
Olive Tree Ministries #fundie olivetreeviews.org

The World of Harry Potter
Many Christians do not reject Harry Potter because they believe that Rowling’s character-filled Hogwarts’ School of Witchcraft is just such an imaginary place of made-up fun. Rowling herself claims that her stories are just fantasy, but extensive research by Wendell Amstutz of the National Community Resource Center in Rochester, MN has demonstrated the appearance of over 60 kinds of actual occult practices in the first four Potter books. Therefore, the dangerous deceit of Harry Potter lies in the fact that much of Rowling’s “imaginary" construct is based on the actual, “real world” values, beliefs and practices of the occult – specifically Wicca and Satanism. The world of Harry Potter is a false fantasy world: it is authentic occult fiction - albeit vicarious - occult experience presented as make-believe.