
Dark Wolf #fundie skeptoid.com

"I think a lot of skeptics who refuse to believe that the possibly exists that there could be something science has not yet discovered or explained have theses mental disorders.
Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia- Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation.
Mythophobia- Fear of myths.
Rhabdophobia- Fear of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)
Xenophobe - One who fears that which is unknown or one who fears people who are different from oneself."

I would say there is a strong possibility of one or more of the above, given evidence which I've seen in the last two and a half years of posting to Skeptoid.

What is just as notable, even more so in fact, is that when many posters who regard themselves as skeptics are confronted with the very evidence that they require, but which conflicts with their assertions, they either resort to ad hominem attacks or simply ignore said evidence altogether. These include arguments of plain logic which don't fit in with their comfortable world view.

Far from being the skeptics they regard themselves as, they are merely believers, nothing more, and any skeptical critical analysis that Skeptoid encourages by its headings and mandate is nowhere to be seen.

Skeptoid itself has based its main argument in at least two of its articles on false information and hasn't bothered to correct them, despite being informed politely that their assertions are plainly in error.

Katja #conspiracy skeptoid.com

I started to hear sounds in my head about the time that the first cell tower was erected in the village where I live. After much research I somehow stumbled on a list of patents that claim to be able to affect everything from sleep patterns to emotions and even one's behaviour, from our brain waves to our nervous systems. Many of these patents use ELECTRO-MAGNETIC WAVES, radio frequencies, and microwaves.
There are and have been government representatives who say it would "be possible - and tempting - to exploit for strategic-political purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F. MacDonald (former science adviser to to President Johnson and) a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that timed artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth.... In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period..." This quote comes from Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter and Co-founder of the Trilateral Commission. The technology to manipulate the brain and nervous system through rf's, microwaves, and EMF's is well documented. Google Microwave HARASSMENT and MIND-CONTROL Experimentation by Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project. Google Patent "5,507,291"

ann nonymous #conspiracy skeptoid.com

There are new cell towers all around the citys mostly near highways.
Twice within this last week (7-7-14) I've heard a high pitched noise in the early morning that sounds like a machine humming. Also a week ago my husband and I were driving south out of the valley in AZ and when we had driven just past the serious of small mountains on I10 we both had a high pitched sound that we heard and felt in our heads. For me it hurt suddenly and horribly! As soon as we got past unmarked city limits the pain suddenly stopped. Is there some kind of testing going on with these new cell towers.
Is there a connection with the smart dust swarms that blows through my yard every day after 5pm? I now look for the strange chem trails after I'm bitten by these swarms of non-bugs. They literally look like tiny white dust particles. I've heard the high pitched sound in the evening around 8pm a few months ago and heard strange noises like tiny popping sounds and then bitten by the 'smart dust' 15 seconds later. I did research on this 'smart dust' and it seems to be controlled. I'm not kidding!

(No name given) #conspiracy skeptoid.com

(Regarding a worldwide phenomenon called "the hum" )

I've heard The Hum for decades, since probably around the time the 1st HAARP arrays were installed--not sure; it varies pending geological formations, locations.
I toured Hoover Dam as a child, hearing /feeling the vibrations / sounds from the huge generators inside that, and being brought up around electrical equipment, I'd describe it VERY similar to the sample.
The Hum I hear sounds exactly like a huge electrical generator motor operating at baseline RPM's, while vacillating up / down, in patterns that could be coded message sendings--not Morse Code, but along those lines. I believe there is messaging over that system, because during times of politically charged events, when the US Gov't is getting away with something, activity wildly increases--as it did during about 2-3 days prior to 9-11. Then, for the 1st and ONLY time I EVER heard that system totally shut down, The Hum suddenly stopped completely, for nearly 24 hrs, immediately following 9-11.
When it resumed, it was EXACTLY like a huge electrical generator slowly winding up to operating RPM's, then commencing low-key vacillations of messaging over that system.
The Hum differs from other sources of sound/vibrations; I can sort these out pretty well, isolating most.
NOTHING I've found, has been able to shield against / modify The Hum; Power outages help, only by reducing total load.

Joe Shmoe #conspiracy skeptoid.com

Medical doctors and pharmaceutical companies are not interested in preventing diseases. That is why they have joined forces to form the “American Council on Science and Health” (www.acsh.org) to promote fast food burgers, trans-fat fries, cupcakes, double-layer cheese pizza, and sodas as being JUST AS HEALTHY as fresh fruits and vegetables and to promote chewing tobacco use as a HEALTHIER alternative to smoking tobacco. Note that Steven Barrett, M.D. from quackwatch.com is a scientific advisor to this “American Council on Science and Health.”