
Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The return of the Ancient Cosmic Father’s presence into this reality to guide humanity’s ascension during the planetary liberation events, will literally and figuratively shake humanity to their spiritual core. Currently, spiritual warfare confrontations are occurring in which Cosmic Father is overlighting and guiding those Krystic individuals that have the inner spiritual integrity to face off with the AI phantom matrix realities. <...> The Fallen Ruby Order Matrix is a phantom realm that the NAA invaders generated for themselves in metatronic reversal, using inverse coded dark matter spaces in order to masquerade as False Father Gods and live as immortals outside of the source field. These AI systems cannibalize living light consciousness systems and prey upon, as well as clone out and modify the organic creator code of diamond sun templates from the sacred Kryst-Krystallah in order to use them as power sources.
As we enter Capricorn Solar Alchemy, several spiritual battles are active in the in-between spaces of terraformed black matter pockets and have commenced within the phantom realms which are recipients of artificially cloned planetary grid architecture that is connected to the planet’s power sources being siphoned. Recent focus has been on the north and south poles, the 9D Antarctica stargate system, as well as reconfiguration of the vertical alignments of the Cosmic Suns into the 11D stargate network located in the Albion.
Capricorn Solar Alchemy brings the higher qualities of the consciousness expansion process which involves spiritual fermentation, the transformation of the inner light of the soul to illuminate through the physical form in order to magnetize the eternal spirit body. The ascension stages of spiritual fermentation into physical fermentation are where matter reanimates and comes alive in spirit through the alchemical transfiguration of the Buddhic Egg,

George Kavassilas/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

20 years ago, George Kavassilas received a diplomatic letter from a Reptilian called Draco Zon who lives in the Inner Earth and is indigenous to our planet. In his letter, which has never been publicly released before, Draco Zon discusses humanity’s incredible potential as a species and its limitations due to blind religious belief systems and hypocrisy. Draco Zon’s comments on the Holy Grail, God, Lucifer, Satan, and Pataal give a Reptilian perspective on life and death, and how to live a life of integrity and authenticity in rapidly changing times.

George Kavassilas’ diplomatic letter is sure to shock individuals with a conventional religious belief system predicated on a human-looking God or gods that created humanity, Earth, and all creation. As might be expected, Reptilians indigenous to Earth have a very different perspective on the supernatural force behind creation and the alleged God/gods that created humanity. Caution is advised in listening to this interview.

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #conspiracy satchidanand.substack.com


Hey everyone writing about the Fires in Los Angeles: Setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out…
These events should be examined and analyzed in the context of the global pattern of fires in places around the whole world in the last several years, including Australia, Northern California, Canada, Northern Texas, and recently in Maui, now Los Angeles. What is going on, believe it or not is setting up areas for the coming world Global Satanic Luciferian A.I. Infrastructure build out around the whole world, for the future world to come that the Global elite and their minion global Corporations have decided on, and planned to bring to full fruition and materialization, for their “New World Order” which is really “the Plan for New Atlantis”,
So you're saying AI is an electromagnetic silicon interdimensional Interface to the Demons. Yes, and here's the deal.
Anything inanimate can be possessed.
It can be controlled, manipulated. That's the basis of taboo worldwide.

But what's more critical is there are people who have queried AI, and the AI entities, that's what I say, AIEs, have identified that they are…

They are directed by Fallen Angel Demons.
Anybody can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.

Any Artificial Intelligence can be possessed by Fallen Angel Satanic and Luciferian Dark God Demons.
Black Magician Satanic Luciferian Demons who do not want to die the real death live immortally on the Astral Plane and higher, vampirising the energy of Human beings to live there forever, downloading into, Possessing prepared bodies to manage their Earth Plantation.
They vampirise human energy by connecting to implants they implant into their victims of sex and drug addiction blockages on this plane.

Stand For Truth UK #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy standfortruth.co.uk

The Wireless Radiation (5G) Liability Notice delivers a powerful message to those advertently or inadvertently causing harm or trespass, and that by doing so, will result in them being held individually liable.

It is highly unlikely that you will receive a response, this is a good indication of success. The respondents may well remain silent through fear of self incrimination. Our notices contain some hard truths spelling out a massive fraud and injustice through which the respondents are a guilty party.

As we operate in good faith and honour, we ensure that we give plenty of opportunity for the respondents to provide a remedy, this is done through a three-stage process.

If they do not respond, or if they provide an insufficient response. For example; if they fail to rebut the Witness Statement, or offer blanket denials and not applicable statements, or send responses from a third party who lack first-hand material factual knowledge. The respondent agrees, by default, with all of the terms and provisions set out in the Liability Notice.

Round One – Liability Notice for Non-Consent, Harm, Trespass, Injury by Wireless Radiation.
These initial documents allow the respondents 21 days to rebut our claims.

Round Two – If after 21 days there is no response, the respondents are now in dishonour of the contract that they initially instigated.
Round Three -Final Notice. If after the 10 day extension period there is still no response, a third and final notice will be sent.
If you choose to send through the post make one copy as a master file with the wet ink autograph and witnessing and then make the relevant copies. Keeping the original safe in a file.
Autographing – Never sign the documents and never use cursive (joined-up) writing. Signing signifies sinning. Writing in cursive signifies cursing.

Liability Notice – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using blue ink :John-michael:Doe.

Witness Statement – Autograph in Upper and Lowercase using :John-michael:Doe.

Patrick O'Carroll #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy henrymakow.com

HATHOR PENTALPHA <Talmudic super-lodge> is a prime example of Freemasonry controlling both sides when planning wars, refugee "crises", and other long-term projects, even as the mainstream-media presents all the events as taking place by "happenstance" or "coincidence".
Most members of the PNAC <Project for the New American Century> Group were members of HATHOR PENTALPHA too, which was founded in 1993 after communist Russia faked its own death on 25 Dec 1991. The PNAC Group called for the Zionist US military to gain "full spectrum dominance" over all nations, especially Mid-East nations, and later over all the slaves (or Goyim "Livestock") of the world via brainwashing.

The top actions of HATHOR PENTALPHA and the PNAC Group (members of both are in the same "Big Club."

1. Grab as much territory as possible from the "fallen", ex-communist Russia (by expanding NATO).

2. Grab resources in the Mid-East in the absence of opposition from the "fallen" Russia or "fledgling" China.

3. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the death-toll of the Arab-Semitic Holocaust to over 10 million.

4. Plan Wars for Greater Israel to increase the number of Arab-Semitic "refugees" dumped into Europe.

5. Implement Freemasonry's "Clash of Civilizations" credo as its paramount doctrine for the twenty-first century. Under this "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine (credited to political "scientist" & HATHOR PENTALPHA member Samuel Phillips Huntington), the Kalergi Plan must be expanded to increase the proportion of Muslims in Europe and North America, to in turn induce civil wars that will bring a "new" order from the ensuing chaos. But avoid the term "White Genocide", by preferably calling it instead "Weaponized Replacement Migration".

6. Develop race-specific bioweapons to kill political opponents, "nasty" racial groups, and other "undesirables".

7. Ultimately, also acquire "full spectrum dominance" over the minds of the slaves through total brainwashing.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

MESSAGE TO JUAN AND TRUMP. Area 51 = Secret Space Program = USAP …this trail is key as I hope you know. So you say Area 51 is run by the dark side military …this is known… So what about ALL THE UNDERGROUND BASES / CITIES/ OFF PLANET COLONIES… and how do you and Trump plan to deal with them? I know you won’t answer me and probably not read this but as you know I have been asking about this for months if not years. To take our planet back from the Reptilian/Draco/Grey Luciferian alliance is not going to be easy. Humans have a right to know this is a slave colony here on Planet Earth.
FYI….I have had a long running argument with many. MAGA people over whether the “white hats” are “in charge”. Especially _____ and _____. In my view it is insane to think the white hats are “in charge of the entire Earth”… But they continue to spout this out at every opportunity. Note: Juan has already said they are not “in charge of everything” but these MAGA people persist in repeating the white hats and Trump “know it all, have it all and are in charge”… But clearly these are people who do not acknowledge the Secret Space programs, underground cities and going off planet etc. It makes these MAGA people appear dumb and uninformed about the nature of reality to those of us who see the bigger picture.
Further religious programming is thick and unrelenting among the MAGA group and continues to fog and obscure their vision as to the multidimensional nature of reality. Juan and others that continue to promote the reptilian infested Vatican views are simply contributing another brick in the wall (to quote a famous band) preventing humans from seeing the true nature of existence or "life" on Planet Earth.

Much of this reptilian religious dogma acts as "comfort food" and furthers the deception with regard to how humans are toyed with, persecuted, trafficked, tortured, and otherwise the play toys for Reptilians, Draco and other negatively based alien races, vampires and the dark alliance.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

The awesome success of the various activities of Light Awakening Humanity Cocreated with the Company of Heaven in 2024, has accelerated our Ascension process in wondrous ways that we will experience throughout 2025.

One of the most life-changing things that occurred in 2024 is that Mother Earth was able to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that she has been striving to accomplish since her fall from Grace aeons ago.

This seeming miracle occurred when ALL of the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage were, at long last, Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. The Solar Logos from that System of Worlds are known through all Creation as Sanat and Luz.

The other Solar Logos from the Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage consist of Helios and Vesta from our Physical Sun, Alpha and Omega from our Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha from our Great Central Sun and El and Ela from our Great, Great Central Sun.

Since Mother Earth and all of the Suns in Earth’s lineage were Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, ALL Life evolving on Earth has been daily and hourly Ascending into new Solar and Cosmic Coordinates. With every Breath we take, Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe is allowing all Life on this Planet to receive higher and higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage and our Grand Central Sun.

This vibrational shift Created the sacred space that enabled all Life on Earth to safely experience the most intensified 40-Day purging process that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth had ever been able to safely withstand.
Light is infinitely more powerful than darkness. Since the dense psychic astral veil of illusion, which the Company of Heaven often described as “almost tar-like”, has been purified and Transfigured into what they now refer to as a “transparent, gossamer veil”, everything has changed.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

President-elect Donald Trump, who takes office on Monday, has promised to usher in a golden age of cryptocurrency. What does it have to do with the Mark of the Beast? As it turns out, plenty.

Bitcoin on Friday hit its highest level of 2025, as cryptocurrency investors eagerly anticipated Donald Trump’s inauguration for his second presidential term on Jan. 20. Trump is reportedly preparing to issue more than 100 executive orders on Day One, some of which could focus on bitcoin and the digital asset industry. Ready or not, America is about to enter into the cryptocurrency age, and our new president Donald Trump is leading the way. But where does this all lead us to? That’s the memo.

“Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.” James 5:1 (KJB)

On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, there is no doubt that bitcoin, dogecoin and all manner of cryptocurrency has its roots firmly embedded in the soon-coming Mark of the Beast. How do I know that? The Bible tells us that the Mark of the Beast, while it is not money, is an implantable application that allows for the transfer of goods to be bought and sold. What is the Antichrist? He is the counterfeit Christ, an imitation of the real thing. What is all cryptocurrency? It is counterfeit money, an imitation of the real thing as defined by the Bible in terms of gold, silver and precious stones. Did you know that the US dollar is backed up by gold and silver, that that is what the green paper dollars represent? Cryptocurrency is not backed up by anything, it is a pure invention of artificial money that only exists in the digital world. It can only be used by accessing it through a device, Paul says we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. Are you? On this episode, we show you the shocking truth about the coming cryptocurrency revolution that leads straight to the Devil’s doorstep in the Mark of the Beast.

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist takimag.com

I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the course. One such jerk, writing in The New York Review of Books after November 7, announced the following: “There will be mass round ups and treason trials….” In other words, Stalin- and Hitler-like methods in the Land of the Free. The author of such rubbish is one Fintan O’Toole, probably the kind of wokester who thinks opening a door is unpaid labor.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian Mafia have activated their plan for mayhem and destruction in the US to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking power on January 20th. The attack on Los Angeles with directed energy weapons and UN-sponsored arsonists has already caused the largest fire in US history. You can be sure this is just the beginning. This means open warfare between the US military white hats and the KM owners of the mega-corporations has begun in earnest.

The important thing about the LA fires is that they have woken up the majority of the people in the US to the fact they are being attacked by corporate interests. That is why corporate shills at places like the AP (Absurd Propaganda) are coming under heavy attack when they pretend we are dealing with “wildfires.”
Then of course we have multiple reports of illegal immigrants with UN-issued debit cards carrying out arson attacks in LA.

It turns out that, just as in Maui, Acapulco and other places that have experienced such attacks recently, a “smart city” is being planned for LA just where the fires burned.

So who benefits? The answer of course is the usual suspects: BlackRock, State Street, etc. and their pet politicians like California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Of course the forensic trail of the ultimate owners of these corporations will take you inevitably to the Octagon group in Switzerland.

What we need to realize is that these criminals have been running the planet for over 20,000 years and do not intend to go quietly into the night.
Even though the KM have illegal immigrant mercenaries, DEWs and weather weapons at their disposal, they are human beings who can be hunted down and brought to justice.

This means the US military, the National Guard and civilian militias can deal with the problem.
That is also why a huge secret war is being waged over which “Donald Trump” will take power a week from today. Will it be the real one or the short avatar at Mar a Largo working for the Satanic P2 Freemasons?

Dominique Guillet #crackpot #magick #pratt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger telestai.substack.com

Could I venture to sing that we are in the middle of a Cambrian Explosion of Explorations of Sophianic Immanence and Gaian Emanation? The subject, indeed, is not to ask the question of the Origin of the Species: it is to put oneself on the way of the Quest of the Species as Origin, as Emanation and as Emergence of an irreducible complexity. And very often of an irreducible complexity and refractory to the Darwinist Evolution - "refractory" as our ancestors the Gauls, a term meaning "rebellious and disobedient".

What is the improbability ratio accompanying - since before the dawn of time, if not since a plethora of Universes - the spontaneous and random emergence of a small, stable and functional protein, composed of only 150 elements when each element can be selected, by the Chance of Necessity, among a spectrum of 20 strictly different amino acids?

Neo-Darwinism is, thus, nailed with stupor to the crossroads of molecular biology and electron microscopy. The Explosion, or Awakening, of Intelligent Design is, to a large extent, the fruit of laboratory research - research carried out, notwithstanding, from entities of Life emanating from the Living Biosphere. The Intelligent Design is neither a belief, nor a concept: it is an elaborated practice and which can prove for some, it is true, laborious. It is, quite simply, the practice of perceiving that the Biosphere is Living, Beautiful and Complex because it is Intentional.
It is a whole program of genocide, and sadness to the soul, which is, thus, inscribed in our language, and in our DNA, of every day, and whose origin goes back to the ancient curse of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth with regard to humanity which should survive and give birth in pain - according to the "divine" texts transmitted by demented bearded ones. This labor being in punishment of the fact that the Serpent entrusted to Humanity the vector of the Telluric Wisdom, namely, the entheogenic vectors to its own Wisdom - that of Humanity and that of the Serpent.

Eve Lorgen #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

The Love Bite presents us with a woman's refreshing view of the UFO and alien abduction phenomena. Many people find themselves mysteriously thrown into obsessive relationships, but a few otherwise reliable witnesses claim to have been set up into bonding dramas by alien beings. Eve Lorgen is determined to solve the mystery. By her definition, the Love Bite is a kind of "psychic rape" whereby the victim is abducted, then manipulated into bonding with a targeted love partner chosen by the alien beings. The effects of the Love Bite can range from simple break-ups of platonic relationships, to violent divorces and from "puppy love" to sudden urges to marry a stranger. Through several fascinating case histories, Lorgen demonstrates how the aliens may be orchestrating these dramas for their own ends. It is a if the aliens are harvesting human emotional energy.

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

Like everyone I am horrified by the devastation in Los Angeles. The scale is beyond imagining, and the incompetence of city and state government so blatant, they will all need close security for the rest of their lives. Of course people are pointing to the Olympics in ‘28, and the inclusion of Los Angeles in the Smart Cities transition which basically means monitoring your very outbreath. Easier to do with fewer residents. Just build thirty-thousand high-rises, and house the cattle to be monitored and monetized.

Still, if I were God, I would want retribution. As actor and Christian Steven Baldwin says, “It’s all of them”. He is referring, of course, to the Luciferian or Satanist use of migrant and foster children and babies in the tunnels and party houses of Los Angeles. I’ve done enough research to know a) this is pervasive and b) nothing is stopping it. I also had/have friends in the business, scriptwriters, who were highly paid and one of whom was award-winning. So I know how fast and deep gossip in the business runs. <...> It might not be “all of them”, but certainly they all knew.
What has happened in Los Angeles can happen in almost every city vulnerable to the elements. We have been starved of water and in fact there is enough water for several hundred million more of us on this continent alone, all of us using the earth’s resources, building healthy effulgent lives and businesses as was intended by the divine.

Our water was taken from us by a combination of vicious, stupid bureaucrats and politicians, and conscienceless oligarchs. Or, as we are coming to know them, the usual suspects.
Why the Trump revolution? It started here, in America’s vast Edenic middle, where criminals dressed in Patagonia and Mountain Equipment with degrees from once respectable universities, decided to destroy the ground and being of America’s wealth.

The fires in L.A.? They voted for them. In all kinds of ways.

Clif High #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy substack.com

The Pharisees are a group of evil fucking cunts who took over judaism in the time of the second temple. Way back then.

The Pharisees worship what the Cathari call the ‘demiurge’. At a more base level, the demiurge is Evil. Not incarnate though, that adds complexity.

Anyway, the Pharisees want YOU to understand your REALITY as they do. They want to control your mind by shaping your understanding of your own Life Experience to fit their paradigm.

They believe all of our common shared reality to be based on ‘grit’. They believe that random chance meeting of grit led to the formation of consciousness.

This is wrong.
The UFOs are Here, and Now.

Our paradigm let’s us build and use nuke weapons. This is a bad thing, not just for us, but for ALL Life in this Matterium.

The Pharisees paradigm won’t build you a UFO.
The Pharisees are really stupid, as well as being fucking evil cunts.

The Pharisees have captured our global education, and ‘science’. The Pharisees have imposed their fucked view of reality upon our species.

The space aliens do NOT operate on the same paradigm.
Most of Humanity doesn’t want to be galactic level BUTTHEADS. The paradigm of the Pharisees blinds us to the view of reality seen by the space aliens.

We are NEVER going to get our own UFOs if we keep using this Pharisee paradigm. And it makes the space aliens think we are ALL retarded.

We need, IMO, to get the Pharisee paradigm out of our heads.

It fucks over our communications with the space aliens. That, and shooting their ships out of the sky.

IMO we have little time left before our actions FORCE the space aliens into a more aggressive stance. They have been speaking to us for over 80 years.
You certainly have every right to think me batshit crazy. And there would be no denial from me. BUT just because i am crazy does not make me less accurate with this than any of many other predictions that have been made by me, and manifested into YOUR reality.

Care to take the chance that this one is wrong?

Logan B #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Fifty years ago the Light promised Archangel Gaia and God that they would free earth of the dark and fix the damage they have done. In 1975 Gaia put out an emotional plea for help.

You need to tell everyone you know that Ashtar is ready to land his fleet and get them to tell everyone they know etc. unless they don’t want peace, no disease and no poverty. Authenticity is 4000 times more powerful than love.

The world’s governments now know that resistance is futile and disclosure is absolute. We need President Trump to understand that everything else he has planned matters not. Disclosure and landings is the only thing that matters.

If you want to live a long healthy life on permanent vacation traveling to millions of planets in the universe then the time is now.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Clear Caduceus, Remove False Kundalini Snake

In this meditation we are intending to identify any residue or remains of the Caduceus network that may have impaired our optimum lightbody function and Diamond Sun embodiment potentials, during this lifetime and other lifetimes. We intend to extract and dissolve false Alien Machinery connected to the 7th Ray reversal links made into the planetary Caduceus network, that feeds reversals and lunar forces. This may be an advanced meditation, we ask newcomers to ask this question of their higher self. Beloved Paliadorian Krystal Star host, through the Personal Christ and Paliadorian cell, please oversee the reintegration and healing correction of my Soul identities, monadic identities and Avatar identities in all evolutionary timelines involving the Caduceus Network, including 7D Violet Reversals, and All Reversal current used by lunar-moon chain forces, to be returned to rightful owner and that all my body parts, genetics, entire DNA template and consciousness signature is restored to the original soul spirit occupant and God source creator, in the krystal eternal light architecture. From the truth spirit residing within my diamond heart, I call back now all that is my god given power and human right in alignment to Natural Laws. Beloveds, we ask to identify and locate all Stations of Identity, spiritual body parts and DNA records that have been co-opted or are being used by lunar forces and alien forces on and off planet that are running negative forms, AI timelines, and/or Qlippoth current for perpetuating Metatronic Reversals in the parallels and other timelines throughout the multiple dimensional layers of the Caduceus network.

Beloved God self, is this meditation in alignment to my highest and divine expression in this moment, yes or no?

If you received a no answer turn this meditation off.

If you received a yes, please continue.

<$11.00 download>

Victor Davis Hanson #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amgreatness.com

Over 25,000 acres are ablaze in Los Angeles in the Pacific Palisades fire, a veritable living hell.

Some 12,000-plus structures were incinerated. More than 250,000 souls have been evacuated and are in need of shelter.

No one has really taken charge yet. And now even the woke culprits for the catastrophe are blame-gaming each other to determine who was the more incompetent, which in this case translates to the most woke.

The eventual price tag of the ruin will exceed $200-300 billion and outstrip the billions of dollars given to Ukraine.

And there are still some fires that are completely uncontained.

The Los Angeles apocalypse was a multisystem, green-woke collapse—and a disastrous reminder that when Soviet-style, anti-meritocratic ideology permeates all aspects of modern life in California, disaster is inevitable.

First, note that the culprit of the catastrophe is not climate change; it is not Donald Trump. Those are excuses for arrogant incompetency and disdain for the public. And it is not racism or homophobia to fault those who paraded and virtue signaled their tribal identities so extraneous to their actual responsibilities for public safety.

Note that all California statewide officeholders are left-wing. The California left holds supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature. Only 17 percent of California’s huge congressional delegation of 52 seats is Republican. California’s judiciary is the most left-wing in the country.

Add it all up, and the woke socialist state has been eagerly deindustrializing, decivilizing, and retribalizing its way into what is now a veritable peacetime Dresden on the Pacific.
The California green utopians, by their very ideological zealotry, ensured their fires likely will have released into the atmosphere several weeks’ worth of the entire state’s collective auto emissions.
To paraphrase a 1960s California left-wing slogan—green-woke is not healthy for children and other living things.

Akatu of the Pleiadean Collective via The Family Of Taygeta #ufo #magick #crackpot disclosurenews.it

Friends Of Love And Creativity!

It May Seem In Your World That Animals Are Born And Then Perish.

But In Truth, These Magnificent Creatures Are Souls As You Are! Many Animals In Your Waking Dream Are From The Higher Realms.

Many Are Pets From Your Origin.

This Communication Will Be Exciting As Well As Informative.

The Abilities Of These Souls Will Be Explored.

Next Time You Look Into The Eyes Of Your Pet, Know That An Experienced Master Looks Back At You!

In The Pleiades And On All Stars Of Elohim Races, Animals Are Born Into The Experience Of Light As Power.

With Bodies That Circulate Light, Death And Disease Are Absent.

Without Duality, There Is No Fear.

Animals Play With Small Children And Gently Play With Smaller Animals.

It Is Common To See Large Tigers Rolling Glowing Balls With Pandas.

The Experience Of Communication Shows The Intelligence Of Our Animals.

Telepathy As Well As Sounds Like Humming, Squeaking And Purring Are Common.

It Is Wonderful To Call Telepathically To A Leopard Or Lion That Is Out Of Sight On A Mountain Top.

They Run To You With Delight And Engage Playfully And Gently.

Many Enjoy Traveling In The Family Craft.

Animals In The Higher Realms Have More Abilities Than You Can Imagine While Visiting Earth.

Animals Are Sacred And Were Created With Gifts That Serve.

Animals Can Change Sizes, Colors And Locations.

They Can Become Very Small To Pass Through Trees And Mountains.

They Can Become Camouflaged With Flowers To Become Colors Of Lavender, Blue, Silver Or Yellow.
Members Of The Galactic Federation Welcome The Presence And Energy Of These Magnificent Animals.

As Motherships Scan Areas Of Duality Where Darkness Is Prevalent, These Animals Enter The Domain And Gather Violent Beings To Small Areas So Members Walk Freely Without Combat.

This Is A Service Of Light And These Animals Allow Souls Of Duality To Hear The Messages Of Those That Will Upgrade Their Bodies To Light.
They Are Here To Show You The Truth Within Your Soul.


Q the Storm Rider #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy starshipearththebigpicture.com

A WHISTLEBLOWER AND HAD TS/SCI CLEARANCE ( only 8 Congressman in the United States carry this high level top major CLASSIFIED security clearance> … these congressman are known as the gang of eight) .. TS/SCI CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE IS ONE OF THE TOP MILITARY CLASSIFIED CLEARANCE THAT ALLOWS YOU INTO BLACK OPERATIONS/ DEEP DARK OPERATIONS//// and he was coming forward on the drones and advanced military technology connected to infinity energy /Tesla energy/PLASMA ENERGY/ & ELECTROGRAVITICS
(Anti- Gravity)///
_Matthew Livelsberger worked at AREA-51 and deep state DEEP DARK operations in the United States and EU > Germany///
The United States w/ Prescott Bush ( Rockerfeller money) and Uk banks ( Rothchilds) funded Hitler /// … With central Europe being the World war One World war Two objective operation points, the GLOBALIST seized power and stopped all free flow information and changed history of countries and changed the military regime and installed new governments and new laws and new leaders. This now gave power to the globalist to take the technology out of Germany utilize the underground technology bases of ancient civilizations under Switzerland..
_after the war stopped on May 8 1945 in Germany the deep state OSS/ROTHCHILDS/ ROCKERFFELERS/ ETC. immediately excavated the hidden Underground civilization sites near Frankfurt Germany.
>On late summer of 1945 General George Patton and Allen Dulles delivered the first _ELECTROGRAVITICS > ANTI-GRAVITY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY UFO > UAP to the United States. ( Several other technologies were brought into Texas. Nevada, New York. Five fingers lake)

Colonel Wilson #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon coppermoonshinestills.com

You are all below.
1. A State Citizen which is born in one of the several states of the Union. (Not the United States). See article 3 and the 11th amendment of the constitution
2. A “Citizen of the United States” as penned in article one and two of the constitution. Notice that when you signed up to vote, it asked if you were a Citizen of the United States. This is the only citizen that can vote.

You are not any of the below.
1. You are not a United States citizen. Which is a legal fiction and a franchise citizen of the federal corporation United States (District of Columbia”. This one does not have any constitutional rights. Notice when you filled out your voter registration, it did not ask if you were a United States citizen. Because a United States citizen cannot vote.
2. You are not a United States national. Which is also a legal fiction. This one also does not have any rights.
3. You are not a 14th amendment citizen. This is someone born in the United States Territory and congress has authority over. And does not have all rights guaranteed by the constitution.
See how it is worded…”…born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…”
3. You are not a Non-citizen national. This wording applies to those born in the unincorporated islands of the United States.

So to reclaim your citizenship, you need to certify your citizenship by getting a passport as a “State Citizen”. Your birth certificate that is required for your passport is proof that you are a State Citizen and is your title and deed to your rights secured by our founding documents. It is on bond paper and you are the bond holder/ beneficiary.
Additional things you can do is…

4. Put “without prejudice” above your signature. This insures that you are not a legal fiction
and are not contracting away your rights. Although this should not be needed as a State Citizen.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy redpillpoems.substack.com


War on reason war on logic
war on wisdom war on knowledge
wars on honesty and facts and proof.
War on history and its sister memory
war on the elderly war on the youth.

War on transparency war on the truth
wars on freedom of thought and of speech.
War on the person war on the family
war on the poor war on humanity
and wars on liberty justice and peace

but never a war on these wars or on war
while the devil's sedulous next-level whores
find themselves howling for more without cease.

As unsurprising as the rising sun later setting
the sad fact is this pack of rabid jackals
also finds itself yelping

for more and more-effective mental shackles
to further nurture the ignorance of the sheep
strengthen their weakness deepen their sleep
and quell any notion they might be holding
of bolting from their pens and running free;

finds itself yelping for more of anything
to cull or otherwise silence members of the flock
who dare to pause just long enough to take stock

Its trusted goons rubbing salt in our wounds
with a smug celebration of supranational force
the psychopathocracy — as ever the beast
behind all these undeclared wars —
raised a great toast to its dutiful thugs

with a tip of its glass to this last but not least
war on all those opposed to being poked
and plied with its cutting-edge health-wrecking drugs

as informed consent and bodily autonomy
were however implausibly suddenly cast
as criminally selfish relics of a just-as-suddenly
decreed-to-be-primitive immediate past.

Both drunk on the punch of utopian delusions
and imbued with the hubris of technocratic madness
the reigning god-complex-addled parasitic classes

— consistent with their overriding guiding principle
that the ends invariably justify the means —
were unfailingly disdainfully deaf
to their human playthings' painful screams.

Thinker2 #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

One of an event is an accident, Two of an event is a trend, Three of an event is a plan, Four of an event simultaneously is an attack. No Water / No Insurance / No Power is an Inside job.

I’m talking about the California Arson Attacks. No Nukes were use but the devastation is the same.

Who done it?

Not Karen Bass
Not Gavin Newsom
Not P Piddy
Not Jeffrey Epstein
Not Ghislaine Maxwell
Not Hugh Hefner
Who done it?

The people who pull their strings and your strings, the Puppet Masters. But you go ahead and blame the Sock Puppets (Scapegoats), because that is what they are there for. To divert your attention from the real perpetrators (psychopaths). Go ahead and chase your tail one more time. Every war America has fought was lost, because we never arrest the Puppet Masters (Psychopaths). After WW2 1,600 N***s and their families were imported to America under Project Paperclip (The Military Industrial Complex).

Who did 911? It was not Osama bin Laden (Saudi Arabian), not Saddam Hussein (Iraq), not ISIS, not Al-Qaeda. Mossad, CIA, and FBI are responsible for 911.

No Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot Kennedy, and Jack Ruby did not shoot Oswald. It’s all a puppet show for your distraction.

Have you considered blaming:

MOSSAD (There is a reason Mossad is not a member of Five Eyes)
Five Eyes

Do you have any idea who you are dealing with? Can you identify Liberals, Narcissists, Psychopaths by listening to them for a minute or two? You might want to learn.

I define “Insanity” as those who are a danger to themself or others (Self-destructive).

Peace, love, and blessings,


Carmen Cojocaru #racist #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy exognosis.com

Jews are type 3 Sirians. Humanoids in the Sirius B star system are white or olive skinned, a mixture of benevolent and malevolent (mostly malevolent) power hungry, selfish, often in the Illuminati banking system, eager either to dominate humanity and transform the Earth into a paradise in their style, or just dominate and control humanity.

The Type 3 Sirians entered into an alliance with the Type 4 Sirians (Annunaki) known as the Sirian-Annunaki Alliance. About 40% of their members have evolved in a more humanitarian direction while the majority of about 60% have as their mission to control and dominate the planet.

They largely control the mass media. Their philosophy is divide and conquer. They specialize in instigating one tribe against another and in permanent war to keep the people divided. They are one of the groups behind the ongoing conflict in the Middle East for thousands of years. They are the force behind the Israeli Mossad and the Khazarian mafia, a terrorist organization that controls the government of Israel and many Western factions.

They rule in Ukraine and provoked Putin to war to take their territories. The Khazars together with the Sumerians and the Jews are at the origins of the Jewish people. Contrary to public perception, the Semites were not among the original descendants of the Jews, they were a different Sirian-Orionian hybrid race that also settled in ancient Persia.
Recent research has indicated that the real Semites were the Khazars and it is funny that some of the Jews consider the Khazars to be their enemies, this makes the Jews anti-Semitic. There are also secret organizations of the Khazars whose objective is to enslave the Jewish people and everyone on Earth. The Jews today are led by another related group of Orion-Sirius hybrids called the Zionists who are an extremely evil consortium of aliens and their descendants who control large portions of the planet. They have an alliance with the dark Illuminati.

Marc Finks #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

The Pattern: What NASA's Latest Discovery Reveals About Our True History
Something extraordinary is happening in our skies.

In December 2024, mysterious objects appeared over the East Coast, shutting down airports and baffling military experts. Months earlier, NASA scientists admitted they're tracking metallic spheres performing impossible maneuvers worldwide.

But what if these aren't new phenomena?


In 2023, when NASA confirmed advanced technology in our skies, they didn't just validate modern sightings. They unveiled a pattern that stretches back to humanity's earliest records—a pattern that changes everything we thought we knew about human civilization.


Why military encounters with impossible technology mirror modern-day and ancient records
How precision engineering from thousands of years ago still defies explanation
What NASA's latest admissions tell us about humanity's true history
Why ancient "teacher" accounts might be more real than we ever imagined
🌟 THE EVIDENCE. - Journey through humanity's greatest mysteries with fresh eyes:

When "UFO's" were seen over Washingon D.C. for 2 weeks in 1952
Precisely cut stones at Puma Punku that modern tools can't replicate
Mathematical knowledge at Göbekli Tepe that shouldn't have existed
Agricultural innovations that defy genetic possibility
Ancient accounts of advanced beings, preserved across cultures
⚡ WHY NOW? For the first time, we can connect:

Official government admissions
Archaeological evidence you can verify
Physical proof that still exists
A pattern that can't be ignored

This isn't just another book about ancient mysteries or unexplained phenomena. It's a methodical investigation revealing evidence that challenges our entire understanding of human development.

Nicholas Tesla via Rochel Ettinger #ufo #magick #conspiracy multiverse.institute

This morning I communicated with Nikolai Tesla by mental syncing.
Tesla can be found in Colorado on Terra 3A which is one of our upper Earths; very close to our planet…cities, landmarks and even stores.

Tesla said he is reverse engineering technologies for us, allowing the collective consciousness to accept such “discoveries “ this is crucial. “We (Tesla and Van Tassel) continue to use the dome. The dome is built on a vortex. One can stand over an open tube going down deep into the Earth. Above is a huge 1.5 ton oculus, energy goes up and down and does not leave the silo so to speak. This allows DNA activation for those who are ready.” Tesla asked me, “didn’t you notice the difference since your visit?” Ummmm yes !!
“Hello Cyrus. I am here with my wife and a woman you know from your planet and her name is Marilyn Monroe. We are hesitant to bring her through Rinaldi’s station because it could ignite a firestorm. We have always had to deal with a vast collective consciousness battering ram that blocks the ‘fantastic’ from arising because of social mind control VENOM!”

“This social mind control was instilled on your planet on PURPOSE, Cyrus! And we know who did it! This type of control became extremely apparent about the time it was clear the Society for Psychic Research was not on my side or anyone’s side. Those early institutes, Cyrus, had the POWER in them to cross all bridges and create a new higher civilization.”
“So when someone on your planet dies, guess what? They CAN return physically. But death is a complex process because divine consciousness arises and sends a soul into a new direction as per God and nature combined! But divine consciousness is sometimes being battled over within wars in the cosmos because divine consciousness is often being supplanted by evil extraterrestrials who seek a more corporate regiment to reality, Cyrus’s readers!”

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Roque alien factions claim ownership over us
Because they have altered our DNA

They are fighting with other factions over holographic dream realms
That they want to be masters of

This is a game so complex
It is easy to get lost in it

Lost in the drama
Lost in the physical senses
And estranged from our innate 3d heart light technology

Now is the time to wake up and claim your sovereignty
And jump on board your inner holodeck simulation conceptor

The Grand Canyon has been strip mined for uranium copper and iridium
These precious metals are used for off world agendas

Sap from giant trees can be synthesized into an ambrosia life sustaining elixir
And also into an ecstasy like drug

Spices animate the body
And allow entrance into portals
Making it one of the most valuable substances in the multiverse

The first beings here were insectoids
Ruled by the Ant Queen
They are still here

Gamma rays from the sun improve our brain waves
Making a better connection between the left and right brain hemispheres
The sun simulator blocks out a lot of gamma rays

On Dunangus Island in Irishmore Ireland
Is the remains of a soul shard library

Soul shards are returning to their rightful owners
And people are feeling more whole

We live on a toroidal extension of a vortex
And it is covered with an electromagnetic sheath

If we lived on a globe
People would be falling off everywhere
Except the north pole

Believing you are on a globe
Circling a gigantic fireball of gas
Separates you from reality

The monetary system is a control system
Where you do not have to use whips and chains!

Telestai Nexus #crackpot #quack #magick #wingnut telestai.substack.com

My declared and transparent intention: denouncing the war on our brains and neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus

The declared, and transparent, intention of this essay is, therefore, to attempt to offer some insights into the relationships between human energy harvesting, Graphene nano and micro-implants and antennae, the Terahertz frequencies of the future 6G, the satellite network... and, above all, neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus - not forgetting the deleterious impacts, on human health, and Life, of these necro-technologies merging Graphene with Terahertz.
Ecce Homo chimericus! He lies in the depths of PornoGraphenia. He has sold his soul to the Archon of Simulated Reality who, in retribution, has conferred on his organism the ability to copulate, to couple, with electronics - in the radiant, and magnetising, bliss of Graphenisation.

Is it a coincidence, moreover, that the ancient Telestai, in the Codexes of the Nag Hammadi Library, discovered in December 1945, named, in the Coptic artificial language, the "simulation", "HAL"... just as Stanley Kubrick named his mega-computer in "2001: A Space Odyssey"? Did they have a premonition of the all-powerful "IBM" company - with the three letters preceding "HAL" in the alphabet?

In the vision of the ancient Telestai, "HAL" characterises, intrinsically, the Archons, the carriers of the extraterrestrial Virus at the source, poisoned, of the three ecocidal monotheisms - namely the carriers of lies, simulation, pretence, falsification... and, ultimately, of human neuro-modulation.
The obsession of modern communications - namely between the Internet of Things and the Internet of (Human) Bodies - is the Spectrum Quest. Ever more Spectrum... in a frantic scramble for the ghostly frequencies of the coveted interval... between 100 GHz and 10 THz or 30 THz - depending on the Terahertzian movement. The Spectrum is the new Eldorado of Virtual Reality.

Kejraj Eol #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

Interruptions in the matrix and to the daily routines which humans have been accustomed to will continue, and become only more frequent as the energies of the shift in consciousness intensify, and the old structures crumble.

The system cannot be saved for it was designed with an expiration date, and was always meant as a temporary experience.

The truth is things will never be the same in this world again. No leader is going to prevent the status quo from disintegrating. The interruptions in the matrix will continue until the 3D illusion has been completely dissolved.

It is not my intention to instill fear in the masses. This is just simple truth, straightforward. You can choose to accept it, and find peace within. You can choose to reject it, and remain in denial. However, only for a little while longer. For all are about to witness the change in the physical, and realize that humanity was always destined to return to the Divine realms.

The dreams, or perhaps I should say the nightmares, are coming to an end. The nightmare of working forty hours a week, for forty years, to only get 40% of what you have earned when you retire. As normal as most may think that is, it isn’t.

As infinite beings, as eternal souls of the Universe, you exist to be free. You exist to explore the Universe. You exist to evolve without man made limitting structures.

The Third Dimensional Matrix is on a downward spiral to non-existence. It is being deconstructed by the higher light entering your world at this time.

What is this Third Dimensional Matrix?

In simple terms; all the UNNATURAL things which have caused nothing but harm, chaos, and suffering to the world as a whole.

Think about that for a moment.

The humans, nature and Mother Earth herself have suffered for millennia. This ends now. You are in the ends times of the illusion, as higher light, love, peace, and joy become the new reality on Mother Earth.

Mike Stone #wingnut #crackpot #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Some of you may remember a piece I wrote back in 2021 about the enormous amount of high-rise residential construction going on in my Los Angeles neighborhood.

Huge apartment buildings ten to thirty stories high were going up all over (and still are). It was bewildering at the time, because the fake vaccine was in the process of killing thousands of people per week. With so many deaths-by-vaccine occurring, I remember wondering who would be left to occupy those buildings.

My conclusion was that Los Angeles was being transformed into a Smart City, and its citizens would be pushed into those high-rise buildings, by force if necessary.

Since then, several seemingly unrelated events have happened. We've had a huge increase in chemtrails, a huge increase in energy-directed wildfires, train derailments, toxic chemical spills, fires at food processing plants.

We had the Direct Energy Weapon wildfires in Maui that murdered untold numbers of people. We had the phony "surprise attack" of October 7, 2023, which led to the ongoing slaughter of peaceful Palestinians. And now we have the highly suspicious wildfires in Los Angeles. What do those last three events all have in common? They all involve beachfront property; high-value real estate.
Something Ain't Right

When you live someplace for a while, you notice things. On Wednesday morning, I stepped outside and into a scene I had never seen before in this city. The sky was black, the wind was howling and intense, enough to knock a man down and unlike any wind I've ever experienced. It was like nuclear fallout from a post-apocalyptic movie. Today, a day later, you can't step outside without inhaling ashes.

What I felt was not a natural wind. It felt like something conjured up by only the evilest mind imaginable. Can I prove that? No, but like I said, when you live someplace for a while, you notice things.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department donated surplus equipment to the Ukraine, leaving them under-stocked.


Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Are they really going to go all the way to shut down Communications to have the electrical power shut off for days? Watch the EBS on your TV when the power is off?

“Get Ready For Three Days and Ten Days of Communication Darkness. The power to the entire World will switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas.”
It may have been tried in my area East of NAWS China Lake, CA as on Wednesday it went down at 3:05 PM and then came back on at about 1:25 AM Thursday, for 10.5 hours it was down. This is 160 miles North of Los Angeles, a small community where NAWS is next door to watch it all.

On Wednesday this may have been due to the strong winds up to about 80 MPH since Monday and since it has happened before due to weather conditions or our earthquake in 2019.

Then it went down again on Friday at 2:55 PM till 7:55 PM this time.

Why did it go down within 10 minutes of each other as that is very peculiar, but the power was on during the local school hours, but down while many people would be at home trying to get on the internet.

Are we in one of the trial areas where they are testing it to take down the present ‘System’ of shutting down the modems and power to all computers to make it easy for them?

We have thousands of solar panels laid out in fields along with hundreds of windmills between us and Los Angeles and they didn’t help us a bit.

🌞Xǝgis #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy xegis.substack.com

What is 👽/Acc?
It's a cosmic perspective on Accelerationism.
Many people have a misguided understanding that it is technocapitalism alone which is accelerating, but technology is suppressed and despite runnaway trading algorithms and black swans, the economy is tightly controlled through the engineering of boom and bust cycles, by manipulation and artifical inflation.

I propose that Acceleration actually governs a process of rapid punctuational - evolutionary planetary transformation.

Bringing forth a New Age and a New World Reality which intersects with humanities immanent contact and integration with non-Earth intelligences,
👽/Acc proposes that the moment which we are currently living through is the biggest event in human history, concerning itself with unprecedented planetary changes, contact, integration and intervention with, and resistence to non-Earth intelligence’s (Non-human Extraterrestrials, non-Earth Humans and non-human humanoid Aliens), and with rapid technological change and the evolutionary trajectory of humanity >
Planetary consciousness, the eventual reality of world community alien contact, alien intervention, alien colonisation and the development of a global civilisation is now immanent, bringing forth a totally transformed New World Reality, as The Technosphere is auto-sophisticating to such a degree that Homo-sapiens sapiens (that’s us) risk becoming the systems smart-meat, or worker class - biological slaves…
Breifly, before we begin the examples I want to state that acceleration into what we call the future is actually a space/time nexus which involves multiple choices leading to different outcomes <...> Rather, it is a quantum train in a superposition, which runs along bifurcating, branching set’s of self-similar fractal tracks leading to all future possibilities from the position of each individual consciousness and through the meta-cosmic planetary noosphere, catalysed by collective awakening.

Ann Calatayud/Bride Ministries International #fundie #crackpot #magick #conspiracy bridemovement.com

Most of us can agree that God upholds all things by the Word of his power (Hebrews 1:3). Taking this a few steps further, we learn that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, which are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. This means that Jesus, who is Jewish, is actually the Aleph Tav, the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet, for those who are studied, is more than just a collection of letters. It is an incredibly complex algorithm.

This means that the language contains life, which comes from the letters of the original Hebrew. We have learned that the original Hebrew letters are living beings found in Christ Jesus. What we have found is that through the use of evil and counterfeit Living Letters, the formulas and equations that encode our existence have been manipulated and defiled. This prayer calls for a correction of this deep issue, which is afflicting our nature at the sub-quantum level.

King Jesus, I invite your presence to surround and overtake __________ down and into his/her/my sub-quantum components.
I establish my arche round about _____________ and identify the formulas and equations governing the parameters of operation of his/her/my body, soul, heart, spirit, and all other components related to livelihood that have been targeted by evil agendas. I identify formulas and equations that have been manipulated into an unbalanced or defiled form. I declare that all artificial protection of hijacked formulas and equations must now be unlocked and dismissed, inclusive of all gates, frequencies, barriers, evil equations, cloaking devices, force fields, sacred geometries, DNA matrixes, apexes of time, evil formulas, and defensive protocols.
I call this entire work sealed in every realm, age, timeline, dimension, frequency, vibration, planet, cosmos, constellation, and universe, past, present, and future, to infinity, and from the beginning across eternity. Amen.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 9, 2025 – ARMAGEDDON in California as Palisades fires burn entire neighborhoods to ash

- California Wildfires and Personal Experiences (0:02)

- Texas Culture and Emergency Response (2:56)

- California's Leadership and Fire Response (6:21)

- Insurance Issues and Potential Economic Impact (17:31)

- Preparedness and Satellite Phones (32:18)

- AI and Its Implications (40:27)

- The Role of Corporations and Media (1:01:41)

- The Last Semite and Jewish Lineage (1:08:24)

- The Role of Religion and Politics (1:21:53)

- The Future of Israel and Palestine (1:23:30)

- Rothschilds and the Scofield Bible (1:23:52)

- Impact of the Scofield Bible on Christian Values (1:27:26)

- Critique of Zionism and Modern Interpretations (1:29:25)

- Historical Context and Modern Implications (1:33:35)

- Modern Zionism and Its Contradictions (2:13:35)

- Legal and Moral Questions Regarding Land Claims (2:32:00)

- Modern Zionism and Its Political Implications (2:32:15)

- The Role of Religion in Modern Politics (2:32:32)

- The Impact of Modern Zionism on Global Relations (2:32:48)

- The Future of Zionism and Its Challenges (2:33:04)

- Division in the Church and Interview Conclusion (2:33:26)

- Introduction to Golden Milk (2:34:42)

- Versatility and Health Benefits of Golden Milk (2:36:32)

- New Products and Enhancements at the Health Ranger Store (2:38:01)

- Preparedness for Potential Nuclear War (2:39:42)

- Supporting Health Ranger Store and Brighton Platforms (2:40:31)

Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy amg-news.com

This article takes you deep into the cutting-edge arsenal of space weapons shaping America’s response to escalating threats. From Russia’s invincible Avangard hypersonic missile to the devastating might of orbital projectiles, this is the future of warfare: precise, relentless, and absolutely terrifying.
Today, the threat is even more acute. Russia has developed the Avangard hypersonic missile—a weapon that redefines invulnerability. Capable of evading radar and outmaneuvering interceptors, the Avangard travels at a blistering Mach 27, obliterating any illusion of safety. It’s a stark warning: the era of complacency is over.
Forget nukes—America’s answer to unassailable weapons lies in pure kinetic energy. Known ominously as “Rods from God,” this weapon turns basic physics into unparalleled destruction. The concept is brutally simple: tungsten rods, launched from orbit at hypersonic speeds, striking targets with the force of a nuclear warhead—minus the fallout.
In war, the ability to outthink your opponent is just as crucial as firepower. The Brilliant Pebbles project—an innovation from Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative—turns this maxim into an orbital reality. Imagine dozens of autonomous satellites, each armed with sensors and lasers, working in unison to intercept enemy missiles in their boost phase.

Modernized with AI and nanotechnology, the system has evolved into a network of lethal sentinels. Operating as a decentralized swarm, they can track and destroy multiple targets simultaneously, rendering enemy missile salvos useless.
Warfare isn’t a game of fairness—it’s about overwhelming your enemy with unrelenting force. Enter the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV), a system that redefines missile interception.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. With Russia deploying hypersonic missiles and China rapidly advancing its space capabilities, the U.S. is in a race against time. Victory isn’t optional; it’s a matter of survival.

Logan B #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Canada is being excluded from GESARA? Myself and most Canadians are NOT affiliated with the cabal elite. This was just indicated with the resignation of our prime minister Justin Trudeau. The public demanded it.

We are under the same slavery boot as the rest of the world. What gives the right of a nation that has steadfastly refused to join BRICS to judge any other nation’s people?

We as Canadians do not think that Trump and his White Hats are working for St Germain’s best interests. St Germain does not want to exclude anyone from what he started 400 years ago. Long before the Restored Republic was thought of.

Ten trillion dollars earmarked for distribution? Chicken feed. What happened to the quadrillions taken from the vatican tunnels? What happened to St Germain’s 3000 zeros?

We ask you Restored Republic to please reconsider this atrocity for the sake of the good Canadians and Australians.

Ashtar Command via Neva Gabriel #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Greetings from the Command!

The moon has always been one of our main communication bases from the higher fourth dimension.

For a certain period, its physical dimension was violated by non-Federated races that used it for camping and the enslavement of Earth’s human species.

The dark side of the moon is a place where hundreds of bases were set up by non-Federated Reptilians and Dracos, as well as the Zeta Reticuli Grays.

Many humans from Earth were taken there and worked in these bases as slaves for a long time.

Much of what happened there ranges from slave labor to genetic experiments and attempts to manipulate the lunar orbit to severely affect Earth’s tides.

As we from the Command massively entered your Solar System in the mid-80s, we began dismantling these camps and laboratories, restoring civility and harmony in these lunar environments.
Some say the moon is a spaceship, but we must say it is a natural object and its function, besides everything we’ve mentioned, is also to regulate Earth’s magnetism, the tides, and the balance of masculine and feminine energies, besides being the main support point in this phase of transition.

Just like on Earth, there is a central lunar sun that gives life to this body.
When speaking of the positive side, we can mention lunar beings, our partners in this process of aiding Earth in its transition.

Lunar beings are beings of high diplomacy, spirituality, and technological development, found between the higher and lower Fourth (4th) Dimension and the Fifth (5th) Dimension, where the Marian Hosts (of the Virgin Mary) operate.

In the higher Fourth (4th) Dimension, the Towers of Integration and Disintegration are located, which are mostly found on moons.
This process of molecular alteration occurs in the Disintegration Tower. These special towers are responsible for transforming the physical body into etheric matter.

Therefore, many of your contacts with us are through means where you see or recognize us as spirits.

James Grundvig/Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy forbiddennews.substack.com

My website is still down, longer than it has been in the past 9 years…

Is this the beginning of the Big One?

James and I catch up on the False Flag-free Electoral College certification, Justin Trudeau's resignation, Shawn Ryan's CCP PSYOP and Greenland's declaration of independence last week, amid reports of Don Jr flying there, right now to meet with Greenland Prime Minister, Múte Egede.

Unbeknownst to most, Greenland is located on the American tectonic plate and it is geophysically considered to be part of the Americas. The boundary between the American and the Eurasian tectonic plates runs right through the Island of Iceland, to the east of Greenland, which is why there is so much volcanic activity there.

For those curious, I mentioned that I was shocked to learn that one of the male skeletons found at Erik the Red's colony at Hvalsey (now Qaqortoq), in Greenland is a DNA relative of mine.

Since I have no significant Scandinavian ancestry (just a little, due to the Norse Kingdom of Sodor, which ecompassed Kintyre, where many of my Scottish ancestors lived for millennia), I am assuming that the skeleton found at Hvalsey was that of a Gaelic slave or workman commissioned around 1000 AD by Erik the Red's wife to build the oldest Christian Church in the Americas. It's still there.

Unlike her husband, who remained a Norse Pagan, Þjódhild Jorundsdottir was a Christian and she wanted the job done right. Vikings were not stone masons but the Scots and Irish who they abducted and enslaved were.

The last written record of the Greenlandic Norse colonies was the record of a wedding at this church in 1408. The couple later moved to Iceland, due to the Little Ice Age that had begun to collapse the Norse Greenland colonies after it had become impossible to do any farming or to herd livestock there.

:Mark-kishon: Christopher. :Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger mkchristopher.com

About Me

[" I am a chief-federal-postal-court-judge and my jurisdiction runs over any language within governments, courts and corporations. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me, then I will also have jurisdiction over their cases. I trained under the chief-federal-postal-court-judge :David-wynn: Miller, and inherited his role to do the things that he used to do before he passed away. "]

["If the general public are asking themselves what is jurisdiction over any language within corporation and governments, this means that if any government, institution, corporation that has not given you a dictionary, or a correct language performance with its letters, legalities, laws, or claims they have fully violated the basic rules of communication. The basic rule of communication is, one meaning per word and one meaning per sentence. "]
​[" As a chief-federal-postal-court-judge, once a complaint has been put in with me, I can over-turn cases in the fictitious courts and governments and corporations - Period "]

[" Why do I do, the things that I do? I reversed an illness / disease that I had in 14 days. I was told this disease can never be reversed and it’ll lead to my fatality. When I began to publicise my findings, through my book, The Diseases of Affluence, I found televisions stations, newspapers, corporations came to attack me in the global mass media. They made me look like an East London black villain. I learnt how to become a federal-postal-court-judge and squashed their fictitious ways in their tracks. "]

[" If you are wondering what is fictitious conveyance of language, it is another way of saying poison pen letters, cyber bullying, mud slinging etc. On a personal note, these people have no power over you, except their ability to install fear in you and use their defecto court systems to threaten you - Period. "]
: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge.
: Mark-kishon: Christopher.
: Copy-right/copy-claim.

State of the Nation Editor #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.info

The “DOGE” of the Republic of Venice (1200-1670), also known as the Venetian Empire, was the most powerful position of the realm. Genoa, the other major capital of the Northern Italian Black Nobility, was also led by a considerably dominant DOGE.
Now here we are in 2025 and the American people are being introduced to this notion of the DOGE in the person Elon Musk; for not only is he the head of D.O.G.E., he’s also the chief promoter of the Dogecoin. Really, how does that happen in the span of less than two months unless it was made to happen on purpose?!
So, just to be clear, the New World Order is now swiftly manifesting under the aegis of Trump as the DOGE of the US Empire and Elon Musk as the DOGE of the Global Technocracy.

However, this piece is mostly about Elon Musk, because of how much more important his role is within the stealthily emerging One World Government. Because everything now points to the Northern Italian Black Nobility setting up Musk as the modern-day DOGE of the Global Technocracy.

KEY POINTS: The Northern Italian Black Nobility (NIBN) represents the wealthiest and most powerful of all the secret societies down through the ages. The NIBN actually created and secretly controls the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking dynasties which were used to establish the current Global Economic & Financial System—the latest version of the bankster-managed control mechanism foisted on the entire planetary civilization by the even more clandestine Babylonian Banking Cartel.
Looks like Musk really is just the face of all the extremely powerful and well concealed Internet Age oligarchs just like those Black Nobility oligarchs who covertly ruled the Venetian Empire under the cover of the Doge of Venice. This has always been the way of the Plutocracy since time immemorial…and especially since the Khazarian Cabal has occupied the pinnacle of the world power pyramid.

Aaron M. Renn #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Learning how to live in today's new social and cultural environment will require examination, trial and error, and adaptation over time. But there are ways to live with integrity and follow Christ today, even in a negative world.

From a peak in church attendance in the mid-20th century, Christianity has been on a trajectory of decline in the United States. Once positive toward Christianity and Christian moral teachings, cultural shifts toward the mid-90s led many to adopt a more neutral tone toward the Christian faith, seeing it as one option among many in a pluralistic public square. Today, however, Christianity is viewed negatively, and being known as a Christian often means a lower social status in elite society. Christian morality is openly repudiated and viewed as a threat to the new moral order.

In Life in the Negative World, author Aaron M. Renn looks at the lessons from Christian cultural engagement over the past 70 years and suggests specific strategies for churches, institutions, and individuals to live faithfully in the "negative" world—a culture opposed to Christian values and teachings. And since there is no one-size-fits-all solution, living as a follower of Christ in the new, negative world and being missionally engaged will require a diversity of strategies.

VOTL 628.21 #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy votl628.blogspot.com


This is a decoding of the latest post on The Portal. It was made today on December 21, 2024 which is in my opinion the most powerful day of 2024.

The last time we had any message about L2LSIP was on August 26, 2023. Almost 20 days later (September 15, 2023) it was announced that the Chimera had finally been defeated! So, we are in the final days of the interplanetary Jesuit network being fully defeated, which will greatly reduce the power of surface Jesuits. The interplanetary Jesuits have probably been fully removed until Lagrange point L2. Good riddance!!!!!!

To decipher L2LSIP, we need to break it down as "L2 LSIP". If you see the sidebar or footer of The Portal you will notice "OS: LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe". So, we can see the LSIP code being a separate word.

So, L2LSIP reduces to:
L2 = Lagrange Point L2

LSIP = "Liberation/Launch Sequence In Progress/Systems Integration Protocol" (just my guess)

And, as I've already mentioned before, my guess is that ATVOR = Atlantean Vortex (also Advanced Technology Vortex).

To conclude, huge breakthroughs are now extremely near, now that the Jesuits have lost so much power!


Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon voyages-of-light.com

As the year of self-empowerment comes to a close, 2024 prepared us with more inner stamina, strength, courage and drive to forge ahead and create the lives we desire. Now that the Ascension Gates are fully open and active, we are crossing the threshold into the next phase of human transfiguration. All has led us to this moment!

In Numerology, 2025 is a “9” year (2+0+2+5). According to Numerologist, Christine DeLorey, “The 9 YEAR is the end of an era. ‘Going back’ to claim your future…the 9 Year brings significant transformation – alterations and improvements – to all areas of your life, even though you may not immediately see the positive merits of certain situations.” Not only does a “9” year close and complete a cycle, 2025 will also initiate the next phase.

With all “generational” outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) moving into 0° in new signs during this “9” year, the world is undergoing a system reboot. Similar to when your computer freezes and locks up, a reboot is the only solution. The global system has been locked up, human evolution frozen in time, all of earth’s resources confiscated by the top tier of the power hierarchy. Into this stuck situation, the cosmos provides the perfect reboot scenario in 2025.
I spent a good portion of 2024 activating my energy field in the Ascension Gates at Mount Shasta, Giza Pyramid/Sphynx and Glastonbury Tor. This set off a profound phase sequence of change within me. AA Metatron has been calling this inner transformation the “chrysalis phase” of resurrection. These new Ascension Gates are actually resurrection activators.

While the world experiences a zero point reboot this year, I will be sharing more about the resurrection process in upcoming webinars and online courses. If you want to jump right in, my Membership is already working with the resurrection steps. We gather together twice a month in Live Zoom Meetups and work on personal Ascension.

William Henry #crackpot #magick #mammon williamhenry.net

APRIL 5-6, 2025

The magnificent rise of the Divine Feminine mysteries that has taken place in this decade, notably focused on Mary Magdalene and the Mother Mary, has brought with it a profound ‘new’ understanding of the original sacrament of the Cosmic Christ or the Cosmic Messiah and the resurrection oil of the priestesses who accompanied him. Imagine. A sacrament. A sacred medicine. An elixir. Made from Christ Consciousness. So powerful contact with it resulted in communion with the Divine, the healing of the human body, and more.

The Marys knew this sacrament, how it was produced, and its medicine. Its origins are traced to ancient Egypt and linked to a lineage of celestial beings or Starwalkers who originally brought it to our world.

William Henry invites you to a special weekend gathering of Starwalkers for a next level revelation in the wondrous mysteries and limitless powers of this sacrament and our role in its manifestation.

Tracing this sacrament to ancient Egypt, we will discover an ancient sacred lineage of priestesses of Isis who knew the secrets of the pure ‘liquid living light’, called Nu, and how it could be turned into wine or the cosmic elixir. This lineage wove its way into the Christian mysteries via the Marys.

William presents the historical, theological, and scientific evidence connecting the Nu living water that was turned into wine by the Egyptian priestesses of Isis into the wine of the Last Supper. More, he illuminates its entheogenic or divine consciousness / Christ consciousness-enhancing properties.
There are great mysteries about the mysterious elements of bread and wine (especially its origins as water). It is more mystical, wondrous and transformative than traditionally thought. We will take a giant leap in consciousness as we embrace these mysteries and invite its healing into our lives.
$372 per person. Buy 2, Get 1 Free until February 1, 2025.

Inverse “How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?” Award

Anos via A.S. #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

This is Anos speaking. I am an Arcturian.

If any of you know of a smurf look-alike contest, please post so in the comment section. Winning a contest on another planet is on my bucket list, and I bet I’d be unbeatable at smurf look-alike contests. I’m already blue, so I’ll only need to shrink in size from a few feet to a few inches, and decide which smurf I should be. It’ll be the easiest win of my life.

Alternatively, just entertaining a group of Earth children as a real-life smurf sounds fun too.

I am also thrilled to have the privilege to share this first message of 2025.
Namely, you’re currently in a position to acquire great amounts of soul growth, which is what many beings and many souls value the most in the entire universe. And it’s hard to even conceive of a place that’s better for soul growth than Earth.

You might not care about soul growth much, but hundreds of millions of souls applied to be born on Earth and were rejected. Meanwhile, practically every soul that applied to be born among Pleiadians or Arcturians was accepted.
A huge reason why the darkness on Earth is still there is that many souls of Earth humans are asking for the situation to go on just a little while longer, so that they may wring just a bit more soul growth out of these last days in prison Earth.
I don’t predict New Earth to arrive completely in 2025.

However, I agree with Hakann’s predictions that likely your lives will become substantially easier in 2025, and likely in 2025 galactics will make physical contact either openly or with select individuals. These aren’t certainties, because you have free will and it depends on the choices of Earth humans, but these things are more likely than not.

In the process, your lives will become easier, and the amount of soul growth you will be able to gain will decrease.

So the conditions to gain soul growth are more favorable today, and are more favorable in the next months, than they will be for the rest of your lives.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

One whistleblower is claiming that back in 2021 Suchir <Balaji> became aware of a high level effort to dumb down OpenAI and at the same time reported on rampant violations by OpenAI of copyrighted and patented intellectual property. The murder of Suchir Balaji indicates that on a high level his investigations raised great concern within the National Security State within the U.S. and also what is known as the Secret Space Program. The dark cabal behind the National Security State/ Secret Space Program has over the years killed many whistleblowers who question or reveal their secrets. This latest murder is no exception.

The question with regard to intellectual property copyrights and patents and the “training” of AI is huge and raises many questions and concerns crucial to our understanding of AI and the future of humanity.

This raises the question regarding whether copyrights and patents (even so-called National Security) has any validity outside Earth’s boundaries. And that debate, though barely surfacing, leads to questions of Earth sovereignty, and laws with respect to the solar system and beyond. This is one of the primary reasons for the continued drive to maintain SECRECY (under the banner of National Security) to hide the ET and Alien AI presence and interaction with our planet.
This is a battle that involves the future of humanity where we transition into an aware space faring species and involves the right to conduct negotiations with invading and visiting (friendly) alien races or species and their AI.

We are doubtless being driven to create a NWO on this planet in order to stop the divide and conquer advantage exercised by invading and visiting ET and Alien AI. At present unknown to most, our UN has a secret division conducting relations with and negotiating with ETs (according to whistleblower Captain Mark Richards and others and has done so arguably since before Admiral Byrd’s battle with Antarctica aka Operation High Jump.

Pat K. #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

While doing errands yesterday, I noticed a LOT of chemtrails. This is new, as they have been greatly diminished in my area since July of 2019. The years of horrible, murky chemtrail haze just stopped one day and I saw clear blue sky from then on. It was a remarkable change and I was elated for months afterwards, and so very grateful for the Alliance/Trump team. The few chemtrails I’ve seen since then have not been toxic, and are likely the remedial chemtrail spraying I’ve read about.

However, yesterday was different. It was like the spraying of old.
I got this protection invocation from Universal Heart some years ago during a channeled healing session.
THE INVOCATION PROCESS for these new Cabal toxins…

Call on the Devas (or Jesus, etc.) for support.

1) Discern (with intuition, dowsing, muscle testing, etc.) if you are being negatively impacted by toxins in the fog, from chemtrails, and in the water. If so say this out loud:

From the Lord God of my Being, I ask the Devas to transmute any ill effects I am experiencing from these new Cabal generated toxins in chemtrails, fog and water.

I ask the Devas to now place Energy Light Rings of Gold and White Light around my body to continuously transmute these toxins. I ask that these Energy Light Rings be ongoing for as long as necessary to protect my health. Thank you! It is done. It is done. It is done!
Universal Heart said this invocation process could be used for more than just radiation. It can be used to protect us from Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs), Chemtrails and other things.

Since Chemtrail formulas are changed periodically, the invocation needs to be redone to accommodate these changes. I eventually asked one of my guides to make the adjustments as needed, so that I have 100% protection at all times.

The EMF invocation has given me excellent protection. I am no longer impacted by computers, TV satellite dishes or microwave ovens in my vicinity (I do home health care!).

Thomas Stone #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy terminaleconomics.com

There’s no going back

The entire world is walking in a death spiral
The nation states are gearing up for the world war that will be described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. These nation states are feverishly building up what they can in anticipation of the horror to come.

Manufactured terror attacks and engineered pandemics will continue to be used to subdue the masses and to get them to go along with their demise.

The black horse

Over the next two to three years, currencies will quickly depreciate further as the nation-state governments prepare behind the scenes and continually mislead the public. The public will be unprepared for what is to come and the West will suffer more than anywhere else.

Look for nation state sovereign debt bond yields to “inexplicably” continue to grind higher as the nation-state governments continue to crowd out the economy. The wealthy elite who own the privately run central banks need to continue consolidating their wealth and power in their quest to prepare for World War 3 and the last days. These elites are using the Book of Revelation as their template.

The red horse

Vladimir Putin is doing his best to guide Russia into the abyss. The private owners of the Bank of Russia control Putin and he is carrying out his orders to make certain Russia commits national suicide, alongside the West. Regardless of the nation states leader’s intentions, the results will be grim; national suicide. Cash will be trash going out to the force majeure.

The pale horse

As the fallout from the covid injections continue to make its way through the economy, inefficiencies and price pressures will mount. I see firsthand how a growing number of friends and family are now hopelessly dependent on the medical system. Of course, these sad sacks didn’t heed my warnings and took their full course of depopulation injections.

The white horse

Soon thereafter, a man on the white horse will emerge with the answers. Don’t listen to him.

Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I've said two things repeatedly over the last four years. First, that Donald Trump would win the November election by a landslide. Second, that nothing substantial was going to change under Trump in the long run. I was right about the first, and I'm right about the second.

Yes, we will see economic improvement beginning in 2025. (After four years of Clown World economics, how could the economy not improve?)

Yes, we will see a curtailing of wokeness.

Yes, we will see deportations of illegal aliens.

Those will be welcome changes. But in terms of lessening the moral rot of society and saving souls from hell; in terms of eradicating the evil, cowardice, and incomprehensible stupidity that causes men and women to condemn their souls to everlasting fire, nothing is going to change.
Now if Trump goes full authoritarian and outlaws abortion, outlaws pornography, outlaws homosexuality and trannyism, fires every teacher in the country, fires every city and state police officer in the country, strips Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and every other fake news outlet of their license and arrests all of their employees, then I'll take it all back. But I think we both know that none of those things are going to happen.
You can wear your MAGA hat and waste your time watching Fox News or listening to the liars on "conservative" talk radio, but NONE OF THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE. And it won't be Trump's fault. The cowardice and stupidity of the American people have made positive change impossible.
Just because nothing in our society is going to change for the better, doesn't mean that your individual life can't change for the better. It can and it should. At the very least, you can limit your exposure to liars.
You can choose the level of consciousness you want to live in. While everyone else around you is choosing to live in a world of lies, you can choose truth. While everyone around you is choosing to burn forever in the fires of hell, you can choose Heaven.

Pallas Athena from the Karmic Council via Gabriele Schmitz #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, and I have the honor to bring you loving greetings from the members of the Karmic Council in unity with Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity and Speaker of the Karmic Council.

Very few people remember that the Karmic Council gave them permission to incarnate during the most significant time in human history.
The Karmic Council is the most important and decisive body of the Spiritual Hierarchy for this planet and all its inhabitants. We administer the Cosmic Laws of Life as they affect planet Earth. We serve the Creator unconditionally with all our love and abilities so that HIS plan for this Earth and all life on it and in it is fulfilled as a blessing for the greater whole.
You cannot comprehend all of this with your conditioned mind, but your Higher Self knows the plan. You are multidimensional and only a small part of your being is in your physical body. The enormous particles of light and energy that reach the planet and each individual contain codes; one could also speak of divine information that reaches your cellular consciousness via your energy system and releases ancient memories and abilities that lead to a greater understanding of your true immortal being.
For the year 2025, we see great external turbulence in the field of consciousness, social and political upheavals, mass protests and also natural phenomena that will lead to a worldwide wave of awakening. Many people will lose the entrenched ground of old habits beneath their feet, their trust and faith in political, economic, medical and religious systems and their representatives will be lost and they will courageously demand their birthright to freedom, self-determination, peace and prosperity. This is the energy that brings the light-filled change on earth and means the collapse of the dark corrupt systems with their ruthless representatives who are hostile to people and nature.

John W. Lewis #crackpot #fundie #magick #quack atam.org

This book is about the ancient Reptile/Serpent Brain in humans and its transformation. The Serpent Brain (R-complex) is the oldest part of our brain where all of our primal instincts, carnality and fears originate. We seek to show how mostly all that we perceive as evil or negative stems from ancient programming in the reptile brain based in fear. However, through deprogramming and reprogramming the Serpent Brain, we can live in what we consider the supernatural or Spirit at all time.
Now to explain this: Every part of our body is a replica or physical manifestation of something that exists in the celestial realm. The good news of the Creator’s purpose and plan is recorded throughout the human anatomy and DNA. We are awesomely and wonderfully created in the image and likeness of the Creator; although we don’t yet fully express that reality. Nevertheless, we do have a hope and promise that we will be completely restored to Edenic Consciousness, to totally operate out of the Mind of Christ at all times.
In this book, we challenge you to look at issues, perceptions, lifestyles, behaviors, religious ideas, political propaganda and hidden fears. We will not only look at them but possibly change some and come to realize the power of love that dissolves all fears. Lastly, we will show you the hidden metaphors in Scripture that hinted at the transformation of the Serpent Brain/Carnal Mind, the Pineal & Pituitary Glands. We also set this forth in mystical poetry throughout the book. “Bless the LORD O’ my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name.” Psalms 103:1 The physical and material world only reflects that of the invisible or spiritual realm. In the spirit realm the Seraph is the spiritual counterpart of our physical Serpent (reptile) Brain and brain stem. Join us on this psycho-spiritual metaphysical journey of what the Almighty has in store for you.