
David #fundie #pratt tochristians.wordpress.com

Science says man evolved from apes…..they are wrong because the only source of “new” natural genetic information is DNA mutation and 99% of them are “lethal” and therefore can not be passed on for Natural Selection to act on the traits they might exhibit. (of the 1% positive ones, less than 1% occur in germ cells…….the only ones passed on to offspring) Based on this, there simply was not enough time from the appearance of apes and the Creation of Homo sapiens. (Science does some fancy “spin” on this) Religion says that man was Created by God in His Image by Intelligent Design.. Ironically…they are correct but their “Intelligent Design requires a “supernatural mechanism.” (what ever that is!) Sadly…it Science didn’t reject the Bible and they understand the REAL God revealed in it..they would realize who the “ELOHIM” were and KNOW that man was Created by “ELOHIM” via RECOMBINANT DNA.

BTW..another problem with evolution is Natural Selection between Phylum and Class. DNA is “packaged” into chromosomes for proper distribution in cell division (mitosis, and sex cell formation in meiosis)The actual number of them has nothing to do with how complex the organism is. There is no “mechanism” known that reveals chromosome number adjustment from Phylum to Class because chromosome number mismatch is 99% lethal. The ONLY other possible explanation is Intelligent Design by rDNA. (Book of Genesis supports this where is says “each creature produces it;s own kind.”)