Magyar MGTOW #sexist
The anglosphere won’t admit this because “muh pedophilia” but women’s actual sexual peak is between age 14 and 18, and that’s why the age of consent is so “low” in parts of Europe.
The anglosphere won’t admit this because “muh pedophilia” but women’s actual sexual peak is between age 14 and 18, and that’s why the age of consent is so “low” in parts of Europe.
Next to the (abstract) terms of ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’, SMP and SMV are two of the more contentious placeholders for manosphere concepts. SMP is Sexual Marketplace and SMV is used to represent the relative Sexual Market Value of an individual within that SMP. There’s a lot to consider when when we attempt to define just what that ‘marketplace’ entails, but the point of contention for critics is that by valuating a person based on a perceived market state we dehumanize that individual. For those uninitiated to Red Pill concepts, a complete denial of any sexual marketplace is usually the first retort.
“People are People and everyone is special” or some variation of the nebulous individual’s uniqueness needing to be held as the benchmark for each case of ‘value’ are the common refrains. Even denying an observable, measurable marketplace altogether for fear of being ‘judgemental’ is part of the Red Pill critic’s predictable counter to the idea of a sexual marketplace.
However, the latent purpose of this denial is really a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ tactic that keeps players ignorant of the system they exist in. Just as with the 49th Law of Power, deny the game exists and you can better play it.
As with all Red Pill truths, the awareness of where one fits into the scheme of the SMP, and accepting the sometimes cruel realities of it can be a bucket of cold reality for men (and women). The simple truth is that our capacity to valuate various stimuli in our environment has been a survival-beneficial adaptation for us.
The torpedo at the waterline of equalist, feminist “theory” is that women are attracted to Self+1, i.e. hypergamy. The fact that women are only interested in LTRs with superior men ends equalism on the spot. There is no rebuttal. It’s done. Over.
If men understood the basic concept of women’s Self+1 attraction model they would never listen to feminists again. They’d also look at their own ideas and behaviors much differently.
“I’d honestly love if the manosphere would actually focus on helping men in relationships and self-improvement.”
I had this comment offered in a recent thread. It’s a common gripe from women who believe they’re in some way Red Pill and want to divert their new acceptance of Red Pill truths to serve the same tired ends of the Feminine Imperative. The operative, of course, is always whose definition do we base the measure of ‘improvement’ on? For most women the term ‘improvement’ always aligns with whatever best serves a female sexual strategy – because from a feminine-solipsistic perspective whatever serve women should necessarily serve men.
As with most uneducated women’s concerns I’d already addressed this long ago in The Bitter Taste of the Red Pill