
Anthony Zyrmpas #racist orgyofthewill.net

Look up the list of the most populous countries in the world and you will understand the "race" and "culture" abysses. Indonesia has almost the same population as the US, but isn't producing anything. Dozens of countries with hundreds of millions of people each, and you never hear of a single good thing coming out of them; Nigeria has 170 million people and all they ever make is spam. What do all these people do all day? Their populations are so worthless they can't even be used for so much as even soap. The sweatshops we put them in are a gift from heaven for them, the slavery we give them is a gift.

Anthony Zyrmpas #racist orgyofthewill.net

The Arabs. Disgusting goatherds and camel-fuckers. The only reason anyone is concerned with them today is because they happened to spawn on the planet's oil reserves.

They shined at the precise moment when Europe was at its lowest — the Middle Ages — but even a candle can shine in the darkness of the night, when the sun is over the horizon.

Nietzsche, and several other great thinkers, said some good things about them, but none of those people ever actually MET any of them (much less went to the Middle East to experience first-hand their so-called "culture", which is what we all experience, to a thankfully small extent, when we pass through their wretched stinking ghettos in our great cities today), so their ignorance and naivete can be excused.

Anthony Zyrmpas #fundie orgyofthewill.net

Misogyny, from Greek misos (µ?s??, hatred) and gyne (????, woman), means "hatred of women". The idea here is that, because I call things as I see them, and recognize the fact that women are, on the whole, less intelligent than men, THAT I HATE THEM. This is the kind of inference that only subhumans would make: i.e. one that DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE. For there are billions of lifeforms in the universe which, on the whole, are less intelligent than men in general, and me in particular, but from this fact it in no way follows that I hate them. Take my dog, for example.

Does the fact that I realize he is far less intelligent than me mean that I hate him? Am I a "miscaninist", a "misdogist", because I say that dogs are stupider than men? Am I not allowed then to love anything that is stupider than me? Is it necessary that I place everything I love on an equal basis with myself — even if all signs point to the fact that they aren't? And the same goes for "homophobia" (as if anyone would ever be afraid of a fag lol), "race hatred", and the like.

But of course the subhumans' inference DOES make sense, if you understand their language, and do not misinterpret what they are saying as I did above. For the only reason to hate someone is if you feel yourself inferior to them. When the subhumans charge me with hatred of women, or of fags, or of dogs or of trees or rocks or whatever, therefore, all they are saying is that I am inferior to them. I tell them that I am superior, and they reply "But no, you are not superior, you are inferior", which though false, certainly makes perfect sense. But to understand this you must speak Subhuman ;)

Anthony Zyrmpas #fundie orgyofthewill.net

Ultimately, I reject sexuality because of the impurity of its reproductive process. The smartest girl I've ever met is a monkey compared to me, the smartest woman I have HEARD of is a child, and I am going to mix up the genes of my brain with THAT? The subhumans will find this outrageous, but the subhumans are addicted to a bunch of chemicals in the brain and can't see beyond an orgasm, so of course they'll be outraged; they have their eyes ON THE NEXT HIT, not on the future. And besides, their genes are so mediocre that the worst that can happen to them by mixing is more mediocrity, and if they are lucky they might even get a lucky hit. That's why sexual reproduction is indeed a sound strategy — IF YOU ARE MEDIOCRE.

Now it's true that in the long term, if I get a good wife, and if our children mix with other good children from good families and have many descendants, a higher race, or at any rate a higher tribe will result, as with the aristocrats of old. But there is no more higher caste to protect and nurture them today, and my son could very well pick up some plebeian slut because she is pretty. He wouldn't be compelled to find a wife FROM WITHIN HIS CASTE, because THERE SIMPLY WOULDN'T BE ONE. Also, I wouldn't have many children because it's not the custom anymore. What modern wife would agree to give birth five or ten times? Also, I want immediate results, if possible, not a hundred years after I die. Ergo, the only way forward for us is cloning.