
Sobchak Security LLC #wingnut waltersobchaksecurity.com

Proponents of Gun Control are in effect, complicit in the idea that the state should have a monopoly on violence. While this might comfort the Liberal concept that they know best and shall protect the meek, Walter is terrified by this notion. It goes without saying that Walter trusts individuals far more than he believes in governments and citizens in aggregate. Sure, one person can do something stupid, but for sheer idiocracy and tyranny, you need to get a few hundred people together. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but a disarmed population is far easier to bring into heal than an armed one. Oh hell, Walter's rambling again, on his soap box shouting to bowlers that largely agree with him. However, there’s a point to Walter’s rant; next time a bowler's at a family meal, a few white Russians or oat sodas deep, and feels gravity sucking you towards the urge to argue with a septum pierced, purple haired relative, remind them that by supporting gun control, they are assuring a monopoly on violent power to the very people they claim are corrupt, compromised, colonizing, racist, misogynistic or whatever woke bingo terms are in vogue that week. If that concept isn't grasped by their room temperature IQ, show them that you can meet them in the middle and tell them that, "Hell like you, I believe in gun control. USING BOTH HANDS!!!!"