James May #fundie sermoncentral.com
In the dark days of World War II, Hitler’s Third Reich, that was supposed to reign for 1000 years, was determined to rid the world of any remnant of those who were of Jewish ancestry. The death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Dachau and many others belched smoke and fire day and night for many months as the bodies of many of the 6 million Jews that died at the hands of German tormentors, were burned to ashes. This great crime upon humanity was designated as the “Final Solution” for ridding the world of Jews whom Hitler and his Aryan race considered as little more than vermin.
I’m here to tell you that God has designed His own “Final Solution” for all those who live in rebellion and sin. That will not just include Satan and his fallen angels but will also include every man, woman and child over the age of accountability that chooses not to live in obedience and to not accept the great salvation that is offered through the death of Jesus upon the Cross of Calvary.
God’s final solution is far more horrible that the gas chambers and ovens of Hitler’s death camps. God’s final solution, borne of His wrath against the sin and evil that has broken the laws of Heaven, is eternal, without end.