannot take root unless they contain some truth. You may not believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the Romans didn’t nail him to the cross. Similarly, while the U.S. is hardly a proposition nation, bound together only by the Bill of Rights, its history as a colonial state has kept white Americans from forming a cohesive, rooted culture.

Rare are the Americans who are so attached to their hometowns that they don’t want to leave them. Packing your bags and moving to another state, even if it’s on the other side of the country, is as American a tradition as sportsball and diabetes. From the settlement of Jamestown and the landing at Plymouth Rock to the Louisiana Purchase to the California gold rush to the rise of the Sun Belt in the 1950’s and sixties, if white Americans didn’t like where they were, they went somewhere else. I know that when I was a kid, I dreamt of nothing more than getting out of my hometown of Syracuse, New York, that decaying Rust Belt ghetto midway between New York City and Toronto.

People who are constantly moving from point A to point B cannot put down roots and develop a sense of self. In fact, recent scientific research has shown that the brains of those who live in the same place their entire life develop far differently than those who migrate to new locales. White Americans never developed a unified sense of who they are because they’ve never stayed in one place long enough for the question to come up. And that’s before we get into mass immigration, media propaganda and the other myriad ways that cultural Marxists have tried to destroy the spirits of white Americans.

Now, we do have strong regional identities: as explained in the book Albion’s Seed, the United States was settled by four distinct groups from the British Isles, and our politics and culture is in many ways a continuation of the struggle between the Cavaliers and the Roundheads during the English Civil War. But no singular white consciousness has ever existed in the U.S. Ask a Swede, a Pole, or a Hungarian who he is and what his nation means to him, and you’ll get concrete answers rooted in cultural memory going back centuries. Ask the same question of an American and you’ll quickly find out that there’s no “there” there. At the moment, mindless consumerism is the only duct tape holding the U.S. together.

So, yes, the cucks have—had—a glimmer of a point: as a settler state of European mutts, the U.S. was not merely an extension of its fatherland. But that has come to an end, not because of Donald Trump or the alt-right, but ultimately because of the left themselves.

Years ago, when I was skeptical of white advocates and tribalism, I wrote on my old blog In Mala Fide that a political movement like the alt-right would never work because whites in the U.S. don’t define themselves by their whiteness, unlike blacks. A reader of mine interjected by saying that whites have already been defined as white, in the negative, by the left. And he was right.

To be white is to be the world’s whipping boy. It means being blamed for everything from poverty in Africa to environmental degradation to women not having enough space to sit down on the subway. It means being told to shut up and sit down, that your opinion is worthless because of your “privilege,” and that the eventual disappearance of your people and culture is a sign of progress.

To be white, straight and a man is even worse, because you’re told that your natural masculine instincts, your natural desires to bed and wed women make you an oppressive misogynist. In 21st Century Parody World, six-year olds are allowed to take dangerous hormones so they can become a funhouse mirror version of the opposite sex, but not asking your wife for permission before you kiss her can land you in prison for rape. And if you’re not happy with this arrangement, you’re expected to sate yourself with degenerate Japanese cartoons and pornography, the bread and circuses of the globalist empire. That’s how mad the Marxists are: they don’t merely want to destroy our culture and identity; they want to destroy the very things that make us human.

Sun Tzu stated that when you have surrounded your enemy, you must give him a way to escape, or else he will fight you to the death, having nothing to lose. The left never learned that lesson, because they’ve pursued whites—white men—everywhere they’ve gone, leaving them no quarter and no place to call their own. Even video games, long the province of virginal nerds, were not safe, which is what sparked the GamerGate movement three years ago, the first successful backlash against cultural Marxism in most of our lifetimes. The white men of gaming saw leftists trying to subvert their favorite hobby, one they retreated to after society rejected them, and said no more. Enough. This line you shall not cross.

It was this spark that ignited the pile of TNT that was the Trump campaign and the alternative right. The average Trump voter isn’t explicitly aware of all the issues that we are versed in. They don’t know everything that we know. But they know, deep down, that something is wrong. They know that fifty years of mass non-white immigration and globalist free trade have ruined them financially and placed their lives and that of their children in peril. And they see, day in and day out, the chattering classes tell them that they are the problem. They see liberal arts dilettantes in Brooklyn brownstones, rent paid courtesy of Daddy’s credit line, banging out “thinkpieces” every day claiming that all the world’s ills are thanks to those stupid white rednecks in Kentucky, Michigan or Pennsylvania, and as soon as they kick the bucket and give way to all these newcomers from Mexico, we’ll be all better off.

White Americans saw this repulsive display and they said no more. Enough. This line you shall not cross. And they turned out to support a champion who would fight for them. Donald Trump is the first politician in years who treats white Americans as a group with interests of their own, interests that are worth defending. While he is far from the alt-right ideologically, Trump’s nationalist presidency is aiding the maturation of white America from an empty, consumerist frontier into a people with an identity of their own, one that runs deeper than pop culture effluvia and waxing autistic about “muh Constitution.”

I’ll end with an interesting anecdote.

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed an increasing number of houses in upstate New York flying Confederate flags. Seems absurd on the face of it. Why are white New Yorkers adorning their homes with the flag flown by the Southern rebels that their ancestors fought in the Civil War? After all, you don’t see many Poles flying the Hammer and Sickle, or many Koreans paying obeisance to the emperor of Japan. Then it hit me: the U.S. has become so deracinated and so debauched that rural Northern whites are reaching for any emblem of culture that they can get their hands on, anything that they can call theirs.

To the cultural Marxists, the Confederate flag represents white America, the white America they seek to destroy and replace with foreigners, a symbol that drives them insane with hatred. To rural whites across the U.S., lambasted as the embodiment of everything wrong with the world, the Confederate flag is a gesture of defiance to those who would see them dead and buried. A symbol of implicit white identity, transcending the petty regional differences between North and South, united against the forces of globalism, multiculturalism, and degeneracy.

None of us can say for certain whether this a struggle our people will win. But I can say this: we will not lie down and die either. Regardless of how the next eight years play out, the dragon of white identity has been roused from his slumber, and he’s not going back to bed anytime soon.

As my friend the Bechtloff says, I’ve made my peace with God. Let’s dance.

Thank you.

Matt Forney #sexist mattforney.com

I am smarter than nearly all the girls I’ve ever known.

That’s not arrogance talking: it’s the truth. Out of all the girls I’ve known, maybe three were at least as smart as me, and of that three, one is more intelligent than me. All the rest were my intellectual inferiors. I don’t hold it against them; in fact, when I run across girls who tout their “intelligence,” I feel nauseous, like I’m dealing with a pack of overeager Mormon missionaries.

One of the most dangerous delusions of modern America is the idea that girls are desirable because of how smart they are. Indeed, the idea that intelligent girls even exist in significant numbers is ridiculous. Puffed up by you-go-grrl propaganda from the media, their heads filled with lies from the universities, every girl who can spell her own name suddenly thinks she’s Einstein. Worst of all, girls think that being able to spell their own names entitles them to a good man, even when they’re bossy, defiant and lacking in feminine graces.

This is laughable.

The reality is that truly intelligent females are rare, and most girls who consider themselves “smart” are not. More importantly, the idea that men should find female intelligence attractive is as preposterous as expecting them to find hermaphroditism sexy. A girl’s most important aspects will always be her beauty, her charm and her willingness to please, with intelligence so far down the list that it might as well not be on the list.

Yet thanks to white knights artificially pumping up the egos of every girl in America, men are made to feel like freaks for considering a girl’s bust size to be more important than her ability to regurgitate Marxist tripe.

Here are my reasons why female intelligence is a fraud.
1. Few girls are actually intelligent.

This is the most important thing to know: intelligence is largely a masculine attribute. IQ testing has consistently shown that while men and females have the same mean intelligence, men have a wider standard deviation while females cluster around the middle. In layman’s terms, this means that there are more intelligent men than there are intelligent girls. At the same time, it also means that there are more unintelligent men then unintelligent girls, which is why the short bus tends to be a sausage fest. The “dumb bimbo” stereotype is a fiction invented by ugly girls.

Turns out that “boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider, girls go to college to get more knowledge” was at least half true.

This is why it’s a waste of time for smart men to cast about for a girl who is their intellectual equal: she simply doesn’t exist. You have a better chance of talking Zooey Deschanel and Ellen Page into a threesome than finding a girl who can match you in knowledge, life experience and all-around brains. You do find the occasional woman who can hold her own with men, but these exceptions don’t disprove the rule, any more than the existence of Kim Peek disproves the fact that most autistics are hand-flapping retards.

What’s really awful about this situation is that the mainstream media, invested in hiding the truth, blame men for not being able to find the right girl. “You’re looking in the wrong places.” “Intelligent, classy girls don’t hang out at bars.” “Maybe you just attract the wrong kinds of people.” They can’t simply admit that females are the passive sex, built for raising babies and not much else, because doing so might hurt girls’ self-esteem— and we can’t very well have that, now can we?
2. Girls are intellectually inferior.

Several months ago, I was on Twitter killing time when some teenage girl started sending rude and insulting Tweets at me because she was offfeeennnded at my article on why most girls shouldn’t bother going to college. I initially ignored her, but when she continued to harass me, touting her “4.0 GPA” and how smart she was, I clicked through to her profile and did a little research. Turns out that this oh-so-intelligent young lady was spending $58,000 a year to major in acting. Furthermore, while she was not unattractive—she had a good bone structure, a cute face and huge— tracts of land—she was at least twenty pounds overweight, so several of my followers started calling her fat. What was her response?

She started sending pictures of herself to me in an attempt to prove she wasn’t fat.

This girl wasn’t stupid; she was clearly four or five points above the mean female IQ. But not only did she massively overrate her intelligence, she was unwilling to accept that maybe, just maybe, she had made some poor choices in life.

That is the modern “intelligent” girl; an intellectual vacuum. Her life one great big fraud from beginning to end. Despite her vaunted “smarts” and her belief that she can “do anything,” she doesn’t major in math, engineering, computer programming or any discipline that requires actual work. No, she picks a soft major like English, education or ethnic studies, where there are no standards and you can pass any nonsense in for a grade so long as you sound authoritative. She rationalizes her choices by saying that she wants to “help the children” or she’s “interested in learning,” despite the fact that all American education does is teach people to memorize Marxist nonsense and repeat it back word for word.

Claiming that girls are intelligent because they earn the majority of degrees is like saying that parrots are intelligent because the majority of them can mimic human speech.

When she graduates, assuming she isn’t spat right back into the service industry, she’ll go to work as a government bureaucrat, HR commissar, paralegal or other profession that contributes nothing to society. She’ll complain about the pay gap even as she takes every day off she can because her “head hurts” or she “needs some time off with the girls.” She’ll whine about the lack of girls in management roles even as she plans to quit her job when she has kids— but not until she’s in her thirties, of course.

After all, she wants to “have fun” first and “get it out of [her] system” before she settles down.

But it’s in her choice of hobbies that the modern “smart” girl truly exposes her vacuity. She doesn’t spend her free time reading science textbooks or perfecting her chess game: she TiVoes Teen Mom and obsesses over Lena Dunham’s cleavage. If she reads books at all, she limits herself to trashy mainstream thrillers like The Hunger Games or textual pornography like Twilight. Her weekends are spent pumping chumps for peach daiquiris at the dive bar and getting pumped by every stud who stirs her loins. Even so-called “nerd girls” are phonies, as their “nerdiness” extends to playing video games once in a blue moon or re-Tweeting charlatans like Neil deGrasse Tyson.

The only thing separating her from a ghetto baby momma is the ability to form complete sentences.

Face it: the vast majority of girls are as hollow as a drum. The three or four surplus IQ points that college-educated girls have are wasted on them, because all they’re used for is rationalizing a life of mindless consumption and sluttiness. If the modern West is a cesspool, girls are its most devoted coprophages, gulping down runny diarrhea by the bucketload with forced smiles on their faces.
3. Girls know that their “intelligence” is a lie.

As loudly as they brag about their “strength” and “independence,” girls know inside that their credentials are worthless in the eyes of men. Go back to that chubby acting major who started insulting me on Twitter. Me pointing out that her degree was worthless didn’t faze her, nor did my reminding her that she was wasting sixty grand a year for it. It was calling her fat—insulting her looks—that wounded her most deeply.

And she was so insecure that she resorted to begging for validation from me, a man she considered a “misogynist.”

The vagina is the perfect representation of the nature of females. An empty vessel, a hole, a void with no identity of its own. Without a man to fill her with his essence, she is as useless as a crabapple rotting on the sidewalk. Only by taking that essence deep inside her can she mature and become the woman she was meant to be. And filled with the wrong essence, she becomes an intellectual Typhoid Mary, mindlessly infecting others with her diseases of the mind.

That’s the problem with girls today: they’re so full of bullshit that their eyeballs are brown.

That bullshit is pumped into their skulls by men. Every advance in “women’s rights” occurs only because men allow it to occur. Women’s suffrage was only passed into law in the U.S. because leftist Protestants in the Republican Party wanted to ensure an electoral majority for Prohibition and other “social purity” policies. Sexual liberation only happened in the sixties because cowardly draft-dodging hippies, knowing they could not compete with real men for the affections of feminine women, encouraged girls to slut it up so they could get laid. The mass entry of girls into college and the workforce was instigated by corporate capitalists in order to drive down wages and smash workers’ rights.

If at any point, men had collectively told girls no, they would have quieted down and gone back to the kitchen like they were told.

So it is with the myth of female intelligence. Girls believe they are smart, worldly and cultured because men lie and white knight for them. The gelded father telling his little princess that she can be whatever she wants to be, the slack-wristed orbiter who writes sweet nothings on her Facebook posts, the hipster nancyboy who claims he wants an “equal”: they are the enemy. Without them, the Katerinas of America would gladly kneel to their Petruchios. Because these genetic discards cannot compete with legitimate men, they encourage degeneracy in the vain hope of getting their dicks wet.

Spraying the hollyhocks with lye is the only way they can propagate their diseased seed.

As men, it is our responsibility to bring girls back to their proper place. To lead them into their natural roles as wives and mothers. We men do not choose or reward girls for their clown college degrees, their meaningless cubicle jobs, or their supposed “intelligence.” We reward them for their willingness to please us and make us happy, and in doing so make themselves happy. No amount of phony education or career “success” will scratch that deep itch in a girl’s soul: the desire to serve a man.

Not a “guy,” not a “male”: a man.

Inside every Strong, Independent Woman™ is a suppliant girl yearning to break free. I say we give that girl a hand.

Matt Forney #fundie mattforney.com

If you’re a girl pursuing anything more than a high school degree, you’re in all likelihood wasting your time.

Encouraging girls to go to college and grad school en masse is one of the biggest mistakes America has ever made. The flood of girls into universities is not only in part responsible for the current economic crisis, it’s made it increasingly difficult—if not impossible—for both girls and men to fulfill their natural roles. At the same time higher education has been degraded by so many unqualified girls getting accepted into college, those girls have seen their egos unjustifiably boosted by their degrees, making them unsuitable to be wives and mothers.

In order for society to be cured, this has to be fixed.

Here are my reasons why girls should be discouraged from going to college.
1. Going to college makes girls less attractive.

Girls, in their socially sanctioned solipsism, assume that men are turned on by the same things that they are. Because girls crave high status men, they assume that men similarly find their high status attractive, which couldn’t be further from the truth. No man alive has ever said, “God DAMN, I love the master’s degree on that girl!” It’s usually “God DAMN, she’s got a rack that could stop a runaway train!” or “God DAMN, this girl’s cooking is to die for!”

As a result, four plus years of college more often than not ruins a girl.

For starters, the extended adolescence that is college encourages sluttiness, which wrecks a girl all on its own. All those hunks splooging in her vagina make it more likely that she’ll end up divorcing the man she does end up marrying. Sluts are emotionally broken, incapable of loving and serving men, squandering their gifts of femininity and beauty, constantly trying to trade up for a bigger, better deal that never comes.

Marrying a slut is like paying full price for a beat-up old clunker.

Additionally, college is problematic because it gives girls the illusion of knowledge. Outside of STEM degrees (which are deficient in their own way), few majors actually impart useful information to girls, yet they still think they’re entitled to respect for having the degree; credentialism at its finest. Girls come out of college without being able to cook, sew, balance a checkbook or perform any of the necessary tasks of modern living, yet they still think they’re smart and independent and don’t you dare suggest otherwise. Don’t forget the massive amounts of student loan debt that these girls rack up, which you become in part responsible for if you’re dumb enough to put a ring on it.

Woman is not a learning animal.

The two most fulfilling relationships I’ve ever had were with girls who hadn’t yet graduated from college—one was midway through her degree and the other had not started yet—because they hadn’t had their minds poisoned by the lies of academia. They were fun to be around, girly, and eager to please. They hadn’t had their hearts broken through countless drunken hookups. When I explained something to them that they didn’t understand, they actually listened to me and did what I told them instead of accusing me of “mansplaining.”

If girls are like gold coins, sending them to college is like dunking them in nitric acid.
1a. Girls who go to college are extremely likely to get sexually assaulted.

Given the massive rape epidemic on college campuses, universities are massively unsafe places for girls. As feminists love reminding us, universities are ground zero for rape culture; one in four girls will be raped before the end of her college tenure. Given this information, why would anyone who cares about their daughter’s well-being let her do something as reckless as going to college?

You might as well parachute her into the worst part of Detroit with a “FREE FUCKTOY” sign taped to her back.
2. Most girls major in useless subjects that contribute nothing to the world.

Feminists love bragging about how girls are now earning the majority of college degrees, but they never bring up the fact that the majority of girls’ degrees are worthless in every way. Girls predominantly major in subjects like ethnic studies, women’s studies, English, communications and the like that require no work of any kind and give them no job prospects. As Aaron Clarey shows in this video, the majority of useful (STEM) degrees are still going to men.

What career prospects does a 22-year old girl with a bachelor’s in Arachnid Sexuality have? Dim ones.

If they’re lucky, they’ll end up becoming lawyers, civil servants or HR commissars, careers whose economic and social value is less than zero; those fields exist solely to employ the unemployable and leech off the productive. A select few might hit the jackpot and enter politics, where they can do an even better job of sucking our blood; Clarey showed in his book Worthless that the majority of American politicians have degrees in useless, parasitical subjects like law (Democrats more so than Republicans). But the vast majority of girls will end up living at home when they graduate, struggling to make their monthly student loan payments on a Starbucks salary.

Clearly, slaving away for minimum wage is way more fulfilling than being a wife and mother.

Furthermore, having all these girls “earning” these pointless degrees has lessened the value of a degree period. It’s common knowledge that the rarer something is, the more valuable it is. When our parents were our age, college degrees were uncommon enough that merely having one guaranteed you a good job, and you could secure most jobs with a one-hour interview. Now that everyone and their mother has a degree, employers cross-examine you like you’re on the witness stand, scrutinizing your GPA, your extracurriculars and making you complete stupid questionnaires that analyze how good of a “team player” you are, none of which has any bearing on how well you can do the job.

In their childish quest for “independence,” girls have made it more difficult for everyone—including themselves—to get a good-paying job.
3. Having girls working makes it more difficult for anyone to earn high wages.

It astounds me how so many feminists have absolutely no knowledge of economics. Here’s a hard lesson for you girls: labor is a commodity. And like all other commodities, labor is subject to the laws of supply and demand. When the supply of a commodity outpaces demand, its price (in this case, wages) goes down; when demand outpaces supply, the price goes up. This basic law is why a Walmart in Canton, Ohio is holding canned food drives for its own employees while the Walmart in Williston, North Dakota has to pay its workers $21 an hour and give them free hotel rooms; labor is plentiful in Ohio and scarce in North Dakota.

Leftists lament how wages have stagnated since the seventies and how the gap between the rich and poor has never been wider, but they can’t admit that feminism is a big reason why Americans are getting poorer by the day. The mass entry of girls into the workforce that began in the seventies conveniently coincides with the stagnation and decline of American wages, as well as the decline of unions. Whereas a man could comfortably support his family on his own back in the fifties and sixties, it takes both parents working to raise a family today, assuming the couple can even afford to buy a house and have children to begin with.

Additionally, the presence of girls in the labor force has feminized the economy and made it less productive as a whole. Because girls are unable and/or unwilling to actually take useful positions in the trades, manufacturing or other blue-collar fields (“Eww, I can’t mine coal! I might break a nail!”), the American economy had to be reconfigured to employ them somehow. The solution was to demonize the trades and create new useless white-collar positions such as “human resources.” Corporations used feminists as pawns to help promote outsourcing and free trade in the eighties/early nineties and push pointless office jobs as the new middle-class ideal. And all of those coveted white-collar jobs conveniently required a four-year degree, enriching the (leftist) universities as well.

As a result, we live in a country where a girl who makes $30,000 a year at a nonprofit is more highly regarded than an electrician who makes three times that.

Not only that, girls have altered the workplace itself for the worst. Government bureaucracies and other female-run institutions are governed by rules both written (e.g. sexual harassment laws) and unwritten that make it impossible to be frank, encouraging cattiness and backstabbing. And with few exceptions, female employees all act as volunteer commissars, ready to blow you in to the bossman the minute you upset their feeeeelings. You can’t be direct or honest because you never know what your co-workers will find offensive, making it difficult to get any work done.

But it gets worse than that: feminism is in part responsible for the current economic crisis.

It was girls’ desire for a never-ending supply of cheap crap (more than 80 percent of consumer spending is controlled by women) that resulted in the outsourcing of American manufacturing to China and the rise of big box stores like Walmart that squash local businesses and pay their workers the bare minimum allowed by law. It’s girls fornicating with wild abandon and divorcing their husbands on a whim that has lead to the epidemic of single moms and the subsequent strain on social services. It’s girls going to the doctor every time they get a boo-boo that has resulted in hard-working, healthy men like me having our insurance premiums skyrocket under Obamacare.

And it’s girls being unable to pay off their student loans that will lead to the next economic collapse.
4. Education (and work) are bad for girls’ physical and mental health.

It makes me laugh to see how effectively corporate America has made feminists into their most favored pets. Whenever feminists crow about the “end of men,” what they’re really saying is “Ha ha, we girls make WAY better slaves than you loser guys!” Jezebel and Gawker Media exemplify this contradiction best; all the girls writing there eagerly sound the gospel of female empowerment to make money for a man—Nick Denton—who pays them barely above minimum wage. “Yes Massa, Pax Dickinson is a misogynist racist asshat! Can I pretty please have a cookie, Massa?”

But beneath this you-go-grrl facade is a well of pain and suffering.

Despite all the feminists telling them that they should be happy to be “liberated,” female unhappiness is higher now than it’s ever been. Far more girls than men are suffering from mental illness, and antidepressant use among girls has gotten so bad that the drinking water of major cities like London is turning into a toxic soup. Every Strong, Independent Woman™ knows in her heart that her life is hell on Earth; it’s only her pride that keeps her from admitting the truth.

Recently, a friend of mine who quit her job to become a homemaker and returned to the workforce when her children grew older admitted to me that she preferred being a housewife. Why? It was less stressful. When she didn’t work, all she had to worry about was taking care of her kids, cooking and keeping the house clean. While she and her husband are wealthier now that they have two incomes, her life is never-ending misery. Her (female) boss constantly belittles and abuses her; her co-workers are gossipy do-nothings who refuse to pull their weight, making her pick up the slack; her health has deteriorated to the point where she’s developed stress-related carpal tunnel.

From the kitchen to the cubicle; isn’t freedom grand?

The reality is that girls always submit to men. It’s unavoidable. The only question is what kind of man she submits to. Will it be to a husband who protects her, provides for her and will love her until death do them part? Or will it be to a CEO like Nick Denton or some other corporate manager who views her as a tool to enrich himself, who will kick her to the curb as soon as she’s no longer useful? Even feminism itself is an invention of men, specifically Rousseau and the philosophers of the Enlightenment; Mary Wollstonecraft and other female “thinkers” were never more than sideshow freaks.

Deep inside, girls know what they want; they just need authoritative men to give it to them.

If you’re a girl, you should only go to college if you can meet one or more of these criteria:

Major in something useful. Here’s a pointer to figuring out if a degree is useful; does it involve math? If not, you’re wasting your time. I recommend Aaron Clarey’s Worthless if you want more info.
Go to a quality school. If you can’t make it into the Ivy League or another high-quality institution such as UVM or Binghamton, you have no business going to college.
Have your parents pay for it. I don’t mean co-signing your student loans, I mean having daddy take his wallet out and cover your costs in full. If you’re rich enough that your parents can afford college without any loans, it doesn’t much matter what you do.

The rest of you girls? We’re here to take you back to the place you secretly long to be, the place where you belong: the kitchen.

Now, on your knees!

Matt Forney #sexist mattforney.com

It’s time to stop beating around the bush: feminists want to be raped.

It’s the only logical explanation for how they behave. It’s the only way to understand why they can cheer on hordes of Muslim “refugees” swarming into Europe to rape and pillage. It’s the only way to comprehend why they can whip themselves up into a frenzy over masculine men meeting up for a beer and smearing them as leading “pro-rape rallies.”

Everything feminists do, from holding up “Refugees Welcome” signs at airports to passing affirmative consent laws, is geared around encouraging men to assault them.

This isn’t a conscious urge. No feminist wakes up in the morning and thinks to herself, “I’m gonna try and get raped today!” There’s no Protocols of the Elders of Seneca Falls laying out a secret plot to turn females into walking fuckdolls for rapist men.

But deep in the recesses of her lizard hindbrain, the average feminist wants nothing more than for a man to shove her into a wall and force himself deep inside her.

Here are the reasons why feminists want to be sexually assaulted, and why they’re working around the clock to aid rapists.

1. Feminism is an r-selected ideology, and rape is an r-selected sexual strategy.

As Anonymous Conservative has shown repeatedly, leftism and conservatism are merely expressions of two competing reproductive strategies: r-selection and K-selection. To review quickly, K-selection breeds children to compete in a world of limited resources through a two-parent upbringing, defined by high sexual dimorphism, monogamy, late sexual maturation, and loyalty to the in-group (i.e. wolves). R-selection breeds children for a world of abundant resources through a single-mother upbringing, defined by low sexual dimorphism, promiscuity, early sexual maturation, and disloyalty to the tribe (i.e. rabbits).

The conflict between leftism (of which feminism is a subset) and conservatism is the conflict between r and K. K-selected individuals want a world that encourages competition and meritocracy, while r-selected individuals want a world of free resources: free food, free money, free shelter and free sex. In a K-selected world, men and girls have to compete to earn the right to mate with one another; in an r-selected world, men and girls have sex with no thought as to the consequences.

What does this have to do with feminism and rape? Simple: rape is the ultimate r-selected sexual strategy.

By its very definition, rape is an act of entitlement: forcing yourself on someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you, whom you haven’t earned the right to sleep with. Much in the same way leftists feel entitled to take other peoples’ money away through taxation and welfare, rapists feel entitled to stick their penises in girls’ vaginas. In fact, you could say that rape is an inherently leftist form of sex, which would explain why so many male feminists, such as Jian Ghomeshi and Hugo Schwyzer, enjoy assaulting and abusing girls.

Sexual assault is sexual socialism: redistributing nookie to the least privileged in society.

Feminists, being leftists, are r-strategists themselves. The purpose of feminism is to eliminate restrictions on female sexuality: allow girls to sleep around without getting pregnant, let them legally kill their unborn babies when they do get knocked up, and have it all funded by the taxpayer.

From an r-strategist’s perspective, rape is a good thing, because it allows a female to have children without having to do anything, aside from breathe.

It’s well-known that a great many girls have rape fantasies, and a significant number of rape victims claim to have orgasmed during their assaults. Both these points serve as evidence that a portion of the female population—the r-selected, leftist portion—not only wants to be raped, but is physiologically adapted for it.
Once you accept the premise that feminists subconsciously desire to have their vaginal walls torn up by psychopathic men, their behavior suddenly makes sense. For example, feminists are unwilling to condemn the Muslim “refugees” who have been assaulting girls in Germany and other European countries (and indeed, have accused those who talk about the story of “racism” and/or “Islamophobia”) because they want those refugees to keep raping.

The Muslim “refugees” streaming into Europe from the Middle East are the consummate r-selected cowards. Instead of fighting for their families back home, they’re fleeing to safe countries where they can live off government benefits. Instead of being grateful that Europeans are willing to take them in, they throw temper tantrums because their Internet isn’t fast enough, their food isn’t tasty enough, or they don’t have enough to do, showing that they are parasites looking for someone to leech off of.

Muslims rape European girls for the same reason that they riot over slow WiFi: they believe they deserve to get something for nothing.

Some right-wing personalities have tried to explain the left’s embrace of Muslim “rapefugees” with such nebulous concepts as “pathological altruism,” but the reality is much bleaker. In the darkest recesses of their minds, feminists want swarthy refugees to punch them in the face, tear their clothes off, and spit roast them like plump, juicy swine. Don’t expect them to suddenly realize the truth, either, because—

2. Feminists encourage girls to get raped, then deny all responsibility for their actions.

In the past few years, even the slightest suggestion that girls have a responsibility for their own safety is met with a chorus of “MISOGYNIST!” “DON’T BLAME THE VICTIM!” The oft-repeated feminist chant, “Don’t teach women not to get raped, teach men to not rape,” is an explicit call for girls to place themselves into situations where they’re likely to get sexually assaulted, then dodge all blame.

While some feminists are no doubt doing this out of naivete, the subconscious motivator for many of them is their r-selected psychology.

Personal responsibility is a K-strategist concept; in the rabbit warren, things just happen. By discouraging girls from protecting themselves, feminists are implicitly encouraging them to get violated, then pinning the blame on an undefinable “rape culture.” Which brings me to my next point—

3. Feminists talk about the West having a “rape culture” because they want a rape culture.

As mentioned above, the worldwide leftist outrage against Roosh and the Return of Kings tribal meetups far outstripped their reaction to the Muslim gang rape attacks in Germany and Sweden during New Years’ Eve. This isn’t just because of hysteria and slander: r-selected leftists are more threatened by masculine men than by cowardly Muslim rapists.

One of the most laughable claims feminists make about game/red pill/PUA culture is that it encourages men to feel “entitled” to sex and female companionship. Even skimming a manosphere blog will show that this is the opposite of the truth. “Game” and “red pill” philosophy teaches men that they have to earn girls by improving themselves: lifting, dressing better, having interesting hobbies, and being entertaining conversationalists.

If a morbidly obese basement dweller came onto the Roosh V Forum and started whining about how he couldn’t get laid, he’d be laughed at and told to hit the gym and get a life.

The reason why there’s always been an overlap between the seemingly hedonistic manosphere and the more traditionalist alternative right is because both groups have the same view of sexual relationships: men and women need to earn the right to sleep with and marry each other. The end destinations may be different, but the road is the same.

Feminists oppose this because leftists oppose competition in general. Feminist obscurantism in regards to sexual relationships (e.g. their claims that the “friendzone” doesn’t exist or claiming that men just need to “treat women like human beings” if they want to get laid) is about stripping men of their ability to compete for a mate. Similarly, pushing “fat acceptance,” tattoos and piercings, and encouraging girls to be “bossy” and sarcastic is about crippling females’ ability to compete for men.

To make matters worse, feminists have been trying to train men to rape girls for years. Their constant claim that the West has a “rape culture” is just wishful thinking: in actuality, rape has been on the decline for decades. Because of this, feminists have tried to legislate masculinity away through “affirmative consent” and “yes means yes” laws, which force men to explicitly beg for permission at every step of a sexual encounter, branding them “rapists” if they don’t comply.
Affirmative consent laws and “rape culture” claims are a two-pronged attack on masculinity, designed to advantage sneaky males and hurt masculine men, and there’s no sneakier male than a rapist.

Unfortunately, despite all the rape hoaxes the mainstream media conjures up, the “rape culture” that feminists screech about has yet to materialize.

The UVA rape story, for example, turned out to be a lurid, masturbatory fantasy passed off as “news.”

Because feminists couldn’t create a rape culture, they imported one from the Middle East.

From here, all the pieces fall into place. We see clearly why the European Union is debating banning one man from their borders and libeling him as a “rape advocate,” while letting millions of actual Muslim rapists flood their countries.

We see why leftists are driven to protest masculine men but not sneaky “refugee” cowards who abandon their families in search of government freebies and “easy” white women.

The goal of feminism is to turn women into rape-meat.

Every feminist, deep down, wants nothing more than a rapist’s baby in her belly. The armada of horny, restless, greedy Muslims storming into Europe is a bounty for the r-selected feminist. Leftists will wave “Refugees Welcome” signs no matter how many girls are forcibly DP’ed by angry Arab invaders, because Europe’s skyrocketing rape rates are a feature, not a bug.

The only thing that will stop the rape-lust of feminists and their poorly-endowed Muslim abusers is Western men having the courage to call it out.

There can be no compromise, no peace with these traitors inside the walls. While more moderate women can be saved, no one will ever be able to convince the termagents of the left that they should be more afraid of Muslim rapists than white “racists.”

They are our enemies, just as much as the dusky hordes planting their flags on our soil

Matt Forney #fundie mattforney.com

Every man out there has had to deal with a defiant girlfriend or wife. It’s the curse of Eve: girls naturally chafe at the yolk of the man they have submitted to, even if all they end up doing is finding another master to kneel to. But as much as she may deserve it, I don’t recommend uppercutting your girlfriend for a number of reasons. Not only do you run the risk of tainting her beauty with your fists—I personally don’t find Irish sunglasses arousing—but physical injuries will make it more difficult for her to please you. It’s difficult for a girl to go down on you when she has a broken jaw, for example.

So how do you discipline an unruly girl without permanently disfiguring her?

Answer: you spank her. Spanking allows you to inflict physical violence upon her—the violence that she loves—while simultaneously insulating her from permanent injury. All girls crave the firm hand of masculine authority on their behinds, and if you don’t provide it, she’ll find another man who will. Here is why you should spank your wife or girlfriend and how to go about doing it.
1. You will never get arrested.

Since most girls want to be spanked, it’s extremely unlikely that she will ever consider your weekly whippings to be “domestic violence.” Even if she doesn’t like the sting of your palm, her sense of shame will keep her from reporting you to the police. No girl wants her private life to become public knowledge, meaning that unless you’re a complete idiot, she will endure just about any humiliation you inflict on her. For that matter, even if she did report you to the police, they’d never take her seriously, which will further embarrass her. If you’re really worried, making a videotape of the two of you having rough sex will destroy her credibility in the eyes of the police, as if she were making a false rape accusation.

Spanking really is the perfect punishment: it lets you inflict the maximum amount of pain on a girl with the minimum amount of risk to yourself.
2. Spanking a girl puts her in her place.

One of the biggest problems with decking your girlfriend in the face is that it sends the wrong message. By expending so much physical effort on a frail little female, you’re implying that you view her as a threat. You wouldn’t try to kill an ant with an eighteen wheeler, so why would you treat your girlfriend like she’s a drunk biker at the bar trying to glass you?

Beneath all her huffing and puffing, she’s still just a girl.

When you put your girlfriend over your knee and whup her ass, you’re using the appropriate amount of force for the situation. By placing her in a submissive position and punishing her in the same way a father punishes an unruly child, you’re infantilizing her, imprinting on her her proper station in life. If she wants to behave like a child, you’ll treat her like a child. If she wants to be treated like an adult, she’ll have to put on her big girl panties and stop being such a brat.
3. It gives her an emotional release.

To girls, emotions are like semen, and if they go too long without some kind of release, they slowly begin to go insane. Starting fights, creating drama, moodiness and sulking: they’re the female equivalent of compulsive masturbation. Not only that, many girls will create drama and start arguments with you as a way of getting you to pay attention to them, same reason why a neglected child will go out of his way to cause trouble. “If he won’t hit me when I break the rules, it means he doesn’t love me.”

I wager the divorce rate would be halved overnight if men would just give their wives the occasional backhand.

Spanking a girl until she starts crying gives her the catharsis she’s seeking, in an environment that is mentally healthy for her. Her brain reboots and her desire to defy you is eliminated; her only thoughts will revolve around how to serve you better. Additionally, if you spank her for specific infractions, you’ll gradually program her to stop doing things that displease you, in the same way a child learns why sticking a fork into an electrical outlet is not smart. Females are infinitely malleable, and with time and effort, you can mold any girl into precisely what you want.
4. It feels good.

I always roll my eyes whenever I see someone in this part of the Internet say stuff like this:

“I wanted to be a nice guy, but it was YOU GIRLS who made me like this!”

Come off it. You enjoy the power and the prestige. You get a thrill out of dominating your girl, bringing her to heel. The flip side of feminine masochism is masculine sadism; yin and yang. The reason why men want big dicks, for example, isn’t because they want to impress girls or please them, but because they want to hurt them. Similarly, if girls want to be spanked, then it also follows that men enjoy spanking them. Whipping your girl lets you take revenge for all the frustration and anger she causes you. No words can adequately convey the sheer passion of palm against bottom, the anger sublimated and dissipated in a violent ritual that will bond the two of you closer together.

If girls want to be dominated, then men want to be dominant. You cannot have one without the other.
5. It lets you take control.

A few people are no doubt wondering, “Well, what if my girlfriend/wife LIKES being spanked?” The solution is simple: take control away from her. When it comes to spanking, most girls will top from the bottom; you strip her of this power by whipping her harder and longer than she wants. If she likes to be lightly spanked, you spank her until it hurts. If she likes to be spanked until it hurts, spank her until her butt is red raw. If she likes that, spank her until she has welts. You get the idea. The goal is to constantly violate her boundaries until you’ve conditioned her to behave exactly the way you want. And no, you don’t ask for permission, anymore than a father would ask a disobedient child for permission to punish her.

Remember, “no” means “yes,” and “stop” means “no.”

An undisciplined girl is like an undisciplined child. Without a man to lovingly correct her sins, she’ll keep on committing them, damning herself to a life of misery. Only when she is forced to directly confront the consequences of her actions will she grow as a woman. Psychological domination is necessary but not sufficient: a good spanking will bring even the most rebellious shrew into line.

Deep down, she’s screaming for a man to smack her for being a bad girl.

I hope this article helps men and girls better return to their natural sex roles. Fighting your nature is a losing battle; your only choice is to work with it. Happy spanking!

Maximus #fundie mattforney.com

I am asking you, dear reader, to put away the most destructive preconceptions about human nature and society that “modern” Western culture (our true culture was lost decades ago) has ever produced in man’s history: feminism, gender equality and the so-called oppressive evils of man and his so-called patriarchal nature.

I will present to you new facts and ideas whose only chance of a fair hearing will be if you put away every modern, Western, secular, religious, right-vs.-left, capitalist-vs.-socialist world view of the very real Matrix of lies and deceit that guide your every thought and decision in your life in this, the “modern and advanced” age of the 21st century.

Some of the cognitive dissonance challenges you will face in discarding your preconceptions of the world will entail contemplating the following:

The paradox that as supposedly equal as men and women are, the new scientific discoveries of genetics, biology and psychology of the recent 20 years is showing this to be a complete lie: males and females, man and woman, are 100 percent different in every way.
That much of what the ancients and folklore had to say about the sexes is being proven true by science.
That these differences between the sexes is not one of quality, but of specific kind. Qualitatively, the sexes are equally human. In kind, that is in their thinking and behaviour, we are not even on the same planet. Mars and Venus do have their separate and distinct orbits of existence apparently.
That to acknowledge these new truths is to acknowledge the profound consequences our currently false social, political and ideological 21st century paradigms are having on our children’s future happiness—nay, their very survival, right now, in the most disturbing and depressing of ways.
That acceptance of these new facts is going to require the biggest act of courage both men and women have ever faced in their evolutionary history. That we are going to finally have to work together as respectful partners, not equals, in the continuation of the human race and civilized society.
That to continue to deny this— to continue to embrace the politics of feminism and “equality” will, and is already in evidence, be the utter death and destruction of the entire human race as we rapidly approach the point of a uni-culture.

Some of the new facts and ideas you are going to have to evaluate and consider are:

That man, the male, is a miracle and the sole source of evolutionary creation in the universe.
That differences in thought, word and deed between the sexes is hardwired and naturally ordained.
That these sexual differences evolved for our happiness and proper functioning in order to continue to evolve the human race toward greater interconnectedness and intellectual and spiritual development.
That the male is responsible for Darwin’s evolutionary propagation of all sexually reproducing life forms on earth.
That the female is responsible for selecting new innovational, evolutionary paths and in a way only her feminine, whimsical, capricious and fanciful nature could possibly produce.
That man’s transition from cave to castle—the beginning of civilization—was only possible because of the sexual restraint and restriction of woman’s raw sexual power.
That in restraining and restricting woman’s sexuality, man’s innate creative talents were unleashed, birthing to the world the very philosophies, religions and politics that make the world the increasingly complex (and therefore higher evolved) state that modern, secular and effeminate man is now on the brink of destroying.
That the economic, social and political chaos in the world today is due to the lack of real men and women doing their part to restrain their more base and animal natures (which is why the elite encourage our debasement and debauchery on every flip of the media channel) .
- That the feminist definition of man and the theory of patriarchy is patently false and is in truth, a projection of woman’s violent, controlling and destructive nature onto men.
That patriarchy is the natural evolution of the human race in terms of social organization and is the only form that will push man to even higher levels of spiritual, intellectual and social complexity and advancement.
That unless we undo the past 50 to 100 years of feminist lies and propaganda demonizing men and masculinity, we will be returning to the caves and much of the world’s knowledge and wisdom will be lost for all time, until man once again learns to say no to woman’s neverending demands to serve the selfish needs of her and her progeny to the detriment of all.

Matt Forney #sexist mattforney.com

Merely banging a girl isn’t enough for a man: he needs to possess her very being to be satisfied. All girls have an innate desire to sign themselves over to a man’s dominion, and if you know how to play her emotions, you can be that man. If you’re in a relationship with a girl, this is how you can crush her self-image and own her mind, body and soul.


2. Dominate her physically and sexually.

Repeatedly violate her boundaries in small, petty ways, small enough that she’ll feel petty for complaining to you. For example, if you’re into anal sex and she’s not thrilled about it, the next time you take her from behind, stick your finger into her asshole. If she doesn’t like facials, cum in her hair instead. Lightly clasp your hand around her throat during sex like you’re going to choke her. (Do not actually choke her. That is dangerous.) Smack her on the behind when you’re out in public. The possibilities are endless.

The message you want to send her is simple: it’s not her body anymore.

Most girls want you to dominate them anyway, but the rationalization hamster and their conscious minds prevent them from articulating this desire. This is the broken windows theory at play: if she lets you get away with minor violations of her boundaries, she’ll accede to your bigger demands later on, letting you mold her into the perfect plaything. If she doesn’t violently resist getting her anus fingered, a little more pressure and you’ll be full-on sodomizing her, grinning as she whimpers between each thrust. Never ask her for anything, because asking is begging, and begging is contemptible.

3. Isolate her from her friends and family.

You need to be the primary emotional influence in her life, and you can’t do that if she’s leaning on anyone else for support. Gradually wean her from contact with anyone other than you. The easiest way to do this is to get to know her friends and family, scan them for character flaws, and then plant seeds of doubt in her mind. For example, if her mother is divorced:

“Man, it’s sad that your parents aren’t still together. Do you think misery loves company?”

Or if she has a friend who is known for being unable to maintain a relationship:

“Chelsea’s gone through three boyfriends in the past year. You think she’ll ever find a man?”

Like with point one, you want to frame your comments in a firm-but-neutral manner. If she suspects you’re attacking her loved ones, she will instinctively side with them. You want her to sever ties with them of her own volition by making her think that her friends and family are untrustworthy and trying to sabotage her chances at happiness— with you.

On this same token, you should limit her use of Facebook and other social media if possible, as well as limit the amount of time she spends with anyone other than you (work/school excluded). Any avenue through which she can gain affirmation from someone other than you is one you want to choke off. Not only will this increase her emotional dependence on you, it will make her more willing to please you; she’ll be less likely to wreck the relationship if she knows she’ll be all alone if it goes south.


A girl without a man is like a flower without sunlight. Without a guiding masculine hand, she will shrivel and die. Encouraging girls to have high self-esteem to find fulfillment is like encouraging kids to get protein by eating fast food: a poor substitute for the real thing.

Deep inside, every girl is screaming for a man to put her in her place.

I hope my advice helps men across the world bring their wives and girlfriends to heel. And the best part of all this? When your girl submits, she’ll be doing it of her own free will— or at least she’ll think she is.

Matt Forney #fundie mattforney.com

If you are a woman reading this, you have already submitted to a man, whether you’re aware of it or not. And the louder you deny it, the greater the likelihood that you’ve submitted to a bad man, one who abuses and uses you.

The state of woman is submissiveness, now and forever.

There is no way to escape it, short of putting a bullet into your brain. I don’t care how “strong” or “independent” you think you are, how much money you make, or how “equal” you think your relationship with your husband/boyfriend is: if you are female, you have submitted to the rule of a man. And when you think you’re rebelling against masculine authority, all you’re doing is exchanging one master for another.


It is woman’s lot in life to be ruled by man, not because of men but because of women themselves. In the absence of immediate masculine authority, women will chain themselves to anything that promises them food on the table and a warm place to sleep. And while women may chafe at their husbands’ or fathers’ yokes, even if they break free, they just find another man to kneel to. They’re trapped in a neverending cycle of submission and rebellion, never once realizing what they’re doing.

Sorry, ladies: as loudly as you may crow about how “strong” you are, you live in a gilded cage. You get to redecorate your cage whenever you want, but you can never, ever leave, except to move to another cage.

Matt Forney #fundie mattforney.com

Insecurity is the natural state of woman. How could it be anything else? Given their lack of physical strength, a woman on her own should be frightened as hell without men to protect her. If society were to collapse, all the Strong, Independent Women™ who read Jezebel and xoJane would last about five minutes before they either found a man to cling onto or got raped and killed. In the bellum omnium contra omnes that is mankind’s default existence, a woman who is alone is a woman who is already dead.

One of the most commonly repeated tropes of feminists and manboobs goes something like this:

“You should be happy that women nowadays are independent, because it means that they’re with you because they WANT to be with you, not because they’re dependent on you.”

This is a fundamental violation of the relationship between men and women. Part of our identity as men based in women needing us, if not necessarily in a material sense, then in an emotional one, though material and emotional vulnerability often go hand in hand. That female insecurity is a crucial ingredient for unlocking our inner masculine instincts. If a girl needs me, feels that her life would end if she were to lose me, I’m doubly inspired to be there for her, to shield her from the cruelty of the world. Frankly, it’s pretty hot. If she just wants me, could take me or leave me, my gut response is one of apathy. “Yeah, whatever babe.”

Confidence doesn’t give men erections; vulnerability does.

In order to love someone else, you need to be emotionally vulnerable, more so women than men (as girls are attracted to confident men). You need to be willing to open yourself up, to give yourself over to their judgment, to risk being hurt and rejected. Without this emotional openness, any relationship you have will never go beyond the infatuation stage. But girls today are told to erect gigantic walls around their hearts, cutting them off from an crucial part of their humanity. The emotional dissonance from this feminist social engineering is why antidepressant usage and mental illness are skyrocketing among young women. Ordinarily a depressed or insecure girl would seek solace in the loving embrace of a man, but daily hits from her good friend Saint Xanax short-circuit her feminine instincts.

In squelching her inborn insecurity with you-go-grrlisms and drugs, the modern woman has become an emotional cripple. Like a fat slob eating Big Macs instead of a juicy steak from the supermarket, she substitutes having a dominant and confident man in her life with lotsa cocka and dating where she considers herself an “equal.” She views men as a life support system for a penis, an accoutrement, no different than her Manolo Blahniks or snazzy new iPhone. When she gets bored of her boy-toy, she tosses him in the trash and moves on to a newer, shinier model, and if she can get cash and prizes for trading in her old clunker, that’s just the icing on the cake.

Essentially, “confident” women are incapable of viewing men as human beings.

When manboobs and feminists say you should be happy that women today are “independent,” this is what they’re arguing for; a world in which romantic relationships are impossible. Where men are nothing more than fashion items to help women show how cool or sophisticated they are. Sorry, but homie don’t play that game. If I’m not the center of a girl’s world, I’m not going to be in her world period.


Real life fails the Bechdel test.

Feminists can claim that women don’t need men, but their actions put the lie to that; they need us far more than we need them. Girls will all but die without masculine attention. Hell, I’m even starting to think that the feminist agita about “rape culture” is part of this as well. Pushing lies like the claim that one in three women will be raped during her lifetime and their constantly expanding the definition of rape are ways for feminists to indulge their desire for vulnerability in a way that doesn’t conflict with their view of themselves as “strong” and “empowered.”

At the end of the day, there are no Strong, Independent Women™. There are only shrews pleading for a taming. All the posturing, the pill-popping, the whining and demands for “equality”; they’re a cry for help. Girls don’t want the six-figure cubicle job, the shiny Brooklyn 2BR, the master’s degree, the sexual liberation, none of it. They want to be collectively led back to the kitchen, told to make a nice big tuna sandwich with extra mayo and lettuce, then swatted on the ass as we walk out the door.

I say we give them what they want.