
Iva Biggrudge #fundie sciam.com

The Earth/Moon pair is less than 50,000 years old based on how fast they are moving apart. Working the math backyards yields this age. Nasa knows and is hiding it. But THEY told us the moving apart rate.

The Moon has only one and a half inches of silt. Asimov predicted 54 feet SINCE it is there being beaten by the Sun for "billions of years". Nasa wasted millions building detachable duck feet on the lunar lander to keep astronauts from being swallowed alive. One almost peed himself with fear while landing, fearing this. But see Armstrong's footprint.
Using Asimov's own math and the real depth of the soil yields a max age of about 6-7 thousand years.

Bishop Wilberforce of the Catholics computed all those boring "begats" in the Bible and found the time from Adam to Christ is about 4004 years. We know the time from Christ to us as the current year, 2008. Adding the two together yields a planetary age (according to God) of about 6000 years. So the Bible is closer to fact than Isaac Asimov and his evolutionary buddies.

Astronauts found that sticking their rock dating thermometer thingy on one side of a moon rock gave a completely different "age" reading than on the other side (especially the underside). So it's all crap.

Carbon-14 and all other chemical dating methods are flawed and KNOWN to be so by the very guys who invented them. For them to work even halfway right, you have to know how much carbon-14 (or whatever) was already there in the beginning. If a candle is an inch tall and burning at 1 inch per hour, it has one hour to live. But how long has it BEEN burning? That depends on the length of the candle, no? That is the initial value. Without it, the math is useless. AND THEY KNOW IT, because we told them.

They employ circular reasoning. They date fossils found in stone by the kind of stone they find them in. Yet they conversely date the stones by the type of fossils found within them.

Why do they do this? Because they know they can't trust Carbon-14, etc.

So why do they tell you it's trustworthy?

They say, they get their initial values from "index values". Those are just numbers printed on paper. Where did the data come from? Who went back in time and found out how much Carbon-14 was up old T-Rex?

I have just demonstrated three or four of their outright lies.

Hiding data is the same as lying. Taking tax money to fund a cult religion is theft.

And you trust your immortal soul to these guys?

Iva Biggrudge #fundie sciam.com

Sir, do me a HUGE favor and ask your grandfather who suffered thru the Holocaust, how he feels about you turning your life over to the very belief system that put his fanny there.

Again, I'll be waiting here.

Was it believers in gravity or EVOLUTION who called Jews an "inferior race"?

By the way, the scientific method is what invalidates evolution as science. Since it cannot be falsified or verified without a time machine, it falls outside the realm of observational, empirical data. THAT and that alone is why it is philosophy. The fact that everyone who believes in it does so by FAITH that would make a Muslim bus bomber blush, is what makes it a religion.


Iva Biggrudge #fundie sciam.com

I'm glad you asked. Actually New Orleans is a center of wickedness in America. Annually, college kids go there to get drunk, show their breasts in public and raise hell during Mardi Gras.

All Americans know it and wink at this evil, just as we wink at the voodoo black magic the natives do down there. Voodoo is African demon worship. They get drunk or high, spit flamable booze onto a bonfire and try like hell to summon a demon that they foolishly think will then somehow be their slave.

Yeah right.

So we humans might wink at it, but God takes a dimmer view of such crap.

He sent a Hurricane called Katrina to wipe those people and their town, New Sodom, off the map. It did. When we evacuated the devil worshipping, booby floppers to Houston, God sent a SECOND hurricane and wiped out that "safe spot" next.

Apparently, nobody noticed but me.