
Gabriel Tanejo #fundie proudatheists.wordpress.com

Gabriel Tanejo
Submitted on 2009/09/20 at 6:39pm

Yes, happy first and LAST anniversary.

Your sins are too mighty to repent for, our Father will send you all to hell when you die! I will hack into this website and destroy it; and find your personal information too, so I can blow up your house—but your destiny is so fucked up that I don’t know why I would bother! I may, however, hunt down your friends and family and slaughter them—that would cause you great pain, would it not? I have gotten signs from God that approve of doing this to all fucking atheists! Someday you may find a gun at your head, or cyanide in your drink, or a grenade in your home—but I will kill you, make no mistake! The sooner you go to your eternal punishment, the better!

Dee McMillan #fundie proudatheists.wordpress.com

(Regarding Brad Pitt's comment about being 20% atheist and 80% agnostic)

"One more time:
Well I thought about it, I’m an atheist and agnostic when it comes to you Brad Pitt, BECAUSE I DON’T BELIEVE AND DEFINITELY DOUBT I WILL EVER SEE ONE OF YOUR MOVIES AGAIN.

My final say for the moment: Your last name Pitt seems to be appropriate because you are going to one. The “Pits of Hell” if you don’t change your ways. God have mercy on your soul."