
Cebu City Anti-indecency Board, Mike Rama and Jessica Resch #fundie sunstar.com.ph

A WARNING SHOT fired last December 2022 was the activation by Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama of CAIB, short for City Anti-indecency Board. Rama appointed former city administrator Lucelle Mercado, who headed CAIB during Rama's 2013-2016 term

It was reportedly during Mercado's stint that "lewd" shows in bars and nightclubs were stopped and "obscene" content in magazines, tabloids and radio drama was attacked by CAIB operatives

"We'll give the same intensity, even more, to fight against indecent material in any platform." The same members who composed the previous CAIB are the people the mayor "has called upon" to police against indecency, Mercado said last December 1, 2022, when the force "convened for the first time in seven years"

ORDINANCES #2436, #1408 NOT ENOUGH? City Ordinance #2436 created the CAIB, which "shall pass upon the exhibition, printing, circulation, sale of obscene pictures, films, books or publications, stage shows and skits" in Cebu City

City Ordinance #1408 amended the city's law and yet the new amendatory ordinance, filed by Councilor Jessica Resch, ex-officio member representing the youth sector, says there's "a void in the implementation." Not in the regulations the City Council has laid down but in the "implementation"?

According to the "whereases" in the Resch ordinance -- presented to the City Council Wednesday, March 15, 2022, for first reading -- the present regulations are deficient because:

[] Selling sculptures that "depict male and female genitalia (anus, breast, penis, vagina and the like, including sex toys)" is mentioned but not declared unlawful in existing ordinance[…]
[] Extent of access, power to seize[…]Resch's amendment further orders CAIB to "cause the prosecution of violators," including "confiscation of the evidence"[…]
Sex toys or objects that are "obscene, indecent, lewd or inimical to the preservation of peace and good morals" shall be "confiscated/forfeited in favor of the governmen