
SivaSakti #magick sivasakti.com

A great secret in the practice of sexual continence is the learning of the mechanism of orgasm. There are, both men and women so skillful in the art of love with sexual continence that they can experience at will orgasmic states and even induce these ineffable states in others, even without physical contact.

The sexologists define the orgasm in a non-poetical manner. They say that the orgasm is “a trance accompanied by the losing of the contact with the reality”.

By the tantric opinion, the orgasm is a beneficial state of expanded consciousness in which the usual limits of the being are spontaneously dropped, limits of the mind are abolished and the subject plunges into the abyss of beatific void.

When one lives the orgasm, he/she discovers with amazement the abandon of himself facing the ecstatic experience, the abnegation, the “death” of the ego, the dissolution of time and space, the bursting of a state of unity of contraries.

All these effects make the state of orgasm be identical with the state of spiritual bliss. For this very reason, in Tantra, the state of spiritual illumination is also named “Cosmic Orgasm”. So, do not mix up the orgasm with a simple pleasure or sexual satisfaction.

Even though lately a lot is spoken and written about Tantra, just a few really knew what does it mean. Tantra is an Eastern spiritual system that has as main purpose the “unification of the contraries at the all levels of the human being”.

In Tantra, the man and the woman are seen as expressions or reflections of the two most fundamental macrocosmic energies, represented by the Shiva (the male principle) and Shakti (the female principle), in any form they would appear.

The balanced union of the two opposite poles, the female one (yin, negative) and the male one (yang, positive) drives, in the end, to the liberation of mind and body, a liberation of the presupposed endless cycle of unconscious reborn and ultimately to the deification of the human being.

The man and the woman potentially include in their beings the entire world’s possibilities and experiences. When they are in fusion, these possibilities reveal themselves in a new harmonious way and produce an Ineffable Unity, a state which is at the basis of the entire creation.

Tantra can reunify a scission produced a long time ago in the western society between the sex and spirituality. In no other source can you meet such harmony between sex and spirituality. Tantra is a way of spiritual evolution, of love fusion integrated as a sacred act, which has the only purpose to drive us closer to the Supreme Absolute (God).

In order to facilitate such a fusion at the all levels of the human being, Tantra uses a variety of physiological, psychological, devotional and spiritual techniques. We aim to present the most representative and efficient techniques.

Tantra is absolutely not in contradiction with the Christian religion and for this it can offer to the modern and over-challenged men an accessible manner to improve his life, to be happier, to make peace within himself and with the others, to live the erotic fusion more profoundly, more intensely and more prolonged.

Tantra or the cult of ecstasy is a spiritual way rather based on the mystic experience of the play than on the rigid dogmas, as it could be wrongly thought.
In Tantra, the erotic act becomes sacred, being a veritable cult, an adoration. It is a life gift. The tantric art, the lyrics and the rituals glorify the erotic act.

The tantric adepts proclaim the life entirely and learn to discover the divine spark in the human being. They use all their senses, the mind and the spirit to reach the summits of the mystic experiences.

Tantra offers a vision of the illumination and of the transcedency totally different from all the other branches of yoga. In Tantra, the path towards liberation passes precisely through the heart, which is to be consciously opened to the others.
“Nobody will succeed to obtain perfection by using difficult and dull operations. Perfection can easily obtained by the use of the most satisfying of all desires.”

Kularnava Tantra

Tough these two sciences have different objectives, one spiritual and the other experimental, they often meet in an amazing manner. The “horizontal” study of sexology does not get as close to the spiritual, “vertical”, magic aspect of sexuality, which is specific to Tantra. Sexology is a medical science of the sex, which studies its physical and psychical aspects and dysfunctions.

From the tantric point of view, sex is considered to be the “brain” where the alchemycal transformations of the sexual matter in energy take place. Tantra starts from the point where sexology ends. Evens so, the sexology often describes certain special orgasmic experiences similar with those described by Tantra Yoga.

According to the contemporary sexology and the tantric tradition, in order to obtain a profound sexual harmony in couple and to refine the love experience, it is recommended to consider the following elements:

The suppressing of the sexual taboos
Being very much aware of everything – sensations, energies and feelings related to the sexual organs
The aspiration towards a spiritual kind of eroticism, by stimulating the tension of libido
The physical and psychical sexual auto-stimulation
The training and the practicing of the neuromuscular relaxation
The education and the gymnastic of the intimate (sexual) muscles
The active participation of the woman in the love fusion