
Point Refuted A Thousand Times

John Doyle and Sara Gonzales #racist #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

From a Feb. 14, 2025 episode of Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Sara Gonzales: With all of this — the deportations — you have actual members of Congress who are openly trying to shield these illegal aliens from being deported. So these people are violating federal law, and you have members of Congress — Ilhan Omar, AOC — who are doing that. And I think that it’s a reasonable question to pose: Is this — like, at what level does this become treasonous behavior?[…]
John Doyle: No. And you asked the question, what defines treason? And the beauty is that when your guys are in charge, you get to define treason[…]
They would be so much meaner to us, by the way, like, defining treason, sedition. I mean, the J6 investigation, obviously, the largest in the the history of the DOJ

But if you are actually advocating for illegal aliens to be able to remain in the country on the teat of the American taxpayer, like, yeah, you’re, like, committing treason[…]I don’t understand why Americans allow for foreigners to be elected to positions of political power. Ilhan Omar —
SG: Yeah
JD: –was born in Somalia. She married her brother[…]
The way that she decides to use that power is the way that all of these different immigrant groups have used power throughout the past seventy years, which is they use their political power to establish, like, these ethnic beachheads to facilitate more of people from their country coming over. They accumulate wealth, political power[…]
JD: AOC is Puerto Rican. Ilhan Omar is Somalian [sic]. Go away. Like, you are not part of the club[…]They should all be — they should all — and now that Gitmo is open again, maybe we do have a place to send ’em to, right?[…]
SG: He — I am so proud of him [Brandon Gill]. I am so happy that he is there shaking things up. He actually started a petition to deport Ilhan Omar

Sadanand Dhume #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist aei.org

If Indians and Pakistanis Can Relocate, Why Can’t Gazans?

President Trump’s idea that the U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and relocate two million Palestinians has elicited outrage and derision. But even if the idea never comes to fruition, it has this virtue: It puts a spotlight on the world’s double standard toward Israel.

Many population transfers have taken place over the past century. In the 1920s, Greece and Turkey agreed to a forced population swap: Greek Orthodox Christians in Turkey moved to Greece, while Muslims in Greece moved to Turkey. After World War II, millions of Indians and Pakistanis were forced to find new homes, as were ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. In the 1970s, Uganda expelled Indians. Only in the Palestinian case has the refugee question festered endlessly.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal.

doodoocaca #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Creativity has been warped to serve The Message™ or completely destroyed. The amount of masturbatory paracosms that are being spun up where it's "you actually can change sex but you still go 'trans' to be cool and serve my ego but also people can be furries for realsie reals" is ridiculous. As far as discussions go, trans-jacking to make everything about muhtranzitiongoals or future surgeries or "morphological freedom" and hijacking the equally cringy "transhumanism" is rampant. They stick their noses into everything, demand everything be made about them, and demand to have furry ears added in too as the cherry on top.

Even if discussions have nothing to do with bodies or gender or sex or anything remotely biological, they'll say "I'm Vegan" by calling some mechanical thing "transition goals".

To think that WH40K went from a parody of Fascism and darkness to an escape from overwhelming liberalism and, in a sense, a positive fantasy. Hah.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #quack #pratt #racist #crackpot npr.org

It was one of the more tense exchanges in an already heated confirmation hearing as senators put Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s record on vaccines — and his shifting stances on their safety and efficacy — under the microscope

Senator Angela Alsobrooks, a Democrat from Maryland, pointed to past comments made by Kennedy in which he said, "We should not be giving black people the same vaccine schedule that's given to whites because their immune system is better than ours"

"So what different vaccine schedule would you say I should have received?" asked Alsobrooks, who's Black. "With all due respect, that is so dangerous"

In response, Kennedy cited a well-known vaccine researcher and said there are a "series of studies" showing that "to particular antigens blacks have a much stronger reaction"

The basis for Kennedy's comment appears to be work done by a team at the Mayo Clinic who looked at differences in the immune response to vaccination by race. The data did show African Americans mounted a higher antibody response after MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccination compared to white people

However, the study's own author tells NPR the data doesn't support a change in vaccine schedule based on race

Dr. Richard Kennedy — a vaccine researcher at the Mayo Clinic who's not related to Robert F Kennedy Jr. — says it's true the immune response to vaccination can vary by race, sex, and "potentially dozens of other factors"

But suggesting that African Americans should have different schedules would be "twisting the data far beyond what they actually demonstrate," he says

Dr. Carlos del Rio, a professor of medicine at Emory University, agrees, saying such a conclusion is "taking it to a very unsafe place," in part because vaccination rates are already lower among Black children

Despite his history of undermining trust in the safety of vaccines, Kennedy has spent the confirmation hearings arguing he's supportive of them

Tatoruzux #racist #pratt twitter.com

The distance between Jerusalem and Samaria was 35 miles. I travel that far to Walmart. That's where my "neighbors" shop.
Do people really think the Good Samaritan parable and "love thy neighbor" was about opening the gates for savages living hundreds or thousands of miles away?

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #pratt #dunning-kruger truthsocial.com

Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in “repair” money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about “anything.” Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World. Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will!… …Page 2: Merry Christmas to the Radical Left Lunatics, who are constantly trying to obstruct our Court System and our Elections, and are always going after the Great Citizens and Patriots of the United States but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME. They know that their only chance of survival is getting pardons from a man who has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden. I refuse to wish a Merry Christmas to those lucky “souls” but, instead, will say, GO TO HELL! We had the Greatest Election in the History of our Country, a bright light is now shining over the U.S.A. and, in 26 days, we will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Caspian Sarginson #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #pratt amazon.com

What kind of chicanery is flat earth? Get serious! Everyone knows the earth is not flat, right?

Perhaps you have thought to yourself, "Flat earth? Come on! How could I possibly have been deceived and fooled into believing the world is a sphere in a heliocentric system if the earth is really flat? No one could fool me my entire life! And there's no way they could fool the entire world!"

Deception is the rule, not the exception, and most Christians have no idea how evil heliocentrism is, or how it deceives and enslaves the mind and our belief systems. For the first time, this book will explain the evil connection that deceives so many, and it will detail the mental and psychological processes used to deceive so many and to keep so many in bondage.

I dare you to read this book. Truth has a way of crashing violently through all barriers imposed by lies. And there are plenty of lies that have been constructed carefully in the fortresses of our minds by educators, parents, Hollywood, politicians, government, and even pastors.

Do you want to be truly free and not controlled by all the programming you have been fed your entire life?

Do you want to clear out the false beliefs that have become strongholds in your mind and have hindered your relationships, your success, and your happiness? Believing in a globe in a heliocentric system has far bigger implications for your life than you may realize. Destroying strongholds in your mind is life changing, and the practical applications go way beyond your personal mental and emotional and spiritual freedom, as if that wasn’t enough to be motivated. Do you want to see the world as it really is, as God created it?

Then destroy the strongholds in your mind. This book goes way beyond the flat earth arguments, and you'll see why.
Not only will you be on an exciting journey that clears up the true nature of our earth and our Universe, but since the battle begins and ends in your mind, you'll discover freedom on a much deeper level, too.

John C. Wright #conspiracy #pratt #fundie scifiwright.com

Newly elected Dem Nat’l Cmte Vice Chair David Hogg is using party resources to funnel donations into his own PAC—where he pays himself a six-figure salary. He could face arrest for money laundering.
My comment: One is left to wonder whether grifters naturally gravitate to the Leftists, or Leftism naturally gravitates toward grifting. Leftism is based on Marxism, which is a grift, and Marxism is based on Gnosticism, which is a grift, so the correlation goes all the way back to Simon the Magician trying to buy the Holy Spirit from St Peter for cash.

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

Literally everything you’ve been told about January 6th is a lie.

The truth: It wasn’t an insurrection.

Protesters didn’t have illegal weapons.

It wasn’t “coordinated”—except by Feds.

26 undercover FBI sources entered the Capitol & restricted areas.

None have been prosecuted.

No police were killed.

In fact, nobody was killed except Ashli Babbitt who was shot by police.

Trump did not call for violence. He specifically called for peace, and told violent rioters to go home.

The Q-anon shaman wasn’t trying to overthrow the government.

Cops opened Capitol doors for protesters.

Barriers outside were moved to allow protesters through.

Nancy Pelosi knew everything & did nothing to stop it.

AOC was never in danger.

J6 defendants have been denied due process & coerced into pleading guilty.

All in an effort to hide the reality that Biden stole the 2020 election, which is a mundane and obvious observation now that we see that Biden got millions more votes than any other Democrat in history.

Trump should prosecute and throw in prison every single rotten evil scumbag involved.
6:41 AM · Dec 13, 2024 · 573.9K Views

stoid #pratt #dunning-kruger boards.straightdope.com

I’d just like to say that I’m really sick of the over-the-top outrage displayed by so many at every imaginable instance of sexual activity in anyone, especially females, under the age of 18.

18 is an arbitrary, (but certainly useful) dividing line between childhood and adulthood, it is not a precise and reliable measure of maturity in every human being.

When it comes to sex, nature itself says that human females are sexually ready at puberty, which can occur at almost any age, but is usually 11 or 12 and up. Therefore, it is not sick, twisted and worthy of a lynch mob when men find themselves responding to post-pubescent girls, no matter what their actual chronological age is. The tacky saying about grass on the field is technically true, and it’s not honest to demonize men for desires that are entirely natural. Nor are men who find themselves sexually attracted to post pubescent girls pedophiles. They are ephebophiles, and there’s really nothing wrong with that, in and of itself. It’s how we’re built.

And as long as I’m at it, I’ll bitch a little about rape, too: while the label “rape” may be justly applied to any sexual act that is non-consensual, not all rape is equal, or equally horrible and damaging. I’ve been a victim of “date rape”, when I was just a girl (a slutty girl who was inappropriately acting out her issues by giving it away to almost anyone) when a sailor I was on a “date” with forced me to have sex with him in a bathroom. It wasn’t a great experience. But I’m absolutely sure that it was a day in Disneyland compared to the experience of women who’ve been assaulted by complete strangers popping out from behind a bush with a knife, or suddenly appearing in their bedroom in the middle of the night

so what I guess I’m saying is that we have to stop reacting as though every instance of sexual “crime” is equal. They aren’t. And I think it undermines the very real and horrible damage that is done by genuine pedophiles and rapists when we treat everything the same. It’s also an injustice to the “criminals” themselves, when they are all branded as “sex offenders” no matter the nature of the offense.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy #pratt sinfest.xyz

[From “December 21, 2024: Mount Olympus 68”]


spoilerPanel 1: a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke is sneaking near a well
Panel 2: the man is pouring poison in the well
Panel 3: the man is writing inscriptions on the wall
Panel 4: on the roof is written “For Gentiles Only” while on the lining is written “Not Kosher”

Ashamed-Success-3826 #sexist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Incel's aren't that bad, actually.

First off, an "Incel" simply means, involuntary celibate. All of the so called "misogyny" that happens is added on or tacked on. And secondly, most of what they have said is fairly accurate. The "blackpill" is commonly associated with it. It states, Looks matter, along with your entire bodily concept, much more then personality or any other external factor. Height, Penis Size (Yes, I am serious.) and Frame are important factors along with your core Face. But there is more to the "blackpill" then just that, such as the importance of teen love, household treatment, and people treatment as well, such as the halo effect. Most women deny this with their whole personality shtick, not realizing that this function of picking out men is ON A SUBCONSCIOUS and UNKNOWABLE level. You cannot understand it, or prevent it. Your brain is doing more work then the words you spread with your tongue.

These are not bad people, I would consider them good people. Women just have incredibly high standards due to them knowing about genetic potential and superior men. Before anyone tries to pull the same card on them, most of them would settle for their "looksmatch". Which essentially means, someone equal to or below their looks. If a 5 got with a 5, for example.

Ratings overall, aren't NEARLY as important as the women themselves, analyzing their bodily anatomy towards you and other men, facial expressions, and gestures are much more important to knowing if the female in question actually gives two rats ass about you.

Andrew Anglin #pratt #dunning-kruger #transphobia dailystormer.name

Trans supporters have never explained how souls are getting trapped in the wrong bodies. Obviously, it cannot be natural. Naturally, a soul would be fundamentally connected to the body, and therefore “soul in the wrong body” is an impossible problem. Therefore, the only explanation for this is some kind of malicious otherworldly entity. We should be asking these people to explain what this entity is, and if there is a way to fight it. Can we, for instance, travel to the plane of existence in which this entity resides, and use magic runes to destroy or at least imprison it so it cannot continue to switch souls into the wrong bodies?

If fighting the entity responsible is not possible, would it be possible to build a machine to align souls with the bodies? Most people did not think souls were sexual, and that it was the body that was sexual, with the soul residing in it, but if the soul is sexual, is there a way to change the sex of the soul, rather than mutilating the body? If I believed in this theory, I would also want to explore the possibility of soul-switching: can you take a boy who has the wrong soul and a girl who has the wrong soul and switch their souls into the other’s body?

It is an extreme metaphysical claim that a soul can be in the wrong body, and yet somehow, this is not being addressed at all. They just declare it, without elaborating on the mechanism. If people believe in this sort of thing, there is no reason we shouldn’t be looking at using magic to rectify the situation. If someone believes a soul can be switched in the first place, there is no reason it cannot be switched back, which would prevent so many problems.

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The next time you see a liberal unironically fly off the handle in an uncontrolled sociopathic fury, justifying it as "triggered"


Remember that real ptsd triggered looks more like "fetal position begging for mercy even in the company of friends"


And that liberals only care about mental health so long as they get praised for it

Vox Day #conspiracy #pratt #ableist #fundie voxday.net

[From “Vaccines Do Cause Autism”]

Steve Kirsch is publicizing evidence of vaccines causing autism that the CDC has been trying to hide for years:

I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available. The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data. The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated[…]
Pediatrician Doug Hulstedt did track the case history of all his incoming patients with autism. He has seen over 180 autistic kids in his 35 year career as a pediatrician. He is highly rated by his patients for his medical care. Of the 44 kids with “rapid onset” autism, 100% of these cases happened within 14 days after a vaccination of one or more vaccines

This is much more conclusive evidence than the evidence that smoking causes lung cancer, or the evidence that human activity causes global warming. All of the various “debunkings” and so forth are paper-thin hand-waving, as becomes evident the moment one takes a look at them

The evidence is conclusive and the logic is settled. The science will eventually follow. Forget the Holocaust and the Great Train Robbery, it’s rapidly becoming clear that vaccines are the greatest crime in human history. And for the binary thinkers who require a credible motivation to accept anything, the reason is that autism severs Man’s sense of the spiritual, thereby causing atheism, and global satanists seek to destroy Man’s faith in God and Jesus Christ

TheConductor #homophobia #pratt scifiwright.com

This story also raises the possibility that the Village People song "In the Navy" - which, rather disgustingly, is also taken as a gay anthem; you know, all those sweaty men together on a ship, ho ho ho - is simply the patriotic song that the lyrics suggest it to be, without a hidden meaning. Maybe even about urging black men to join the Navy (or any other branch of the military) as a way of getting out of the ghetto and improving their lives.

The Woke Pig, now in retreat, has spread far and wide many interpretations of popular art that attempt to reduce the beauty and meaningfulness of many rock and soul songs - even those that evoke the divine - to their petty little Woke agenda. For example, Pete Townshend of The Who in the early 1980s released a number of solo songs, including "A Little Is Enough" and "The Sea Refuses No River", wherein the lyrics are to me pretty clearly the words of a sinner seeking redemption from the Lord. I've seen the Woke Pig declare both of those songs to be gay anthems as well. And the Hollies' "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" - a religious rock song if ever there was - is in fact, I have been told, about the civil rights struggle (what a reduction in meaning; like trying to squeeze a Rembrandt into a thumbnail).

When the Woke Pig can't twist the meaning of a song, as with Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky", they attempt to ridicule those who find meaning in it. An article on "Spirit in the Sky" in Rolling Stone some years back sneeringly talked of how Greenbaum, not himself a Christian, put one over on the unenlightened idiots by successfully exploiting their silly beliefs to get a hit record. (Actually, of course, it's the other way around: the Lord God put one over on Greenbaum by using him to throw a little God onto the pop charts; Greenbaum's intent mattering not at all.)

It's time to reclaim the popular arts. Forget everything you think you know about the meaning of song lyrics.

Jesse Watters #racist #pratt mediamatters.org

From the January 8, 2024, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime

It gets worse. Gavin's been tearing down dams. Why? Because the Indians wanted some of the river back so they could catch salmon. Gavin didn't just knock down one dam for the Indians, he knocked down all four

And these dams were a go-to source for firefighters to pull water from to fight fires up north. Gavin's literally tearing down western civilization for fish and Indians. Nothing against the Indians, I love the Indians. But really?

WinterDragonGod #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

This is just me being a Doomer so don't take it personally.... but honestly I just don't see any hope for America these days.

There's so much degeneracy and apathetic bullshit going on that it's obvious people don't care as long as they make a quick buck from it. Like, lets be honest here, regardless of who becomes President America isn't gonna recover. We're too deep in debt with other countries such as China, rampant Illegal Immigration, heavy Drug Use and other things.

I don't know what else to say other than that we're fucked. The American Dream is dead and has become the Nightmare and no one's willing to wake up and see reality for what it really is.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

The Colossal Rape of the West [...] the biggest crime in modern history, involving hundreds, if not thousands, of people, as far away as China and Iran.
1. [...] Trump sends the global Judeo-Left into hysterics in June 2015: he announces his presidential candidacy which includes saying “horrible” things about sweet, innocent, illegal Mexican aliens, and saying that he wants to pursue “America first” policies. OMG! Shades of [...] Charles Lindbergh!
2. [...] Trump wins the American federal election in Nov. 2016, sending the global Left into more hysteria.
3. The elite American Left launches an all-out effort to remove Trump from office. This includes federal government spying on Trump, fake impeachment efforts and especially “framing” Trump for “colluding with Russia.”
4. The Left tries to impeach Trump several times on ridiculous charges, but [...] fails. These [...] efforts are led by Jews, both in and outside of Congress.
5. Realizing that Trump cannot be impeached based upon leftist lies, the Left unleashes Covid-19 upon America and the West in Jan. 2020. Significantly, this virus-unleashing goes a long way in preventing “Trumpism” (i.e., right-wing populism) from spreading across the West and re-invigorating the Western world both politically and economically. A glorious, patriotic, 50-year “Western revival” was murdered in its crib. Yet, few people noticed. (Never forget: Jews don’t think locally. They think globally).
6. Using Covid-19 hysteria as a cover (“you must remain 10 feet away from all ballot counters”), the Nov. 2020 American federal election is stolen. [...] [T]he Left has committed so many felonies that it will take decades to investigate and prosecute all of the crimes.
7. Joe Biden, who was not legitimately elected, signs dozens of bills into law and appoints many dozens of radical federal judges. [He] also destroys Trump’s great American economy and ends America’s energy (oil) independence.
(To be continued…)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) #pratt #quack #conspiracy salon.com

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared a new controversial theory on Monday[…]
In a post to X which was, shortly after, hit with a corrective community note, Greene wrote, “I fully believe vaccines cause Autism. It’s another example of crimes against humanity. And innocent babies, children, and their families are the victims"

A bold statement but, as the note now attached to it on Elon Musk's platform proves, it's simply not factual

Sourcing 19 links to outside resources disproving Greene's claim, the correction to Greene's statement kicks off with: “Vaccines do not cause autism. The scientific literature on this is so extensive, that claiming otherwise can only be explained through sheer ignorance, or some sort of nefarious political purpose”

As Newsweek points out in their coverage of Greene's latest theory, she also reposted a video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump's pick to be the next secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, which echos her belief

"Yes, Autism is caused by vaccines," Kennedy says in the clip. "The CDC's own data, they did a study in 1989 and the looked at the Hepatitis B vaccine . . .There was a 1,350 percent elevated risk for Autism among the people who got their vaccines"

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #pratt #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “December 31, 2024: Mount Olympus 78”]“”


spoilerPanel 1: a rabbi is telling to two Greek men investigating on murdered children inside his synagogue that “Gentlemen., I assure you no human has been harmed here”
Panel 2: the rabbi pursues and says “We only make animal offering” and “Sheep. Goats. Chickens”
Panel 3: one of the Greek replies “Uh hun” and “But do you consider us human?”
Panel 4: the rabby replies “Of course we do” while crossing his fingers behind his back

Joel Webbon #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Sep 4, 2024


*For the Postwar Consensus to hold, Hitler must remain ‘THE’ BAD GUY - the most evil villain in all of human history.


*Because long ago, it was decided that Hitler is a villain (THE villain) on the RIGHT.

[...] [F]or every alleged Fascist in modern history there are easily ten Communists. And if the Fascists killed their millions, the Communists killed their tens (if not hundreds) of millions.


Simply defied, it is this…

“Everyone I don’t like is Hitler, and everything I don’t like is Nazism.”

And what are these things?

-Nationalism - as opposed to globalism
-Tradition - as opposed to progressivism
-Religion - as opposed to science
-Patriarchy - as opposed to egalitarianism


Hitler is key for all those devoted to maintaining the Postwar Consensus, whether they be Progressives on the Left, or Neocons on the Right (merely the controlled opposition).

If a man [...] dares to say, “America is not merely a set of propositions, it is a home.” Immediately, the Managerial Class (on both the Left and the Right) will respond by saying, “That’s ‘blood and soil’ rhetoric! You’re Hitler! Anyone who defines a nation as a particular people in a particular place is a Nazi!”

If someone merely suggests that politics, in its simplest form, boils down to a distinction between friends and enemies (a distinction the Left has been well aware of for decades, and follows meticulously - which is precisely why they’ve been winning), the Managerial Class will shriek, “That’s a Nazi paradigm!”

At this point, if any free-thinking individual so much as takes a sip of water in public, the instinctive response will be, “Nazis drank water too!”


The chief strategy of our current elites is to scare (and distract) the populace by pointing to the Fascists on the fringes (the anon account on Twitter with 14 followers), so that they will not stop and feel the weight of the Communists who are currently inside the White House, Senate, Congress, etc.


Gargoylenos #fundie #pratt tvtropes.org

[on nontheistic religions]

So these are literally imposters, they don't believe in the faith, and yet they pretend to because they believe that makes them good... yeah, definitely Hiding Behind Religion.

[on atheist morals]

Help others, help yourself. That's the only way that it would make sense for any altruism have place in a Godless world, and therefore without a universal moral judgement. Doing for other reasons would be irrational.

Vox Day #dunning-kruger #pratt #conspiracy #quack voxday.net

[From “No Childhood Vaccine is Tested”]

Don’t trust the scientists, trust the HISTORY of science. Which, by the way, very few scientists actually know

@RFK Jr.

“My position on vaccines… is that vaccines should be tested, like other medicines[…]

I’ve been pointing this out for years, very nearly decades now. Forget the Covid-19 vaxx. There are no vaccines, ZERO, which have been demonstrated to be either safe or effective by a proper application of the scientific method. It’s all statistics and hand-waving and blustering and hiding the adverse effects. There is more scientific and statistical evidence that vaccines cause autism, however flawed it might be, than there is providing evidence that any childhood vaccine is safe for children. RFK Jr. established this via the legal process when he sued Anthony Fauci for calling him a liar[…]
@RFK Jr.

“There’s no downstream liability, there’s no front-end safety testing… and there’s no marketing and advertising costs[…]

And now he’s the government official in charge of these matters. You wouldn’t want to DENY what the government is telling you about vaccines would you? You wouldn’t want to be a VACCINE SCIENCE DENIER!

UPDATE: A once-skeptical reader admits that he was unable to disprove any of the historical facts about vaccines, their irrelevance to public health, and the nonexistence of vaccine safety[…]
Following your RFK post today, I wanted to thank you for inspiring me years ago. Long before COVID, you were talking about the issues and lack of information on vaccines; as a naive college kid, I decided to look up everything I could to prove you wrong. I found what you said I would: layers of rhetoric and misdirection on top of shockingly poor official data. It’s primed me to look deeper into things, and that has kept me and my family safe from many things. It’s also trained me to seek expertise rather than experts, which has helped sift through the clown nonsense

Gizortnik & Wizardslayer #dunning-kruger #pratt kotakuinaction2.win

They talk about Trump's rhetoric, while they've been living under what is very nearly a fascist state, as all of the claims they say he might do, are shit they are actively doing.

Sometimes I really try to have sympathy for them, but then they remind me that they think the shit they do to the rest of us, every day, is fundamentally evil; only because they are scared that someone, one day, might do it to them even though none of us ever do.

No one wants to put the retards of SNL in prison. However, more than a large swathe of the Left would like to put Steven Crowder in prison, or Nick Di Paolo in a fucking grave. They did put Dankula in jail; and it is now normal for comedians in the anglosphere to be fined tens of thousands of dollars for jokes.

I have no sympathy for you animals. Get the fuck out of the way.

So the left is terrified exactly because of that. They know if given absolute power all the horrid things they would inflict on political enemies. They think everyone is like them and So the next logical step is that if they lose they're all getting sent away.

David Guyll #pratt #homophobia daegames.blogspot.com

I find it amusing that Hannah phrases this as “players” in general, as if but one of the delusions she’s suffering from is that all or even most players just have no clue what their character is capable of. As if they robotically go through the motions of character generation, write down attack bonuses, weapons, damage, spells, all that, but beyond imaginary pronouns, horn and tail shape, and skin color, have no fucking clue what they just did, or even why.

I like to imagine that, come game day, if it ever comes, that, I dunno, an albino goblin with a MAGA hat ambushes the group, waving a flail that the they/them/it/zir/zit/zor/zoop/zuul/zardoz demiqueer blue-skinned tiefling paladin's pansexual black gender-neutral government sanctioned life partner mistakes for a noose. The character utters a thank you to Obamad-Hai for this opportunity to build back this world, to make it better, but when zhey look at zheir sheet become paralyzed with indecision: do you...attack? With...your sword? No, wait...is that "creative" enough?

Well, you’re an inept poser that only pretends to play, so you probably only took the one weapon anyway, but even that is apparently enough to overload your intellectually and emotionally deficient brain. I’d suggest they play something like Troika, but even a system ripped off from a choose-your-own-adventure series might be too much for them to handle. Plus there's no blue-skinned gay tiefling class. Or maybe there is. Probably on itch.io somewhere for five bucks, because fuck capitalism.

Emil Kirkegaard #crackpot #racist #elitist #pratt #conspiracy emilkirkegaard.dk

[From “A hereditarian revolution, maybe”]

Back in February, Nathan Cofnas wrote an influential piece A Guide for the Hereditarian Revolution[…]
The Republicans have taken control of the presidency, senate, very probably the house, and they already had the supreme court. While Trump does occasionally post about intelligence, genetics, crime etc., he’s not an intellectual. However, the vice president elect[…]Vance reads books and blogs[…]There is a decent chance he knows the central facts of HBD (defined broadly as biological influences on human differences, whether these are sexes, sexual orientations, races, criminals[…]). To this we can add that Elon musk follows and engages with Crémieux, Wilfred Reilly, i/o, datahazard, Colin Wright, Hanania, as well as edge accounts iamyesyouareno and Defiant L’s. Given that Musk grew up in South Africa, he’s almost guaranteed to know about Black-White IQ gaps and crime rates. Given this, some of the Republican elites can probably be assumed to be at least HBD aware

Does this change anything? Hanania thinks most politics is top-down[…]Maybe for the first time in a while, some top US politicians are red pilled. This has happened before. Take this recording of a phone call between US Republican president Richard Nixon and his advisor Daniel Moynihan in 1971[…]

The 25-minute conversation begins with a discussion about an article called “IQ” that Richard Herrnstein had just published in The Atlantic and that Moynihan had sent to Nixon. This was a comprehensive, 18-page explanation of the heritability of intelligence[…]

Their policy of keeping it secret that they knew led to another 50+ years of race conflicts, affirmative action and a climate of lies[…]
•Something must be done about the egalitarian infestation in academia[…]
•Punish publicly funded universities that undermine science by firing or otherwise harassing dissident professors[…]
•Musk must make sure there are non-Woke AIs on the market

John C. Wright #dunning-kruger #pratt #fundie scifiwright.com

Trump is guided by the simple principle of finding who is most motivated. Even folk who badmouthed him in times past can serve now as instruments of stern redress.

Trump is guided by the simple principle of poetic justice.

He is putting the accused on the bench, and the accuser in the prisoner’s box. Jack Ketch is standing by and sharpens his heavy ax.

Corrupt bureaucrats who tried to shut down, bankrupt and deport Elon Musk find him now as their paymaster, with authority to shut down, defund, and eliminate their departments. He is armed with a public mandate to humiliate them and savage them.

No one voted for these parasites of the public weal. None will weep to see them forced to find honest work.

Hollywood celebrities, once his friends, betrayed and backstabbed Trump false leaks and fake scandals now will face whomever is placed in charge of investigating the Diddy Freak Out tapes & Epstein Client Blackmail list.

Matt Gaetz, the victim of false investigations, now has the authority to investigate the investigators, and reveal their disgusting and unnatural crimes.

Woke generals who treasonously undermined Trump, and who unlawfully discharged loyal patriots like Pete Hegseth from the military must all stand at attention and salute Pete Hegseth now, and at the onset of their courts martial.

Department of Justice lawyers and apparatchiks who maliciously persecuted Trump, subjecting him and his family and his attorneys to endless legal harassments and Soviet show trials, will all face their own special counsel investigations, disbarment and maybe, if heaven is just, incarceration.

Tulsi Gabbard, libeled and accused of being a Russian asset by Hillary Clinton, as Director of National Intelligence may order the investigation of known links between the Clinton campaign and Moscow.

Kristi Noem is one of the few who took steps to secure her state, and aid Texas, in resisting the Great Replacement border debacle of the Senile Administration, who no one in the public knew who was secretly running the machinery of government.

From her post of Homeland Security chief, Noem can aid the unrepentant badass Tom Homan as he chews railroad spikes and spits out razor wire to drape the southern border.

The Environmental Caucus, whoever in hades they are, condemns the nomination of Lee Zeldin as EPA director. That is good enough for me.

Brian J. Ford #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #god-complex amazon.com

Too Big to Walk: The New Science of Dinosaurs

Ever since Jurassic Park we thought we knew how dinosaurs lived their lives. In this remarkable new book, Brian J. Ford reveals that dinosaurs were, in fact, profoundly different from what we believe, and their environment was unlike anything we have previously thought.

In this meticulous and absorbing account, Ford reviews the latest scientific evidence to show that the popular accounts of dinosaurs’ lives contain ideas that are no more than convenient inventions: how dinosaurs mated, how they hunted and communicated, how they nursed their young, even how they moved. He uncovers many surprising details which challenge our most deeply-held beliefs – such as the revelation that an asteroid impact did not end the dinosaurs’ existence.

Professor Ford’s illuminating examination changes everything. As he unravels the history of the world, we discover that evolution was not Charles Darwin’s idea; there were many philosophers who published the theory before him. The concept of continental drift and plate tectonics did not begin with Alfred Wegener a century ago, but dates back to learned pioneers hundreds of years before his time. Ever since scientists first began to study dinosaurs, they have travelled with each other down the wrong path, and Ford now shows how this entire branch of science has to be rewritten.

A new dinosaur species is announced every ten days, and more and more information is currently being discovered about how they may have lived: locomotion, hunting, nesting behaviour, distribution, extinction. Ford brings together these amazing discoveries in this controversial new book which undoubtedly will ruffle a few feathers, or scales if you are an old-school dinosaur lover.

Raw Milk Institute #pratt #quack #dunning-kruger #crackpot rawmilkinstitute.org

[From “About Raw Milk”]

If you want to learn more about the many benefits of raw milk, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find scientific studies as well as testimonials of those whose lives have been changed by raw milk[…]
In many ways, raw milk is similar to breastmilk: both are completely natural, fresh, and unprocessed milks. They both contain a wide variety of essential nutrients, fats, proteins, anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, and minerals, all in a natural form which is most easily utilized by the body. In addition, raw milk facilitates production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract, allowing many people who are lactose intolerant to digest raw milk with no problems[…]
Large epidemiological studies have found that raw milk consumption is correlated with lower rates of:
•ear infections
•respiratory infections[…]
Allergy protection ceases when raw milk is heated to 149 °F, which is the same temperature at which the whey proteins are denatured. It is likely that the raw whey proteins are responsible for raw milk’s beneficial effects on allergies, asthma, and inflammation

Dominique Guillet #crackpot #magick #pratt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger telestai.substack.com

Could I venture to sing that we are in the middle of a Cambrian Explosion of Explorations of Sophianic Immanence and Gaian Emanation? The subject, indeed, is not to ask the question of the Origin of the Species: it is to put oneself on the way of the Quest of the Species as Origin, as Emanation and as Emergence of an irreducible complexity. And very often of an irreducible complexity and refractory to the Darwinist Evolution - "refractory" as our ancestors the Gauls, a term meaning "rebellious and disobedient".

What is the improbability ratio accompanying - since before the dawn of time, if not since a plethora of Universes - the spontaneous and random emergence of a small, stable and functional protein, composed of only 150 elements when each element can be selected, by the Chance of Necessity, among a spectrum of 20 strictly different amino acids?

Neo-Darwinism is, thus, nailed with stupor to the crossroads of molecular biology and electron microscopy. The Explosion, or Awakening, of Intelligent Design is, to a large extent, the fruit of laboratory research - research carried out, notwithstanding, from entities of Life emanating from the Living Biosphere. The Intelligent Design is neither a belief, nor a concept: it is an elaborated practice and which can prove for some, it is true, laborious. It is, quite simply, the practice of perceiving that the Biosphere is Living, Beautiful and Complex because it is Intentional.
It is a whole program of genocide, and sadness to the soul, which is, thus, inscribed in our language, and in our DNA, of every day, and whose origin goes back to the ancient curse of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth with regard to humanity which should survive and give birth in pain - according to the "divine" texts transmitted by demented bearded ones. This labor being in punishment of the fact that the Serpent entrusted to Humanity the vector of the Telluric Wisdom, namely, the entheogenic vectors to its own Wisdom - that of Humanity and that of the Serpent.

NeoGrendizer #pratt deviantart.com

And so, as though God decided to act early before Trump took his rightful throne in the White House, the state of oranges and failed social experiments is literally ablaze, with Gavin Newsome doing his best to dodge any sort of criticism:

because as we all know, things like knowing how to handle a fire hose that can shoot out 120-180 gallons per minute, rescuing people in a dangerous situation, or even basic first aid and medical care(https://cosumnescsd.gov/537/Why-Does-a-Fire-Engine-Come-With-an-Ambu#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20these%20calls,Emergency%20Medical%20Services%20(EMS).) is not NEARLY as important as DEI practices, recognizing one's privilege, and most importantly making the number of diverse "firefighters" equal the numbers of the competent ones. But don't worry, I'm sure the people who lost their homes, property, and livelihoods can take heart knowing that a hefty check of $750 is waiting for them, just like the residents of Georgia and the Carolinas when Helene did her tour.

Joe Rogan #crackpot #pratt #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Joe Rogan Shocked Trump Won: ‘Turns Out Voting Works’

Published Nov. 7 2024 2:29PM EST 

“So turns out, voting works,” [Joe Rogan] said, “It’s real. As much as we f---ing thought they had it rigged, as much as we thought there were shenanigans and bulls--t and it’s just a puppet show and there’s no way, anybody can buck the system, turns out, voting is still real. At least if it’s too big to rig and clearly [Trump] was too big too rig,” he continued.


[Tweet from Joe Rogan]

The great and powerful @elonmusk.
If it wasn't for him we'd be fucked. He makes what I think is the most compelling case for Trump you'll hear, and I agree with him every step of the way.
For the record, yes, that's an endorsement of Trump.
Enjoy the podcast [...]


“The media gaslit us to the absolute limits of their ability [...]” he said. “Joy Reid spent the entire time she was discussing Trump the other day comparing him to Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler [...] as if he had never been president for four years and didn’t behave like any of those things,” Rogan said.

He then went on to praise Trump’s first term in office, saying Reid and others discuss Trump “as if the economy wasn’t booming, as if people weren’t making more money, as if we weren’t involved in any new conflicts overseas, no new wars.”

Rogan also [...] lauded Trump for taking on the “hardest job on the planet” when he “started without any knowledge of it.”


Rogan also expressed how excited he was that figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and JD Vance are now attached to Trump this time around.

“We‘ve got a real chance to make real change, this is like one of the first times ever where there’s a real chance to make real tangible change that’s gonna be for the good of everybody,” Rogan said. That is, he added, if Trump can stop going after his critics now that he’s won: “He’s gotta not attack the left, everybody—let ‘em all talk their s--t, but unite.”

Kevin Downey Jr. #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger pjmedia.com

These are the same people who dutifully believed that facinorous, MAGA-capped, Project 2025 devotees were doctoring "deep fake" videos of Biden staring off into space as he dropped crab cakes into his Depends.

The useful idiots, desperate to belong to the Democratic Party cult, believed everything they were told, including these golden oldies:

Trump said to take Ivermectin, or "horse goo," to cure COVID
Trump said there were "good Nazis"
COVID came from a bat sandwich, not from CIA-funded gain-of-function research in China
Nevermind, I'll just post this:


As a former NYC Kool-aid chugging liberal, I know the mindset of the Democrats' useful idiots:

Believe everything I am told
Thinking for myself is a verboten
Fox News is propaganda for peckerwoods

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #ableist #pratt kirschsubstack.com

[From “Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism”]

I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available

The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data

The often repeated claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is quite simply inconsistent with this evidence which can be authenticated

I am working with Trevor Fitzgibbon to pitch this to all the mainstream media so that I’m not talking to an echo chamber with this data. It is much better if we can get the blue-pilled media to red-pill their peers; it’s unlikely to happen any other way[…]
The Hooker paper is published in the scientific peer-reviewed literature and is simply an analysis of the data that the CDC officials told CDC scientist William Thompson to destroy[…]
This is why Coleen Boyle ordered Thompson to destroy the subgroup data showing the high OR value: because they couldn’t make the signal go away so they made the data go away[…]
The CDC did an internal investigation and talked to the people in the room where the incident happened. Four of them said it didn’t happen and that Thompson fabricated the whole story. The CDC internal investigation determined they were right because it was 4 against 1[…]
Pediatrician “L” (she didn’t want her named used until after she goes through her records EMR records manually to confirm her estimates) estimates around 180 kids in her practice had rapid onset autism. Of those, she believes the majority happened within 2 week after a vaccination visit[…]
There is not a single study in the medical literature that looked at kids with rapid onset autism and plotted the date of the vaccine that was most proximate to the event, whether it was before or after. Why is that? Because it would find a huge signal. That’s why the studies never do it

Bethany Kozma #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #pratt #wingnut dailykos.com

[From “Project 2025 Private Training Video: Left-Wing Code Words and Language”]


Language is used to control culture. I'll never forget a conversation I had with the Chief of Staff at USAID.

We were trying to provide alternative language for the highly controversial phrase 'comprehensive sexuality education' or CSE, which at the United Nations had come to mean not just typical sex education, but instead had been morphed into teaching and normalizing sex at very early ages, even as young as preschool. And for girls who became pregnant, that abortion was a preferable method of birth control.


[The Chief of Staff] suggested several alternatives. But each time I told him that, unfortunately, his recommended edit was also incorrect. He said he could not interpret it as CSE. Frustrated, he vented. They have literally co-opted the English language. And it was at that moment that I realized that the progressive left is controlling the language, redefining definitions, and by doing so, are ruling the world.


The left got very creative years ago and started using different words to make abortion sound a little less like murder. For example, sexual and reproductive health, reproductive rights, sexual and reproductive health services, reproductive health services, health services, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights. All of these include abortion. For years, we knew that the terms above that I just mentioned had been used and that they were code for abortion.

The left and the career bureaucrats at State and USAID told us, oh, no, no, no. But then when I was negotiating with Canada for the G7 Development Ministerial, I said, well, can we just use these terms and add that does not include abortion? And their response was telling. They said, but it does include abortion.

Even with that admission, I had a difficult time convincing political appointees that these terms were co-opted.


TonganHunkpapa #conspiracy #homophobia #ableist #pratt reddit.com

[“Native American activist, Leonard Peltier, 79, imprisoned for nearly half a century makes push for clemency”]

The Nazis commie hunting hard case psycho FBI agent shot and killed the other hardcase, closet homosexual FBI, shooting him through the hand...release Leonard Peltier, the USA is trying to defend the fact that they can have mentally challenging FBI agents they can send to the Dakotas to get them out of the way as well as gay honosexual FBI agents