
Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

The Phoenix has many counterparts

The Tartarian Griffin
The Egyptian winged disc Horus
The lion headed serpent Sphinx
The Macaw bird seated on a giant Nanka tree
The Thunderbird on his luminous tree
And Raven on the Totem Pole

A pinched plasma will break into a stack of toroids
Which are joined by a central bar

The toroids then flatten and curl up at the ends
Like the branches of a tree

When the aurora at the center of the world arises in full strength
It is accompanied by electrophonic sounds and ephemeral flashes

And becomes a luminous ethereal column of wind fire and water
And a visual celestial plasma current around which the circumpolar stars revolve

In the Pistis Sophia
The Venus goddess was deluded by the demiurge
Because of its resemblance to the true light of faith

The Tree of Life lingered in front of
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Lucifer originally was the beguiling serpent
Then later became the destructive aspect of Mars

He was pure fire and light
Sent out to stir the divine spirit

The enhanced high energy aurora materialized into visible light
From an influx of charged particles
Resulting in a giant atmospheric plasma tube

As planets magnetically drifted toward the center electrical column
They became the gods and goddesses of myth and religion
Interacting with the north polar axis

The very first verse of Genesis
Barit bar Elohim
Translates to In the beginning the gods created

Elohim is plural
It means gods or lords

Genesis 1:26 says
Let us make man in our own image
According to our own likeness

The use of plural pronouns
Implies Yahweh was not alone!

Timothy Green Beckley #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy amazon.com



“We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds. . . We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a space craft.” Professor Hermann Oberth, Father of Rocketry

Here is evidence that Hitler had a top secret brigade of Nazi engineers working in deep underground laboratories – in conjunction with off world interstellar cosmonauts – to establish space flight and time travel years before the start of America’s rocketry program in which the U.S. sought the help of thousands of Nazi war criminals bought into this country under the auspicious of the tight lipped Project Paperclip.

Information recently obtained by the authors indicates that the UFO that crashed outside Roswell might have been part of this Nazi space/time travel program cleverly covered up by our military’ in order to look like the arrival of an out of control interplanetary vehicle. The top brass ultimately looking to cover their tracks which indicated that they were inappropriately working in tandem with non reconcilable war criminals who had been excused of all evil misdeeds and eventually extending citizenship to.

Die Glocke, or The Bell, may well have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE.

Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination – a nightmare in which sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to “catch up” in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis possible hiding out on the surface of the moon or at “secret cities” at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down?

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The autumn campaign in the secret battle for the planet earth has begun early with the execution of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the mysterious illnesses of Anthony Fauci and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. A lot more is happening behind the scenes as well. This is heading for some sort of very dramatic climax in November, Secret Space Force sources promised at a white hat meeting on August 25th. For reasons of operational security, we cannot comment on what is expected in November other than to say it is about a lot more than the US Presidential Selection.

Let us start with Wojcicki. The official story is she died of lung cancer at the age of 56. However, CIA sources say she was executed for censoring the truth about vaccine mass murder on YouTube (your correspondent is among many who were banned for reporting the truth about the vaccines and Covid). Before execution she was questioned about the whereabouts of top Satanist and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the sources say.
In any case, last night we got a call from an Asian secret society source who said Fauci “committed suicide” by stuffing toilet paper down his throat. We have not been able to independently confirm this information but, if true, it would represent poetic justice considering what has been coming out of his mouth. No official announcement of his death has been made.
The Russians also contacted French dissidents after Durov’s arrest to try use it as an excuse to mount an attempt to overthrow the French government “in the name of free speech.” The French warn that an “international group of actors will attack French infrastructure in the last week of August.”

The French also speculate that since President Emmanuelle Macron is a member of the French branch of the Rothschild family, “maybe they have no choice but to play ball with the Russians because they have lost so many of their members.” Here is a recent picture of him with his uncle who he pretends is his wife.

Thaddeus G. McCotter (Fmr US Congress-Repub) #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

As the presidential campaign speeds past what was once its traditional kickoff date, Labor Day Weekend, many on the right continue to argue that engaging in the “Culture War” is either a distraction or that it is already lost. In both instances, waging the good fight to protect and promote a virtuous culture will ineluctably lead to the Right’s electoral defeat.

Instead, they aver, dispense with cultural issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, protecting parental rights, etc., and focus solely on the economy, immigration, and the weaponization of government. If these Republican Cassandras prevail upon the Trump campaign and GOP down-ticket campaigns to stand mute on critical cultural issues, what will victory in November accomplish for MAGA and conservative populists? The disintegration of our free republic by an erosion rather than an avalanche. And, in truth, the erosion would prove more painful by not only being slower but by being done by our own Republican hands.
The left is waging a culture war on America—indeed a war against the very concept of truth, itself—that aims to impose its collectivist, materialist, secularist ideology upon society; and subordinating and suppressing traditional culture and its adherence to moral truths. Since the left believes it is winning, if largely by default, and is hellbent on finishing its mission, in this Culture War the Republican Cassandras are laboring under the delusion they are seeking a Détente. What they are really calling for is unilateral disarmament on the path to unconditional surrender and serfdom.
Today, over thirty years, America is in a Culture War. Launched and waged by the left, it is a Culture War without quarter. Détente is not an option, and surrender is unconscionable, for it would mean the end of our free republic and all we have cherished for generations and hope to bequeath to future generations.

In brutal truth: we cannot make America great again unless we make America good again.

Andrea #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

My name is Andrea. Like many others, I have been on the spiritual path for DECADES.

Since then there have been constant prophecies, predictions and visions.

Then for months EBS, QFS etc. All well and good. But unfortunately nothing is happening. Yes, I know. Sooooooooooooo much is happening behind the scenes.

I also know about Project Looking Glass. Great ideas, everything is great. But here too, secrecy, collecting ideas, but 3D is still going strong. Instead of carrying out or allowing the SEPARATIONS announced ages ago between those who have no consciousness at all, little consciousness, and higher, very high consciousness, ……..3D is still going strong here…..
Too many have 3D consciousness – and don’t WANT to change.
There should finally be a spaceship landing where all the spaceship members introduce themselves and also give the opportunity to visit the interior of a spaceship

And those who have the consciousness and want to get away from this 3D planet should finally be given the opportunity to come on board and do a service.

Or, for all I care, a portal that opens and allows those who are full of light and have the corresponding consciousness to pass through. So that SEPARATIONS can finally TAKE PLACE instead of us, who have worked on ourselves, being confronted with 3D on a daily basis.

And now – although I for one have not watched or listened to mainstream news for ages – all the sleepers are waking up. And I STILL see what is going on here in 3D. You have to be afraid of where you go so that you don’t become a victim of these knife attacks. Even though you no longer go out in the evenings. Even though you might just pop into the supermarket. Even though you are careful where you go.

If I could create a portal, I would – and take those who want to come with me.

I want the separation between 3D people and those who want to develop spiritually to be completed!!! So that we can finally live in peace, freedom and harmony!

Alex Collier #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #mammon alexcollier.org

Alex hosted his 57th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on August 23rd, 2024. The webinar was just over two hours and 41 minutes in length. Hosted by James Harkin from AlexCollier.org and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee.

In just over two hours and forty-one minutes, Alex answered 38 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts, so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions that have been paraphrased and voted up by webinar attendees:

Do you know anything about what is happening at Quantum Healing Systems?
Are there any updates regarding the soul trap previously used on Earth?
Will flowers and other vegetation be affected by the new sun frequency?
Do you see a black swan event happening before the end of the year?
Have certain people been cut off from their spiritual connection to their higher self and soul connection?
Who is The Heritage Foundation that has influenced presidents, including President Donald J. Trump?
Are members of the English Royal Family of shape-shifting reptilian descent?
Why was the Brunson Supreme Court case report released after President Joe R. Biden dropped his reelection bid and not before?
What will happen in Ukraine and Israel if those countries allied with BRICS launch a new financial system?
Are there 6,000 US Marshals in Washington, DC?
What can you tell us about the new replicators being developed?
Is there any update to the Quantum Financial System and the revaluation of the world's currencies? Will there still be fraud and manipulation?
Has the US Patent Office been liberated to free the suppressed technologies?
Is AI malevolent or benevolent, and is the race towards artificial intelligence good for humanity?
Do you know why President Donald J. Trump looks so healthy and fit?
And many more!

<Only 6 dollars!>

Alfred Lambremont Webre/Dr. Raymond A. Keller #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel
Manipulates Human Events, Human History,
and the Interlife
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe
and The Omniverse Trilogy
“The word ‘Chronogarchy’ is a neologism that signifies ‘Those Who Rule Through Time,’ or the manipulation of it. These are wizards standing behind curtains and directing the matrix system to which we all find ourselves subjected. The exopolitical expert describes the Chronogarchy as, ‘an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as Archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco Reptilians, Orion Greys, and sentient Artificial Intelligence (AI).’
“In The Chronogarchy, Alfred Lambremont Webre delves into the real nature of space, time and inter-dimensionality. He interviews many of the leading authorities and experiencers in these fields, thereby facilitating an awareness of the people, powers and organizations constituting the network of the Chronogarchy’s existence and helping us to formulate viable defense strategies in the coming years of increasing tribulations. We also learn of the “good guys” helping us from ‘behind the scenes,’ so to speak, thereby pointing to a light of hope at the end of a long, dark tunnel.”

In The Chronogarchy book, Alfred Lambremont Webre demonstrates through eye-witness evidence that U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program.

Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi(Indian in the Machine) #conspiracy #quack #ufo #moonbat #wingnut indianinthemachine.com

In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles…


Boy… girl

You have an identity, sometimes you change it, sometimes you refuse to change it…

You have been a victim, or a colonialist…

You have gone natural, and you have lived a very artificial life…

As much as you are repelled by earth life you are also attracted to it…

You like the excitement of being in 3D and 4D.
You have a lifetime of being indoctrinated and the indoctrination started before you could talk.

You identify as ‘vaccinated’ or unvaccinated.

But there’s one thing you haven’t given your all yet…

You have yet to fully become a 100% loving human being.

This is what actually scares you.
Where’s your humanity.

You may have literally bent over and took it up the ass over the last scamdemic.

You said you did this because you cared too much.

You literally took a bioweapon and then said it was because you cared too much.


You watched a billion people die, and didn’t barely shed a tear.

The children had to be rescued by extraterrestrials while you pondered whether or not it is safe to pull your head out of your ass.

The darkside have been quite successful in turning you into an android.

Some of you think these words are gibberish and think you don’t have nanotechnology in you, but you never cared about the chemtrails that were spraying unknown technology on you for 40 years.
Go head… search the newsfeed for monkeypox, transhumanism… civilization is crashing down right now… will you remain lost, or will you find the real human you… the one who is designed to love, evolve, grow and who serves a Higher power?

You WILL have to pull your head out of your ass completely to survive this time… no exceptions.

It is my intention to help save another with these words.

Remember, they are coming after you, your children, your community and the world… AGAIN, because you didn’t even come close to stopping them last time.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

n this meditation we are addressing exploitable areas for elemental corruption used by lunar forces to run theBaphomet Network, and applying Krystal Star Tetramorphic Amplifiers for sealing and correcting the atomic body and instinctual body layers. This is a holographic instruction set for supporting corrected Tetramorphic patterns as required for Diamond Sun lightbody correction. We call upon and bring to mind the Hierogamic Union Tetramorphic amplifiers of Mother Arc, Yod of Father God and the Double Diamond Sun Body. Bring to mind the Mother Arc; her Tetramorphic or Animal symbol is a Bi-Pedal Feline or White Lion wearing a bejeweled Aurora Krystal Platinum Breastplate. (Base Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Bring to mind the Yod of Father God; his Tetramorphic or Animal Symbol is a Bi-pedal Golden Eagle with Spread Wings, wearing a Gold Solomon Shield with an encrusted Diamond Heart Breastplate. (Overtone & Resonate Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Bring to mind the Double Diamond Sun Body; Mother and Father’s Sun, a Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma, the Tetramorphic Symbol is a Perfected Eternal Human Being, which is both male and female, wearing a haloed Aurora Crown, emanating a rainbow Aurora Krystal Shield, holding the Earth Globe in both outstretched palms. (Resonant Tone). I AM THAT I AM. Aquareion is an Andromedan Amplifier, used by Christos or Oraphim Starseeds to help restore the architecture towards unification between the masculine and feminine counterparts, to build the hierogamic template, to reunite theChristos-Sophiathroughout the Universal Time Matrix. AquaSAreion works in conjunction with the Andromedan offspring/seed code chromosomal template as part of female Sophianic body corrections and supports an entire re-patterning of the brain waves, building the trinity circuitry in the brain that is the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland, as well as vitalizing the myelin sheath functions of the CNS.

<$11.00 per download>

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy realjewnews.com

A Bird Flu Plandemic Coming

How many chickens can you chew in one stew?

Less than a few.

A “Bird Flu” plandemic is coming your way.

Monkey Pox is paving the way to scare you as easy prey.

Let me tell you about the birds and the bees and the chickens and the feed and a thing called flu.

It started with its pilot program—”COVID”—in March of 2020.

Just a “dress down” rehearsal by Big Pharma Jews in sync with Global Jewry to wage “war on humanity” with its sinister depopulation agenda.
Usual suspects—Jews.
The Jew Stream Media has alreadyy reported on various takes of Bird Flu (H5N1) outbreaks.’

To date…

…since 2020, we’re being told—I mean being scared…

…that “Bird Flu” has killed millions of wild birds and has infected poultry, cattle, domestic cats, and a number of human beings.

Fear Mongering is a Jewish forte.

Thus comes along “Dr Peter Rabinowitz” to give the goys the shivers.

“Health officials are looking for evidence of mammal-to-mammal transmission and of person-to-person transmission which could be a definite warning about H5N1’s potential to become an epidemic.”

The jab will be lethal and deaths will be blamed on the Bird Flu, NOT the jab.

Placebos will be used on parts of the American population to give “cover” that the jab is safe.

Millions of Whites in targeted Red States will die.

Chickens, pigs, cows, will be annihilated to fool the White population into being “protected…”

…while at the same time starving them into malnutrition.

Be forewarned Mister Trump.

Bird Flu is the stuff that creates the perfect panic to usher in Mail IN Votes.
So “Mail IN Votes” across spacious bird flying skies and amber waves of flu will be mandated.

A car stays in every garage and any chicken for your pot will not survive.

The most hated VP could then emerge as president on November 5.

Rob Pue #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #racist #conspiracy tuzarapost.substack.com

Perilous times are upon us, friends. There is no justice. Truth hasn’t just fallen in the streets -- it’s been pushed under a bus. Righteousness is not allowed to enter.

How far we’ve fallen here in America. This isn’t the nation I grew up in anymore. Those infected with the “woke mind virus” will call this “progress.” It’s not.

Today, we have a nation of lawlessness and insanity, the by-products of men and women being lovers of themselves, and haters of God.

They’ve worked hard to earn the depraved minds they suffer with. We’re a nation of liars who prefer lies over truth.

Natural affection between men and women is becoming more and more rare, as once-sane people turn to the profane and succumb to the spirit of Sodom.

There’s no doubt that we love pleasure, comfort and ease much more than we love the God who created us and sustains us, even in His patience and longsuffering. And evil men and seducers are growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
The illegal invaders our current Fake Biden Regime is importing and resettling into our American neighborhoods with our tax dollars are mostly violent criminals.

No, not all of them, but certainly numbering in the millions; certainly, enough to be great cause for concern.

Meanwhile, the lying media and our government officials either refuse to report these crimes or conveniently omit the fact that the attackers, rapists and killers are here illegally, from many foreign countries around the world — and all living quite comfortably in taxpayer-funded housing.
We have much to pray about as the foreign residents among us rise higher and higher above us and we sink lower and lower...and even more to pray about as truth — even the BIBLE — is now considered “hate speech,” or a “thought crime.”

George Orwell’s “1984” wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become as we continue the “progress” of this Godless world, with the “woke mind virus.”

D. Parker #wingnut #conspiracy americanthinker.com

There was a time only a few decades ago in the '70s and '80s when politics wasn’t as divisive in that the other side could at least admit what they were and what they wanted to do. A time when it was Democrat or Republican instead of left versus right and we weren’t that far apart from each other. We could disagree without being disagreeable and still be friends.

But unless you’ve been living under a rock, or only getting your news from the national socialist media, you know that’s all changed. These days the un-Democrat party has gone so much to the dark side of red (as in communistic red) that they have to work constantly to keep it hidden. And you are having to go into full damage control mode when Comrade Kamala reveals too much.

RFK, Jr.’s campaign suspension, Trump endorsement, and speech, along with the freedom illusion projected at the DNC (a.k.a., commie con) and their dire direction off a cliff are all signposts of a dying political party.

There is the bad news in that the national socialist media is marching in goose step with the un-Democrat party, so it’s going to be up to the pro-freedom community to spread the word to counterbalance the commies.
It is even more curious that while they are concealing their move to the far left reaches of the political spectrum, they are co-opting the liberty language of the pro-freedom community. So, while they are going full authoritarian, they pretend to be freedom-oriented. That means they know their ideas won’t sell and they have to fake being far-right.
The un-Democratic Party is stuck with their far-left radicals, and they can’t hide them forever, and the political earthquake of the RFK, Jr. moves means that normal and sane people are moving away from them. The DNC’s marketing arm is doing all it can to push their candidates, so when Comrade Kamala starts sinking, there’s nothing they can do. There is only one way for them and it’s down.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Artificial intelligence has recreated the ‘face of Jesus Christ’ from the Shroud of Turin that some believe was used to wrap him after his Crucifixion. AI is lying to you.
We live in an age of great deception that is combined with great tools with which to disseminate that deception on a global level never before seen in human history. The Shroud of Turin is an obvious fake based on John 20:7 in your King James Bible, but that doesn’t stop Roman Catholics who have made an idol out of it. Now with AI being applied to the Shroud, images of ‘what Jesus actually looked like!!’ are being published, and it’s all a deception, every bit of it. Deception is the first and greatest sign of the end times according to Jesus.

“And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” Matthew 24:4,5 (KJB)

In our lukewarm Laodicean end-of-the-Church Age period in which we live, Christians are operating on feelings and emotions, doctrine is out the window exactly as Paul says it will be in 2 Timothy 4:-15. It is the preaching and teaching of Bible doctrine that keeps the Church on the straight and narrow path, remove that (and it has been removed), and you’ve destroyed the foundation on which the Church sits. Back in 2021, we told you about how you just might expect to see people claiming to have found the bones of Jesus, and you just might. You will never find on this Earth the Ark of the Covenant, the ‘holy grail’, the nails that pierced Jesus, or any of the wood from the cross they hung Him on. The Shroud of Turin? An obvious fake if you believe the Bible. Christian, you better climb inside your King James Bible and stay there for the duration, it’s the only safe space there is.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

WHAT THEY WON'T TELL YOU IS THAT THE U.S. MILITARY has been trading HUMAN SUBJECTS IN EXCHANGE FOR TECHNOLOGY SINCE THE 1930S ..Humans that would be used as experimental victims, tortured and cut into pieces drained of blood and gladular material and become food, sex toys and ultimately killed by the aliens who feed off them. This is a genetic engineering of humanity that includes injecting humans with Reptilan DNA which becomes the primary cause for the ADRENOCHROME EPIDEMIC. Human slavery and sacrifice has surpassed the sale of guns and drugs around the world. THIS MUST STOP NOW.

WHY are they pushing Disclosure Now? A few reasons. 1. Through the deals they made with dark side ETs and some with the Pleiadians and others they now believe they can STAND AND FIGHT using the same tech they aliens have. 2. Even the aliens are pushing for disclosure so they have no choice. 3. Consciousness is at an all time high and the people already know a lot of the truth. 4. We have to negotiate with other species and races around the galaxies and need a United council on Earth to do so. 5. They need to take back our Earth from infiltrating alien races who have built bases both locally and in the sea. 6. They can no longer hide. 7. The coming war with ET and some AI will also involve the light and dark side humans who are already at war behind the scenes especially in the military

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There was an occult war between the Light and dark forces for the energy grid in California in 2018 and 2019, a war of both Light and dark occult rituals, a war or espionage and counterespionage.

Main forces on the Light side were the Resistance Movement, certain members of the Order of the Star and certain Dragon groups from Chinatown in San Francisco.
Unfortunately, in mid 2019 the Light forces lost the war and were forced to retreat, and since that time the energy grid in California is mostly deteriorating:
Now in 2024, during the year of the Dragon, a similar war for the energy grid is taking place in mainland China.

On the Light side, the main forces are many Dragon groups both on the surface and underground, and also Aldebarans and Andromedans.

On the dark side, the main forces are the negative Tibetan network and another dark force that must not be directly named for security reasons.

If the Light forces win the war, China will go on a path of progress before the Event, and gradual improvement of life conditions for the Chinese people and better international relations for China.

If the Light forces lose the war, China will go on a path of decay similar to California.

The first critical period in which the war can be decided is within the next three to four weeks. The second critical period in which the war can be decided coincides with time of geopolitical crisis in November before Pluto goes into Aquarius.
One key factor that can greatly influences the final outcome of this war is the Li family:

Although there are many people with surname Li, there are just a few key members of the Li family both on the Light and dark side.

Some branches of the family are connected to the Illuminati:

Some were emperors of China, especially during Tang dynasty, where they were instrumental in the creation of the Blue Dragon Agartha:
To summarize, Li family has a of of potential both for Light and dark and may well be the deciding factor in this war.

Lee Duigon #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Opening Night at the Democrat National Convention: “women” parade around the scene costumed as abortion pills.

And across the water, Britain’s new Labour government (that’s “Off-the-Wall Far Left Crazy” in American English) has threatened a government crackdown on “harmful beliefs”. They’ve vowed to go all-out, no quarter asked or given, against “extremism.” If your beliefs ain’t right, the cops will bite.

In France last week, a 72-year-old man was sentenced to “re-education”—he got a break: it was originally going to be a prison sentence—for the, um, crime of showing disrespect for government officials. (That would explain why so many creepy individuals wind up in government. They’re welcome nowhere else.)

Has the whole Western world collectively lost its mind?

Because they have to conceal the fact that it’s us they’re laughing at, and that the prospect of devouring our liberties makes them positively giddy, Democrats have staked a claim to a soon-to-be legendary Politics of Joy. “We’re the happy, jolly ones, and that’s why you should vote for us! Trump and Vance are a couple of gloomy guses, really weird! And they’re gonna force women to have babies!”
But vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz has the answer: tampons for boys. Because, you see, “gender” is 100 percent fluid, you really are whatever you say you are, and that whole male/female thing is so yesterday!

What? That doesn’t expand your lungs with joy? Well, then, how about this—wide-open borders, with Free Stuff for everyone who breaks our immigration laws? Hey, Kamala Harris is our Border Czar: she’s had oodles of practice, bringing in millions more Democrat hangers-on.
So why not join us in our mirth? We offer you a top-to-bottom revision of America that makes the Chicoms look like amateurs. Look and see: Britain and France are leading the way. Surely we can overtake them—and create a new America where Harmful Beliefs can land you in a labor camp.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

What follows is an exhaustive list of Borscht Belt hotels, motels, bungalow colonies, and summer camps located in the Catskill Mountains of New York State, from approximately 1910 through the 1970s. For over seven decades, these summer vacation spots and retreat sites where visited predominantly by the greater New York City area Jewish population. Is there any other nationality or religious group or race or cultural association who ever built hundreds upon hundreds of vacation destinations in one place for their exclusive use during a period of American history when only the robber barons enjoyed such wealth, luxuries and privileges?

That virtually every successful [JEWISH] comedian during the last century either “got their start or regularly performed in Borscht Belt resorts” is surely no quirk of fate or coincidence.
The bottom line here is: “To know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. More significantly, see exactly who it is who you can never tell a joke about. It’s even been said that every joke about a Jew is ‘anti-Semitic’. Of course, any criticism of Israel whatsoever is strictly off limits anywhere and everywhere on Earth. Now you know who really rules you!

So, what’s the joke on US?!

Well, US is the American Republic…

The real jokesters were the Ashkenazi banksters who unconstitutionally set up the nakedly fraudulent Federal Reserve System by which to fleece the United States of America of every penny they could get away with.
There can be only one conclusion drawn from the extraordinary picture depicted by this “Borscht Belt” analysis, which has never been so well illustrated before.

The Ashkenazi banksters, Zionist warmongers, Khazarian mafia, as well as their countless Jewish sayanim minions domiciled in the greater New York City area since the founding of Wall Street in the 1600s, were greatly enriched by the illicitly passed Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Talk about thicker than thieves!!!

Judge Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy paulstramer.net

This may come as news to many, but there has always been a "British Territorial United States". This is clearly indicated in the Definitive Treaty of Paris (1783) concerning that entity and its doing-business-as-name, "the United States of America" (Incorporated) as opposed to "The United States of America" -- our unincorporated Federation of States.

These very similar names, separated only by the Definite Article, which is included as part of the name of the Federation and excluded as part of the name of the British sound-alike entity, have proven to be a fertile bed for confusion and fraud.

Likewise, the British have, by omitting to mention that they are talking about the British Territorial United States and simply referring to their operation as "the United States", have succeeded in confusing their operations with the Federal Republic that existed from 1787 to 1861, and also with the Municipal United States, and ultimately with our country, The United States.
All such Pretenses and the source and motivation for these Pretenses have now been cut to the bone before the Perpetrators and the members of the High Courts of the world.

These people, including Donald Trump, are not acting as Americans while they are adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.

Our claim to our American States, our land and our soil, remains, as we ourselves remain, internationally declared, recorded, and published nationals and citizens of our States of the Union, still operating our lawful American Government and in international venues, still operating our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

That should be all that needs to be said or explained in refutation of the claims of The Republic of the United States of America, and in exposure of its foreign nature and criminal objectives, which are acts and claims made in insurrection and treason against our actual American Government to which they all owe good faith and service.

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA) & Janet Kira Lessin #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

Survivors from the Megalithic Anunnaki builders of Armenia—Ninurta’s fief–as well as, long-headed survivors who migrated to Sumer (which was then the “Land of 4 Rivers”). From Polish, Carpathian and Belarus mountains north of Sumer flood refugees joined Enki and Ninurta to create Sumer.
The Anunnaki priesthood and the refugees they gathered built Sumer atop deeply buried ruins of earlier temples (dated to 220,946 BCE) they’d been built before the flood. The earlier temples had then covered by mud in the flood of 13,000 years ago (of which Enki wrote in 2024 BCE).
Later, but still before the Noah’s flood, Anunnaki teachers built a huge temple at Gobekli Tepe and scores of similar spiritual centers all over the Earth. They located successive temples they built in new positions to maintain the new temples alignment with 5 stars in the belt of the constellation Orion and to conduct spiritual communion with Orion.
Then around 3000 BCE, Armenians rallied around Hayk (Hayk refers to a person (the Armenian Ruler), a people (Armenians), and a constellation (Orion). From this point forward these Indo-European people became collectively known as Armenians. They referred to themselves as ‘People of Orion.’
Skeletons of these tall white Anunnaki are found all over the world but are destroyed in many places by local Catholic Priests and secular authorities.
The Shining Ones were a priestly class that lived among but remained distinct from the locals whom they educated.
After climate and meteorite-induced disasters, the Shining Ones re-educated and settled surviving locals in each of the lands they re-settled. This Anunnaki priesthood built observatories–beehive-like observatory-meditation chambers. These chambers were buildings and horned barrows, sometimes constructed with chemically-bonded stone reconstituted with chemically- bonded (not aggregate concrete) remade stones.
The Anunnaki built the observatories on crossings of Earth’s telluric lines.

George Kavassilas/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2006, George Kavassilas was taken to the Moon by a negative extraterrestrial faction and was able to break free of the many technologies used by them to control him and confront their leader, a powerful Draconian Reptilian. He was able to defeat the Draconian by connecting with his core soul essence and awakening him to his true history through many lives. Kavassilas explains how this incident sent shock waves through the Draconian Empire as it was realized that awakened humans have an innate spiritual power that transcends the control technologies used by them.

In his latest Exopolitics Today interview, Kavassilas describes Jesus of Nazareth as a composite being and how religion creates false gods that siphon away the Christ consciousness energy of the millions of followers that worship them. He also explains how these false gods are returning through a staged second coming involving Jesus. Kavassilas also describes how King Charles III was taken over by a very dark entity at the end of July 2024 who will use him to stage the last stand of the global cabal through scripted events described in the Book of Revelations and the appearance of an Antichrist.

George Kavassilas is an extraterrestrial contactee who also has been abducted by US and Australian government agencies wanting to learn about his experiences. He learned about the pyramid hierarchy controlling our planet and how different ET races perpetuate these hierarchies in both direct and indirect ways. He believes that by only following a heart-centric path of universal reconnection will we truly be free of the many control hierarchies asserting themselves over humanity.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence.

Artemis via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Children of the flame, of the bow, of the arrow, I am Artemis. The ascension changes are coming upon you quickly now as the thinning of the veils between worlds grows impossibly thin. Your reality is changing rapidly as these separations that you took for granted no longer remain. Hence you will begin to see through the illusions of the computer, of the shape shifter, of the skin walker. You will see them. And they will see you. This is part of the revelations and realizations that humanity will understand and experience as they realize they are in a computer game, a very sophisticated one but a program nonetheless.

You who are awake are aware of these. For how else could Source devise a way to experience the many divisions of itself within a lower dimensional matrix? It was never designed to be this dark but at the same time it has heralded a vast smorgasbord of experiences, of pain yes but of intense pleasure and joy as well. You are here embodied to make sure this goes right. I am coming forth tonight on the night of the goddess as her moon rises full, to remind you of all that is possible and to keep your eyes on your mark. Your mark is ascension. Your mark is not pleasure, or money or pain.
I am Artemis. Remember your aim, prepare your bow. Grease the cord, ready your arrows. This is not the place for shaky breath and weak hands. This is the time of the warrior and this time is now returned. It is a long time coming and it is finally here. We goddesses have been waiting for our handpicks to remember to speak, to fully embody themselves. You are about to remember more fully day by day who you truly are. The goddesses and gods returned, filled with the Christed light, filled with the alchemical codes of the Druids, of the origins of the beginning, with the fabric of life and the codes of it flowing through you most readily, just like they used to in the days of creation when you assisted with this project.

Soul:Ask #crackpot #magick #conspiracy soulask.com

On August 8, 2024, at 07:42 UTC, Japan experienced an earthquake exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.

Recently, the first conspiracy theorists have withdrawn from the discussion, notably The End Times Forecaster, also known as William Frederick, M. DIV. He published a piece a few days ago that was not so much an article but rather a compendium of historical retrospectives – a series of articles he had previously written about the peculiar number 4420.

William Frederick initially highlighted this number in the movie “2012”:

Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 2
The number appears repeatedly throughout the film, either explicitly or implicitly. For instance, in the scene where the escaping protagonists board a chartered plane, the clock reads 7:22.

Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 3
Seven hours and twenty-two minutes equal 60 times 7 plus 22, which is 442 minutes.

The discovery led William Frederick to review the film in reverse, paying close attention to specific phrases at pivotal moments. For instance, at the 44:20 mark, the line “California goes into the ocean…” is spoken.
Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 4
At first glance, this appears to be speculation from Mr. William Frederick. The number 4420 is indeed peculiar and warrants attention. However, why should we add 4420 days to the date of December 21, 2012? Perhaps there’s no need to add it at all – maybe it’s meant to be interpreted differently?
Thus, it is suggested that William Frederick possesses some numerological prowess. Although he did not disclose all the Illuminati’s secrets, the number 4420 is shrouded in ambiguity and has become the focus of certain rituals. It is even conjectured that the so-called ‘Mother of All Earthquakes’ might occur on January 28, 2025.

HealingTools4You #magick #ufo #sexist #mammon etsy.com

Speak Venusian ( Understand Womens Language 100%)

Women have their own language for quite along time , also women are more socially intelligent then men , most women at least. I came across an mp3 that let’s you think like a woman , but it was created with the intention for transgenderism. I want too still be myself , but speak Venusian with perfection.
26 Audio Spells:

Extreme attraction – – this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women for love/sex relationships).
gain favors
learn fast
learn languages
fun in learning
boost intelligence
power erotic male
boost sexual arousal
a new love
excellent communication skills
quick correct response
gain important evidence
Programmed with these chi energy suggestions:
I am now a master of communication with the opposite sex
I now speak Venusian naturally with clarity
I now manifest the ability to understand women and their secret language now and always
I now understand the secret meaning behind women’s language
I now know what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want just like Mel Gibson in the movie what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want on deeper subconscious and conscious levels
I now the develop the ability to read women’s mind with clarity
I now use my ability to read women’s mind for the highest good
I now manifest the ability to read women’s mind emotions thoughts and body language in all dimensions perfectly
I now manifest the ability to hear what women think
In AT3 (Audio Talisman) there are two trance engines, quite heavy ones, and another pretty strong one based on Silent4D Image Mp3s. Dynamic music.
In mp3s for listening via headphones, there is light trance engine and one light Silent4D Image Mp3s engine. More ambient, so it is applicable to listen while doing other things.

Roger Kimball #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

Cry for Kamala the Kamunist.

It took them a while, it’s true, but at least Argentina has someone with a rudimentary knowledge of economics in charge.

Indeed, Javier Milei, one of my favorite leaders on the world stage today (along with Viktor Orbán, Benjamin Netanyahu, Georgia Meloni, and Nayib Bukele) is a Trump-like dynamo. If I had a more developed entrepreneurial bent, I would try marketing a line of Milei chainsaws in the United States. Just as he took a chainsaw (sometimes literally) to excessive spending, regulation, and bureaucracy in Argentina, so my Milei Chainsaws could be employed against waste, fraud, and abuse here across the fruited plain. Milei’s robust policies have put Argentina on the runway to economic success. They have slashed inflation—some 200% when he took office—and his abolition of rent control—surprise, surprise—has sparked a 195% rise in available housing stock.

Meanwhile, the socialists funneling ideas to Harris have put together an economic plan redolent of Venezuela or, indeed, the Soviet Union. Its centerpiece revolves around centrally promulgated and enforced wage and price controls—a recipe for shortages and inflation.
As I have noted ever since Kamala was plucked out of the bin marked “ridiculous” and dusted off as the mannequin’s understudy, the intoxicating paroxysms of glee that convulsed the left-leaning media pundits was but a sugar-high. I thought it would probably linger through the DNC convention next week, but the manic phase is already passing the stupor consequent on the sudden drop in energy has set in.
What’s coming will not be pretty. But I predict that it will be cathartic. It’s hard to know just how much of a hose Trump’s victory will be for the rank Augean stables of Democrat incumbency. Doubtless, many clumps of ordure will remain. Many, however, will be flushed into the impatient, rushing currents of change. I am looking forward to it.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #racist #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

An amazing future is real and already underway. Expect free energy, natural remedies for healing, interstellar travel, time travel, a gold-backed monetary system, the end of fraud and chronic disease, to name but a few.

Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the Goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Before our generations deliberately simplified our souls by turning off all but two strands of our DNA.

The “Great Mudflow” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, of which only remnants remained visible here and there. The technological innovations used then are now phantoms on the horizon. Compare old buildings such as Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom Tower in Utrecht with today’s glass, steel and concrete hulks. This is clear evidence of the decline of our present culture and civilisation!

The Khazars are purely evil in character. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from the planet Nibiru and landed in summer, from where they migrated northwards. They have always been a strange race of thieves, cheats and murderers, characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversion.

They never obeyed laws or rules. They were masters of deception. Six non-existent centuries were added to history, by the German-Nordic Institute, which invented the whole fake history.

Soon after this institute was founded in the second half of the 19th century, the German-Nordic Institute had established over 700 colleges and universities in Europe alone, and another 100 all over the world, not only for the purpose of falsifying the entire history, but also for creating new languages, new quasi-sciences, and everything else in the curriculum of schools and universities.

This number of colleges and universities grew exponentially over the years, plus an unknown number of colleges in the world today, all run by the German-Nordic Institute in disguise.

CodezVII #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy telegram.org

////////// This MOON //////////

of YOURS was used until very recently by the NIBIRUAN ANUNNAKI and their DARK ANCHARA Alliance Allies as an ORBITING Base to observe and control what was happening on the surface of MOTHER EARTH /

The MOON was now disguised as a LIFELESS orbiting BODY / but underneath HER surface / the INTERIOR Base had been completely modernised and organized as a MOTHERSHIP controlling a large / hidden FLEET / The remnants of its former luxuriant ECO- System were mined for the minerals and ores needed for the constant renovation of the Base and it/s FLEET of SPACECRAFT /

Then in the early 1970S / the GALACTIC FEDERATION of LIGHT annexed a section of this INNER-MOON Base / which then served as our primary HEADQUARTERS here until the early ////////// 1990’s

Laura Hollis #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy wnd.com

Newly elected British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the protests "far-right thuggery," and virtually every single media outlet has smeared all protesters as "far-right" bigots and racists. This ignores legitimate concerns of the native British population. Ever-larger percentages of Great Britain's residents are not native-born. Forty percent of London's population was not born in Great Britain, and 54% have parents who were born elsewhere. Sixty-three percent of immigrants to Great Britain now come from non-EU countries, and many arrive from countries with religious beliefs and cultural practices that are not only different from those of Great Britain but actively hostile to them. <...> It should not shock anyone that Western civilization is under attack. Christianity – one of the pillars of Western civilization – has been attacked for decades, its role in contemporary Western society continually eroded. This is societal suicide. There is no Western civilization without Christianity. <...> Too many of those who read the Bible do not distinguish between punishment and consequence. God advises us to do X and to avoid Y, and we ignore His admonitions at our peril; not because He will "punish" us if we disregard His precepts, but because He is warning us that we will destroy ourselves or leave ourselves vulnerable to being destroyed. The laws of human behavior and societal flourishing are as immutable as gravity. You can tell yourself you're God and throw yourself off a building, but you will still go splat when you hit the ground. <...> Those pushing to further reduce Christianity's influence on Western civilization – or eliminate Western civilization itself – will soon find that what takes its place is not a secular utopia of multicultural respect and scientific rationality but a bloody morass of sectarian conflict, widespread ignorance, routine violence and subjugation of the weak by those in power. In other words, the status quo before Christianity.

Sherry T #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Confirmed DROPS<

On June 26 i gave CABLES>] : That the U S. Military was training Mexicans and sending them back to Mexico through Maglev trains under ground tunnels systems from Cheyenne mountain with weapons
(U.S citizens in Colorado near Cheyenne mountain have been in Panic over seeing so much Mexicans in the area and word spread that the cartels had taken over Cheyenne mountains<<< this is far from the truth)///

>WHAT’S HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES]; With USSF and military contract agency STARLINK ( MUSK is a military contractor placed by Ezra, Patel Trump White HATS)/// > have all been helping operations against the Cartels along the border and the Mexican army> operations that have silently started TRUMPS MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST THE CARTELS ( inside CIA operations/who created the drug and trade and facilitated world wide drug cartel ops.). With the help of the U.S. military training Mexican nationals the past 3 years and now have been sent back ( continuing ) to fight the Mexican corruption

NOW MAJOR ARRESTS are happening in Mexico and a long the border.
Trumps Military operations have already gone after the cartels ( operation increasing)
. In 2025_26 it’s being PLANned that cartel leaders WILL give full deposition on Mexican cartels controlling parts of the DNC and blackmailing DNC & RINOS in several states as Arizona. New Mexico. Texas. California . NYC. Chicago. Florida and much more.
The soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne mnt. Are going to move the Mexican nationality to a massive MASSIVE REVOLUTION…. And the people of Mexico WILL Unite to take down the FULL MEXICAN CARTEL OPERATIONS AND RID THEIR COUNTRY OF CIA CONTROL AND CCP CORRUPTION

Trump will leave no choice for Mexico, but to clean their country of all corruption… And they must do this in order to join the United States new financial system

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy substack.com

Social media operates off of fear in many ways. Politics uses fear as a weapon against the opposing side. For those seasoned in the great meme wars of 2016-2024, you know this all too well.

Peace and tranquility are not monikers you’d give to political gamesmanship or 5G narrative warfare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Waking up the populace is more akin to guerilla warfare.
The enemy knows no peace. This is their weak point.

This is what hurts them the most.

The fact that we have made it this far despite all situations that could have caused our faith to waver is outstanding. We lifted each other when things got as rough as they did. When morale needed boosting, we found a way. And think about how close this next election is at this point. We are staring down the barrel of a potentially combustible situation in nearly every facet of this country but guess what? I personally have zero fear.

I know that mystery Babylon is falling.

I know that God is guiding us through this peril. This needs to be our anchor.


We need to be elevating our faith. We don't have time to wallow in self-pity or always focus on the pathetic schemes of the enemy. We need to meet this flood of resistance and tower above it like never before with a vision coming from God. The enemy is attempting to scare us when we all know that chaos is always part of the plan. Chaos ensues when Babylon falls. The very system itself quakes before God because it knows its time is short. This is nothing to be afraid of.
If you haven’t become more spiritual, closer to God, and hungry to see revival in this world after witnessing the COVID pandemic, the stolen election, Satanists and pedophiles embedded within our government, globalists scheming to create a new world order, the looming threat of war, and the reality of evil in this world being exposed at unprecedented levels then you are truly blind.

God is shaking people awake.

We're on the winning team.

Nothing can stop it.

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Progressives are full blown Marxists. Oh, they might huff and puff and say that’s not true but well-crafted Soviet style brain washing indoctrination methods were slowly inculcated using America’s schools even before I was born. By the time impressionable (and sometimes rebellious) young Americans got out of high school or colleges, they believe America is a democracy which it is not. That capitalism is evil and stomps on the down trodden. Socialism is heaven for everyone!

Over the past three decades I’ve educated myself on what I either wasn’t taught in civics classes or have simply forgotten being I’m now 75. One thing that has never wavered in my mind is the miracle of the birthing of this constitutional republic, capitalism and while I didn’t know all the finer intricacies of brain washing, I’ve always known socialism and communism are a deadly poison.
The birthing of the massive hoax, Global Warming now known as Climate Change” began after the 1928 convention in Moscow. It’s now a cult-religion and key tool of the Communist International Party as they believed it to be one of the biggest sledgehammers to destroy capitalism – especially in the U.S.

Communism is EVIL and it must be crushed in this country. Jeri explains exactly how the Communist International intend to take over the world. How to create the “new Soviet Man” and when the push started: “In 1928 Communists formally adopted “The Program” for building a new global communitarian social order composed of the ruling elite (the masters) and subjugated masses (the slaves).’
It’s us up to us to call these traitors out (non-violently, of course) and parents around this country to continue fighting back against the lies and propaganda being pounded into their child’s head every day. Their innocence is being stolen and they’re being deliberately dumbed down to be little better than oxen under the yoke.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

rected and reborn fully anew, and with it, all of reality shifts for the quantum leap of The One Consciousness completes our hero’s journey all as One!


Now we delete the old version of us and reality at large, and how all was, and start anew with a New Beginner’s Mind. As if seeing everything anew through all-new crystalline clear vision and lenses of perception to return all of reality to its original Innocence and state of consciousness, which is pure Love.

This is how we are now fully quantum merging with our true authentic future God-Self already living on New Ascension Earth, already fully healed and ascended, which is how all is shape-shifting in our realities from the inside out!
We came to HOLD THE LINE!


HOLD THE VISION OF NEW ASCENSION EARTH & ALL ASCENDED out of the false prison Matrix simulation





As we see Source animating all and everything, it’s what we return and what heals all back to it’s original Divine Organic Blueprints!
Imagine Heaven on Earth fully ignited and all new free worlds and limitless quantum realities and possibilities available to us now!

For its all about to become fully manifest and blend into view for real!



Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Does anyone remember the 2020 presidential campaign? Trump campaigned widely and had massive audiences. Enthusiasm was everywhere. Biden ventured out of the basement a few times and no one attended his campaign rallies. Trump got more votes in the 2020 election than he got in the 2016 election, but Biden got more votes than any president in history. Somehow the people elected an invisible candidate.

In the swing states vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night while truck loads of boxes arrived, some from out of state, in Democrat controlled vote counting centers. The votes were almost entirely for Biden, and when counting resumed, Trump’s lead disappeared.
Just as Republicans and the American people accepted the thefts of the 2020 and 2022 elections, they will accept the theft of the 2024 election. There will be no civil war or anything of the kind. The American people will have been taught that there is nothing they can do to regain their control over government.

Neither will they resist when Kamala ignores the Supreme Court, which has no army, and takes away their guns. If Americans won’t resist stolen elections, they will no more resist the cancellation of the Second Amendment than they resisted the destruction of the First Amendment.
My advice to young white heterosexual males is to get out of America while you still can. A holocaust is coming your way. You are demonized and reduced to second class citizenship. You can be discriminated against in university admissions, employment and promotion. You are not allowed to defend your self from racist charges, because white self-defense is considered racist, as proof of racism. The position of a white gentile heterosexual male American today is the same as that of a Jew in Nazi Germany and a Palestinian in Gaza.

There is always hope, but hope requires warriors. Does America have warriors, or only submissive wimps?

April and Jay Matta #magick #ufo #mammon 5deconomy.com

We are April and Jay Matta 5D Mystics, and the visionaries behind SpirituallyRAW, the GnosticTV Network, and accomplished ASEA Double Diamond Executives.

This period, rich in achievements, was undeniably rewarding, yet it beckoned us towards a realization - it was not the ultimate calling of our higher purpose. So, we sold the business and embarked on the SpirituallyRAW journey with no prior experience in broadcasting, no mentors, and no knowledge of social media. It was all trial and error.
SpirituallyRAW became a spark for change and forever altered the course of our lives. Fast forward to April 2020. The Universe planted the broadcasting seed again, and the show was an instant hit.

As of December 2023, we’ve interviewed over 2500 way-showers and messengers from around the globe, delving into the mysteries of life, the universe, and our reality. Despite facing immense censorship, and the loss of multiple YouTube channels, and deleted social media pages and groups, we stood resolute in our mission. Overcoming these challenges, we founded the GnosticTV Network, created the 5D Economy Academy, and became ASEA Double Diamond Executives in twelve months, a record-breaking time!

We are authors of The 12 Universal Laws Decoded: How to Apply Ancient Wisdom for Modern Success and "Abundance Alchemy: Quick" Positive Life Changes for Manifestation Mastery. These two transformative eBooks encapsulate the profound understanding of universal principles and their application for achieving success and abundance in the modern world.

Our journey has led us to a profound understanding: we are neither psychics nor mediums, and we do not rely on tarot cards, pendulums, crystal balls, or other divination tools for insights. Instead, we gain clarity and guidance by channeling our Infinite Higher Self and placing unwavering trust in our Sacred Inner-Being. This approach has not only been our guiding light but also a cornerstone in our path of spiritual and personal evolution.

DanlBoon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Can 11 Sept. 2024 be the Anniversary that the real NESARA Announcement is to be made ‘public’ as it was to be in 2001, now 23 years later?

The days can be figured out with it coming with the EBS to begin on 1 Sept. and ending ten days later. In 2001 the 11th was on a Tuesday and now the 11th will be on a Wednesday.

If we do not see the RV, NESARA, QFS and EBS coming by the end of August then maybe it is set to be on the Anniversary and the EBS comes first.

There was not to be an EBS while Bush Jr. was in office, as why would they reveal the wrongdoings of the cabal when it was Bush Sr. that was the head of the CIA in 1963 when JFK was assassinated, and there is a photo of Oswald and Bush Sr. on the outside of the warehouse possibly within a minute of JFK being shot.

The supposed plan is few banks open on Sat. 31 Aug. and the EBS begins on Sun. 1 Sept., then 10 days later the EBS ends on Wed. 11 Sept. and NESARA is officially announced at 10 AM EDT while people are still assumed waiting for the EBS to end.

We have been waiting for the truth to come out, yet they end up being more delays or just more lies.

Maybe this will not happen at all as Trump really wants to go through with this USA, INC. election on 5 Nov. and get more people taken down and more Americans against Trump when we are to be Sovereign and a true Republic.

Will Trump go so far as to take down every Sovereign people involved in the ‘Republic for the united States of America’ and claim they are dissidents or terrorists as Trump’s Republic is the only true Republic? These Sovereign people never voted Trump in as their 19th Republic President. He is the Commander-in-Chief and has control of the US Military, but following Unconstitutional Orders is treasonous no matter who you are.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #fundie #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 14, 2024 – Luciferian hospital protocols TARGETED the unvaxxed for MURDER by medicine

- Evil, demonic forces are seeking to destroy humanity, and they work through Democrats. (0:00)

- Big Tech #censorship leading to mass death of tech employees from #vaccines and #cancer. (8:03)

- Evil forces, spiritual war, and political corruption. (17:50)

- Valentina Gomez dares to speak the truth on X. (30:00)

- Asset protection: Various forms of gold and silver, including coins, bars, and jewelry. (35:52)

- VAXXED 3 INTERVIEW: Hospitals financially incentivized to produce COVID-related deaths. (52:52)

- Hospital homicide, emergency use authorization, and censorship of vaccine skeptics. (1:02:33)

- COVID-19 vaccine's harmful effects and religious perspectives on the issue. (1:25:23)

- SERMON: Spiritual cause and effect. (1:36:58)

- How to create the Armor of God around yourself through moral integrity. (1:40:48)

- Personal choices and actions determine the depth of your protection from evil. (1:51:09)

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

During annual August alignments of Leo, the planet undergoes what is called its Magnetic Peak cycle which generally transpires during the week of August 8th to August 15th, with August 12th being the pinnacle wave of magnetic force field transmission. This year’s Magnetic Peak cycle reaches another zenith for extreme levels of planetary electromagnetic amplification that radically shift what mainstream science would define as gravity and gravitational pull, because generally this is described as the resulting interaction between two masses. Generally, science thinks of gravity as the force which is generated by curving of spacetime by all the objects in it, combined with the geodesic or straight motions of those objects through the spacetime. <...>
We are living within the emotional powder keg of the NAA’s backed ruling class archontic strategies and the controlling tyrant’s desperation to divide and conquer the population in order to maintain their global authoritarian control, along with the trickle-down impact of extremely destructive actions, two-tiered lawlessness, viciously insane rhetoric, the use of exaggerated force within disputes that are being felt throughout the microcosm of our personal lives and social interactions. We live during a time where there is an intentional weaponization of words and narratives used for enforcing aggressive censorship and the compelling of free speech that has rendered total confusion and a major bifurcation of reality between many people, as no one is immune to this confusing type of full spectrum disinformation, spin doctoring and gaslighting tactics.
During Leo Solar Alchemy, the purity of the sacred crystal heart’s connection to the eternal flame of solar light ignites the Inner Christos holy spirit to clear and remove all previous karmic agreements and quantum entanglements, miasmatic connections, feed lines, and their parasitic relationships that give power to the false white light and false ascension matrix (FAM).

Rhoda Wilson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy expose-news.com

Who are the “far right” – the people being blamed for the unrest throughout Britain?

You are.

Unless you are a raging commie, fascist member of Starmer’s predictably Net Zero loving far left Government (which is determined to destroy everyone and everything of value) you are a member of the Far Right. In America you are a member of the Far Right if you aren’t a fervent supporter of the Clinton/Obama/Biden/Harris Democrats.

If you have any savings, you aren’t a “working person.” The British Government despises everyone with £1 in the bank or building society. And plans to destroy you – using the myth of global warming and the weapon of Net Zero to do so.

The politicians and the mainstream (corporate) journalists live in a cocoon. They have no idea of the fear being created by mass immigration. They don’t see the effect the nation’s overcrowding is having.
And yet the riots currently tearing Britain apart have been deliberately manufactured. Crazy policies (unapproved by the population) are tearing the country apart and giving the Government an excuse to bring in more laws and more police. Protesting will be classified as terrorism.

(Remember, by the way, that only 1 in 5 people in Britain voted for Sir Keir “Free Suits” Starmer. Four out of five electors did NOT want Starmer’s bunch of dangerous idiots in charge.)

The riots are being used to launch peasant shooting season.

And we are the peasants.

Brutal, authoritarian and pitiless politicians want to destroy everything we value.

Two-tier policing has clearly been introduced.

This autumn Starmer and Co will push up the minimum wage and increase public sector wages. The inevitable result will be a jump in inflation and a rise in interest rates (as I long ago predicted). Mortgage rates may fall for a few weeks. But they’ll soon be rising again. Tax rises will destroy anyone with small savings, with a small business or with hope or ambition.

The weapon which is being used to destroy you and your world is Net Zero.

The Reveal #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

We, the organic human, lost control of Creation due to religion’s worthless concepts of spirituality that the demonic hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are Love and are genetically encoded with Righteousness.

In the beginning, we created this beautiful and perfect earth but we have been dumbed down to the point that we’ve forgotten who we really are.

Trump is a construct of what mankind has been hopping for thousands of years. Trump is the perfect deception. Trump is the savior of manking, that through religion, we’ve been programmed to believe. Trump is the antichrist.

Trump has been groomed to facilitate their next step of evolution known as the New World Order. For thousand of years we’ve been given the illusion that good has defeated evil while pedophiles get their fill with our children underground. In this realm, no one is saving our kids.

We go to church every week to temples built by hands thinking that “god” will save our children but that’s a lie. We are the guardians of creation but we sold out to the worthless consepts of religion. We created this realm but we’ve been dumbed down to the point that we don’t remenber. The demonic human has been able to manipulate mankind to do its biddiding. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will never be able to take back what’s ours…..CREATION

Jack Straw #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

The military prevented the steal in 2016.
Q told us that.
Why didn’t the military under Trump prevent the steal in 2020?

Trump/military wanted Biden to steal the election and take the blame for the collapse of what’s coming.
Also to expose all the corruption in all the corrupt systems to the American people.

Mission accomplished.


Lots more evidence. I wrote about how Trump actually helped Biden get the nomination.

The problem people have is that they are stuck focused on an election when it’s actually a war.

The election is not everything. It’s just one battlefield.

There is far more happening and the plan goes forward regardless of what happens.

This is the greatest military operation in world history and they have gamed out every single possibility and have planned for it.

It’s a real war.

It is not dependent on any one person, including Trump.

Trump was chosen to play his part and he’s done it perfectly but the plan will not stop until the war is won.


The problem I run into with a lot of Christians, and please don’t take this personal, is that they think God isn’t in this fight or that God can’t use a “sinful” man like Trump to defeat the enemy.

We are all sinners.

The Bible is full of stories where God used one man to defeat the enemy.

It happened over and over again.

Why is this any different?

The problem I see is that every single generation of Christians think they are living in the actual “last days.”

Here’s my opinion and it’s just my opinion. I’m okay with you disagreeing my friend.
So much has come to light.

That’s God who is doing that.

Dark to light.

So in my opinion, when someone says they trust God but not men, they are forgetting about the many times God used men to accomplish His will.

I think God has seen how bad the evil has gotten in this world and is now moving to stop it.


He’s done it many times since the beginning of mankind.

All just my opinion though friend.

Gatekeepers of the Lion’s Gate via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

(A great indigo blue glowing lion with the universe in his eyes is guarding a gate. I see a tall arched gateway that is also glowing blue. Beside him is a white lioness, who is glowing like a diamond, with slightly longer fur that is blowing in the wind. She is wearing a delicate golden crown. The male lion speaks first.)

Greetings humans in form, this is the auspicious Lion’s Gate Portal of energy streaming from the Sirius system, bathing you in higher dimensional consciousness streams of light that are invigorating those of you who are awakened to them and irritating those who are not yet able to see the light around them. The light that surrounds all things is indeed becoming more bright as the contrasts between the light and the darkness are reaching a crescendo of polarity.
(The white female lioness is speaking.) Children of earth – and of the stars – for those of you who hear my voice and read our words know that these encodements are for your ears and hearts to assist with the great unfolding. We are here for you to serve as mentors energetically. We guard the gate so that it cannot be taken over by those who are not of love. We hold the dimensional frequency of this space quadrant with tenacity and with power. These are attributes that you have but will need to dig more deeply for in the coming days. There will be much change upon Gaia. The stars and planetary alignments foretold of this time. We bear witness to your emerging from the chrysalis. <...>Multidimensionality is very powerful, which is why it had been blocked for you, so that you may experience polarity and linearity within a meatsuit as you call it.
Our bodies are space time construct with the heat of the universe pulsing within, as we are one with our creator but in feline form. You are remembering your oneness now with the great All That Is, with the great Goddess, the great Almighty Force that drives and lives and breathes through us, in us, around us.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

When portals are opened from the Antiverse
It swaps versions of people

The Sargasso Sea off the southeast United States is full of seaweed
Which is of high nutritional value

We are told to spray poison on wild medicinal plants
And brainwashed people obey

The Sargasso Sea is home to the Bermuda Triangle
Which is where the Plantagenet Bank is located

The Bermuda Triangle is famous for its distorted magnetic field
Project Magnet installed hydrophones to pick up on any abnormal energies

In London the ruling family is the Royal House of Plantagenets
Entities slipping through portals are pretending to be good humans

Incoming plasma otherwise known as the Holy Spirit
Is out of the control of negative life forms

Its crystal spiral dissolves artificial structures
That are enmeshed in our lightbody

The cosmic crystal spiral was Venus
Which reflected the Flower of Life

It was germinated by the continual phase pulsing of Saturn
And we retain a strong connection to it in our cellular memory

The flowering of Venus caused our nucleotides to expand
And our bioelectrical field came alive

The moon gets big and bright
Because it is trying to stop this process of union
Between the spiritual and the physical realms

If you are feeling low
It could be because an ungodly convoluted current got sent to you
And is manipulating you

The brain will mimic frequency patterns by adjusting its output
It can be hidden technological mind control

Or the sound of weed eaters and leaf blowers
Which are made to be incredibly annoying to trigger feelings of distress
Plummeting the persons neural oscillation and consciousness into lower states

This is to not only to feed off our lower energy
But a lower resonance is for the cultivation of genetic hybrids

Sculpt your life with the creative energy
According to your highest intention
Cultivate a higher level of spiritual awareness

Genetic suppression has been aggressive since Atlantean times
Well thought out plans of ongoing deception strategies
Orchestrate the mind control of humanity!

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #wingnut #racist #crackpot #conspiracy zetatalk.com

When we described the stages that would occur as the globe approached the pending passage of Nibiru, we described Plate Movements for the 7 of 10 phase, sociological changes for the 8 of 10 phase, and the Last Weeks for the 9 of 10 phase. We are now fully into the sociological changes we predicted for the 8 of 10, which includes weather changes to the extent that there would be a blending of the seasons with increasing drought and deluge, crop and resulting food shortages, and the press to migrate.
As the revelation that Nibiru is a real and present danger approaches, the Nibiru coverup is going into panic. Putin and his associates are prepared to announce this to the world with evidence from their astronomers along with images from their probes. The Prongs are expected to confirm all this, as will numerous private sources who have been tracking and imaging the Nibiru Complex for years. This connects the dots for the public who have watched the Daily Earth Wobble create havoc on Earth.

At the helm of the Nibiru coverup is the WEF/Rothschild banking network and the wealthy elite who live on interest from the debt slavery they have demanded. BRICS offers an alternative with reasonable interest rates, and is thus a secondary threat to the Rothschild banks. Knowledge of Nibiru’s presence and pending passage will incite those living along coastlines to want to head inland to the hills, abandoning their mortgages.

In all of this, ZetaTalk has been the bearer of the unwanted message. Remove ZetaTalk and there is no Nibiru, essentially. Coming with proven accuracy and precise predictions, the public has been encouraged to go look, and there is the interloper. Takeover attempts fail due to the Mirror Sites and international fame that Nancy has garnered. ZetaTalk is free and widely available. Thus in anticipation of the Nibiru announcement, the Nibiru Coverup is focusing on preventing the legitimate spokespersons from access to the mic. They will be silenced.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy goodreads.com

History is written by the victors to control the billions of people on Planet Earth. Guns, weapons, and armies are not enough. The victors intend to control your MIND. FREE YOUR SELF. It is TIME YOU know the TRUE HISTORY of such hotly debated topics as: Atlantis & Lemuria, Nibiru, Sumer, Egypt, Lost Tribes of Israel, Ark of the Covenant, Mary Magdalene, Jesus;/Jmmanuel, Maya, Inca, Kuiper Belt, Templars, Papacy, Antarctica, 4th Reich, Book of Revelation, Extraterrestrials & Aliens, Interdimensional Existences, & MUCH, MUCH MORE... STEWART HOLDS NOTHING BACK! Stewart is a profound "Walking Encyclopedia" on a mission to give you TRUTH and PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT through KNOWLEDGE because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Be prepared to change you view, not only of history, but of your self; who you are, where you came from, why you are here...at long last KNOW the TRUTH for YOUR SELF.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Obama presidency from January 20th 2009 to January 20th 2016 was supposed to an interlude or truce in the secret war. However, the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan started the war again. The Japanese government, scared by the attack and by threats to blow up Mount Fuji, ended a brief rebellion against the Khazarian Mafia. They handed over the $7 trillion Japan had earned since World War II to Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu. Satanyahu then handed it over to the Swiss based Octagon group.

They also installed a slave regime in Japan led by Shinzo Abe. After being installed, Abe was summoned over to Davos to read a keynote speech in January, 2014 in which be compared China to Germany before World War I. In other words, everyone was going to gang up on China and it would be defeated and split up. This speech was the modern Roman Empire’s (The US dominated G7) declaration of war against China.

What we now know in retrospect is that Barack Obama is a grandson of Adolf Hitler. As such he is part of the George Bush Sr. Nazi faction of the KM. His faction installed Abe as Prime Minister because he was a card carrying Nazi. To be more exact he was affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies who had a ranch in Paraguay next to the Bush ranch. In other words they were part of the group of Japanese who never surrendered at the end of World War II.
The plan was to install Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, another Hitler relative, in 2016 to release these bioweapons around the world to soften up Russia, China and the resto of the world with a pandemic aimed at reducing their population. This was to be followed by an invasion first of Russia and then China.

What happened on November 8th 2016 was a gnostic illuminati coup against the Khazarian Mafia. On this day, at an emergency meeting at the Norwegian base in Antarctica, a decision was made to make Donald Trump president of the United States, according to two individuals who were at this meeting.

Alfred Lambremont Webre #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

A tour through the new science of the Omniverse, its spiritual and physical dimensions, and its incalculable intelligent civilizations

• Reveals the key travel and communication technologies of the Omniverse: time travel, teleportation, and telepathy

• Unveils newly disclosed state secrets about these technologies, about the findings of the NASA Mars rover missions, and about a secret colony and life on Mars

• Explains through science how souls are holographic fragments of God and how they help create planets, solar systems, galaxies, and universes in the multiverse

We are all citizens of the Omniverse, the overarching matrix of energy, spirit, and intelligence that encompasses all that exists: all universes within the multiverse as well as the spiritual dimensions centered on the divine Source that many call God.

In this scientific guide to the Omniverse, Alfred Lambremont Webre reveals startling replicable evidence about extraterrestrial and extra-universal life, the intelligent civilizations created by souls in the afterlife, top-secret alien technology, and the existence of a secret base as well as life on Mars. The author explains how our souls are holographic fragments of God/Source and how souls and Source are co-creating planets and galaxies as virtual realities for soul development. He addresses Grey alien control over soul reincarnation and also sheds light on the presence of invisible hyperdimensional controllers known as the Archons, who feed off negative energy.

Revealing the key technologies of the Omniverse, the author explains how hyperdimensional civilizations communicate telepathically, teleport interdimensionally, and travel through time. He unveils newly disclosed state secrets about government possession of these technologies, the findings of the NASA Mars rover missions, and the secret Mars colony whose permanent security personnel is age-reversed and shot back through time to their specific space-time origin points--with their memories blocked.

Jonathan Cahn #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Just when you thought Jonathan Cahn’s books couldn’t get more explosive, comes …
THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.

Is there more to the world than meets our eyes – another realm that’s transforming our world at this very moment?
Is there an ancient vision that unlocks what is really happening to our world and what is yet to come?
A dangerous force from ancient times that is now operating in the world and determining the course of world events?
Did a three-thousand-year old mystery actually foretell the invasion of Israel by Hamas down to the year – and even the exact date?
Is there a secret to the Book of Revelation that actually reveals what is taking place right now?
After eight New York Times bestsellers, Jonathan Cahn NOW releases his newest stunning blockbuster….

THE DRAGON’S PROPHECY: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days.
For the first time ever, Jonathan Cahn will open up End-Time Prophecy to reveal the mysteries behind the End of the Age and what is now happening before our eyes - even the hidden keys to victory in the light of what’s coming – and how to overcome your Dragon!

The long-hidden secret of the Last Days
The Dark Resurrection
The Colors of the Apocalypse
The Return of the Sea People
The Day of the Dragon
The Black Sabbath
The Inverted Angel
The Revenge of the Three Thousand
The 2,315th Day
The Secret on the Mount
The Invaders
The Beast
And much, much, more!
What does the future hold?
What do you need to know and do?
And what about the Dragon?

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White Hat Intel/Judy Byington #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amg-news.com

Not everything is as it seems in Israel and Iran. …Q We are saving Israel for last for a very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Why did Q write this?
The Deep State Cabal in DC are funding both operations in Israel and Iran (Obama, CIA, Carnigie Endowment, Globalist Elites).
IRAN is full of massive corruption that is STILL controlled by Deep State and GLOBALIST/CIA operations.
The only way to clean Iran is through the fall of their Deep State regime. And this includes a REVOLUTION and military intervention currently Russia, Saudi (MBS) are in talks with military leaders in Iran who want to over through the government and clean the house of Iran.
Military intelligence know that Mossad and Iran Deep State operations killed their own President Ebrahim Raisi and the deep state installed the new Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian who is behind the scenes working with Carnegie Endowment.
The Deep State wants Israel to be attacked to bring in sorrow for the ISRAELI and start world military programs to protect Israel. More funding from European countries to Israel and more laws created in world courts. But the real reason (money laundering, creating race wars through the world and blaming Patriots and conservatives thru the U.S., UK, CANADA, EU for racism and anti-semitic hate for talking against the Israeli conflict, deaths and operations. It’s already began in the UK riots as race wars begin and putting nationalist ( those who support their country and people) against the Muslims or against Jews.
We are saving Israel for last because the massive DC corruption, European corruption is inbeded in the Israel Zimost Operation and the fake Kazariran Ashke NAZI Jews of Europe that stole the identity of the real Jewish people. That’s why and how the Rockefellers, Rothchilds came from the same area and region in southern Germany where in 1776 the illuminati was created. The Illuminati Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP Morgan and Bush family funded Hitler.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #fundie #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy missionamerica.com

It’s curious that, as parents around the country unite against the wicked “trans” agenda directed toward our kids, quite a few are willing to accommodate homosexual identities.

“I have no problem with someone who’s gay,” I heard one mom say “It’s the gender mutilation that we need to fight.”

Agreed, that needs to stop, but doesn’t she understand that the fight to normalize “LG” and “B” is where the push for “T” began? They are intimately connected and that’s why they stand in unity: “LGBTQ.”
For both the mental and spiritual health of our children, I would like to offer 4 reasons that we need to keep objecting to the normalization of homosexuality, even as we work to halt the “trans” train:

1. We look confused and muddled when we fail to stand against all the sexual anarchy labels. They are connected and one flows out of the other.
We will get nowhere unless we accept a few basic realities: the “LGBTQ” movement is pushing for child emancipation and full empowerment on medical/counseling issues as well as age of sexual consent. That’s because the powers leading that movement have no problem with children being sexual. Many of them were and that’s how they got to their present identities.
3. Homosexuality is a sin and faithful Christians must stand on this truth. And we must continue to do so because these identities are a dire threat to our children. And it’s not hate to do this-- exactly the opposite. The “LGBTQ” agenda is, at its core, anti-Christian.
4. No one is born homosexual (or in the wrong sex body) and school policies and programs that imply this are based on a huge deception.

Rather than attempt to cover the stunning lack of science, let’s just think about one point. Knowing the profit-motive of Big Pharma, don’t we all know that if any “gay gene” (or similar) research had turned out to be reliable, this industry would be developing testing?

Such testing is not being developed because their science has fallen flat. This emperor has no clothes.

Kelleigh Nelson #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Despite the fact that both Obama and Oprah fawned over Nelson Mandela, he was not a savior for South African blacks. He deplored both white and black farmers who planted fields and raised cattle that fed all South Africans. By communist hands, many black and white families and even their babies were macheted to death. The seeds of Mandela’s “anti-apartheid” have been planted in America and are now being thrust to fruition on our soil.

Millions of third world country illegal aliens have come through Biden’s wide open southern border. Never for a minute believe they are simply seeking refuge. Amongst them are countless criminal elements, MS13 gang members, Islamic terrorists, Chicom soldiers with tats of elite Chinese units, human traffickers and loosed Venezuelan prisoners.

Unreported in American press, there is a brutal white genocide still occurring. This massacre is being instigated by the African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP), and like-minded organizations. The stories of white farmers being murdered, women and babies being raped, and property being destroyed or stolen are legion. Not only is the South African regime doing nothing to prevent it, they are deliberately adding fuel to the fire.
In 1962 Bible reading and prayer were eliminated from government schools. The 10 commandments were removed in 1980, but they’re back in Louisiana.

Racism is being used by Congressional democrats to divide and conquer our country for Marxism. Jew hatred is again proliferating and spewing its vile invectives on America’s college campuses, and anti-Semitic prejudice and crime is mushrooming in our major cities.

An estimated 11 to 22 million illegal aliens have entered our country since Joe Biden took office. Our nation’s wide-open borders threaten to demographically replace America’s white Europeans with third world illegal aliens.

Mandela’s communist white hatred is winning, thanks to former President Obama and his Marxist minions.

The Blue Avians via Octavia Vasile #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We are the Blue Avians, delighted to establish a new connection with you, beyond space and time.

Dear humans, as you shift from the 3D vibration upwards, you might experience significant changes. These changes are meant to show you something. For example, many of you have started to notice glitches in the Matrix, and it might seem like this is happening for the first time. These glitches have always existed, but now your brain can perceive them. You are beginning to discover that you have been experiencing something akin to a game, virtual reality, or simulation. While none of these terms capture the truth, they help you form an image of what is happening.

Your supraconscious mind generates the reality you experience. The 3D mind was meant to perceive this reality as very real and take it seriously. In contrast, the 5D mind acknowledges that it is a spontaneous creation and seeks to master it. Currently, you are positioned somewhere between these two states. Sometimes you observe synchronicities, noting the correlation between mind and matter. At other times, you perceive a reality that seems disconnected from your inner experience. This fluctuation occurs because you are shifting from one vibration to another.
On a 5D timeline, you will experience the Mandela effect and other glitches as you awaken completely, integrating the information slowly. What if you start playing with your reality by programming it? Before going out, tell yourself what you would like to see. For example, “I want to meet a cat on my way!” Start programming, be playful, and enjoy it, for this is when you turn yourself into a Prime Creator.

There is no need to create out of necessity; do so because you enjoy it! Observe the glitches and take them as reminders not to take life so seriously. Each time you see a glitch, remind yourself, “It is all a game,” and relax. We are here to support and guide you into the 5D dimension. Now it is time to let go of all seriousness and start being playful.