
Seiya Morita #transphobia onthewomanquestion.com

The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women


3. Trans ideology encourages so-called ‘gender reassignment surgery’ for some men to create fake sexual parts of women on their own bodies to more directly possess and colonise womanhood. They can always admire in the mirror the reproduced fake breasts and other women’s parts on their own bodies, and they can touch them whenever they like. These body parts are pornographic ones reproduced on their bodies. It is embodied pornography.

4. Trans ideology makes girls believe they are men if they behave in a ‘non-girly’ way, and it denies their womanhood by giving them puberty blockers, cross hormones, and breast removal. This is another form of the colonisation of women. [...] However, these classical colonialists did not go so far as to whitewash even the bodies of indigenous peoples. What they did, at best, was to control their minds. But the trans-identity movement does more than that. It not only reshapes the minds of colonised girls but also their bodies.

The transition of children makes global pharmaceutical and medical capitalist’s profit through drugs, surgery, and re-surgery for the rest of their lives. The economic basis of 21st-century imperialism is global capitalism, and the same is true of trans ideology. [...] Alongside the development of the global sex industry, the global development of the trans ideology movement creates a constant and ever-expanding source of profit for global capital.

5. The trans ideology movement physically colonises women’s spaces, by assuming that women-only spaces are transphobic and by allowing men (who self-identify as women) to freely enter them. Whether in toilets, public bathrooms, changing rooms, prisons, or shelters, there are no longer women-only spaces in countries where trans ideology has taken hold. These are now spaces to which men have free access. The most important feature of classical colonialism was to occupy the territory inhabited by the indigenous peoples, to abolish their exclusive spaces, and bring them under control. Women now face this same process.


Seiya Morita #transphobia onthewomanquestion.com

The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women


6. Trans ideology allows men who self-identify as women to occupy women’s political positions as ‘female legislators’, to deprive women of honour as ‘women’s successes’, and to break into women’s sports, women’s contests, and all other women’s events to dominate and colonise them. A particularly disastrous result has been produced in relation to women’s sports. Men with physical advantages, who can achieve only mediocre results in the men’s competitions, enter women’s sports by claiming they are women, and steal medals, prizes, and recognition from women.

7. Trans ideology hijacks and colonises even lesbianism. Men who are merely heterosexual, claim to be women who romantically love and exclusively sexually desire women, and therefore pronounce themselves lesbians, taking lesbianism conceptually away from women and attempting to directly physically dominate (and sometimes rape) real lesbian women. Lesbians are the women who have rejected men the most and have tried to escape penile imperialism the most, and so, for the imperialist men, this is precisely why they must be colonised.


8. Trans ideology arbitrarily draws a ‘cis-trans’ distinction among ‘women,’ and names ordinary women ‘cis women.’ Giving women the degrading name of ‘cis women’ is the same colonialist act as when Western colonists or imperialists called the local population ‘savages,’ ‘Indians,’ ‘Gooks’, ‘Chinks,’ or ‘Japs.’ In the case of the prewar Japanese imperialists who colonised the Korean peninsula, locals were forced to adopt Japanese names.

9. More thoroughly still, women labelled ‘cis’ are described as more privileged than ‘trans women.’ Although women are the largest and oldest minority in human history and have been consistently oppressed, discriminated against, exploited, raped, objectified, and killed since the beginning of male dominance (patriarchy), the group is now deprived of even this minority status. And a man who has enjoyed male privilege all his life, but one day declares he feels he is a woman, is considered more oppressed than any ‘cis woman.’ Thus, women are deprived of the right to speak out about the injustice of their imposed status. This is dehumanization at its most thorough. [...]

Seiya Morita #transphobia onthewomanquestion.com

The Trans Ideology Movement, Global Capitalism, and the Colonisation of Women


But, over the past 20 years or so, another form of the colonisation of women has emerged. This is transgenderism or the trans ideology movement. In the West as well as in Japan and South Korea, those who chant the mantra ‘sex work is work’ are one with those who chant the mantra ‘trans women are women.’ They constitute almost the same political movement, the same ideological current, and the same interest group.


This is where transgenderism comes in. It is the most thoroughgoing colonisation of women. It is so in a variety of ways, as below.

1. First of all, transgenderism dominates and colonises the very category of women by changing the definition of women so that men can freely enter into it or gain access to it. For an oppressed group, defining for themselves who they are is the minimum guarantee of their autonomy. Transgenderism deprives women of precisely that. Just as the Western imperialists colonise the people they seek to dominate by defining who they are, and by determining the boundary between them and the rest of the world, the trans ideology movement, also born in the West, makes women something conceptual and ideal by saying that even a man can become a woman because his mind and/or behaviour is feminine, and/or he self-identifies as a woman. Being a woman now ceases to be an objective, material, and political fact, and becomes an idea or feeling that men are free to possess. Women are robbed of their final sovereignty. Self-determination as an oppressed group becomes impeded because the group is determined to not exist (leading to the question “what is a woman?” lacking any coherent answer from many politicians in league with transgender ideology).

2. Transgenderism reduces ‘womanhood’ to practices of dressing, having long hair, applying makeup, and behaving in ways that are largely considered ‘feminine.’ Then, some men take possession of ‘womanhood’ reduced to such external adornments. Sometimes they even brazenly say that their parodies of femininity are more realistic than the real women they mimic. This is similar to colonialists accepting and promoting exaggerated caricatures of indigenous peoples as more authentic than the real ones
