
amercrutio #homophobia nationaljournal.com

The issue is why do homosexuals lie about all these problems. Every single homosexual or in between was molested by homosexual men. So how many homosexuals are there in the U.S.. some say 4 million homosexuals in the U.S., but no way only 4 million would determine the policy of over 200 million. So again with homosexuals we have people who lie about who they are and what they do. But take the 4 million number. That's four million little boys who were molested over a period of years and no one has been prosecuted. Every homosexual man should have a file by the police and ask these men who molested them as little boys since that is clear that happened.
And you admit the problems with anal sex. Couldn't care less about homosexuals except in keeping little boys from being molested.
The scams of homosexuals like the Catholic Church using religion to molest little boys, other charities like Sandusky, and an adult in CA told me of his foster child experience of being dropped of every Saturday at another homosexuals house where he would be sodomized.
Reasoned, logical. Since homosexuals are not born that way a logical, rational, reasoned, position would say that since rights are based on birth, and homosexuals are not born homosexuals, there is a lot of discussion needed as to what their rights really are.
There used to be heterosexuals Creoles who built and owned the city of New Orleans who would hang molesters of little boys as the only way to stop them. There are no heterosexual Creoles in New Orleans because they were all murdered by homosexuals.

MeMe #fundie nationaljournal.com

The country known to us as "America" is dead and gone. The greatest country in human history expired November 6, 2012 with the re-election of Obama. Dont blame Cruz for America's demise nor the "citizens" that voted for loon poop. Blame falls squarely at the feet of fruit loops, wingnut and loon poops who didnt turn out and vote him out. Period. America, like a patient in the ICU, is being kept "alive" with loon poop, QE3, money printing, and generous welfare programs. We all now live in Obamastahn, a bankrupt loon poop banana republic with no regard for the rule of law. Once the remnant of Americans who are toiling away at their jobs pooping up Obamastahn with their income tasxes come to their sensess the sooner we can start talking about loon pooping a new country. Till them we should move to Togo. Obamastahn is not worth fighting for.