
Matt #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Oh yeah, a campaign built on rebuilding the military and slashing corp taxes to free up enterprise… sounds exactly like the bolshevik left of today

You have no clue what your talking about

Kennedys campaign of 60 literally mirrored Trumps of 2024

DocRocket #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Democrat party.
Hitler, praised FDR's early New Deal measures: America, like the Reich, had decisively broken with the “uninhibited frenzy of market speculation.”
Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter, “stressed ‘Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies,’ praising the president’s style of leadership as being compatible with Hitler’s own dictatorial Führerprinzip“....
Many historical citations with a heavy dose of Mussolini /FDR admiration club tossed in there as well.

"American and European commentators in the 1930s also pointed out Hitler’s and Roosevelt’s centralization of power. Dictatorship was never imposed in the United States in the same way it was in Nazi Germany, but thoughtful writers wondered if such centralization did not run the risk of undermining the constitutional separation of powers. Unchecked power could easily extinguish freedom in the United States".

heather anderson #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

They (Musk and Trump) both have talked about it and they both are going to release the Epstein files and what you’ll see is the left. The Democrats are a bunch of perverted pedophiles and some celebrities. Just because you take a picture with people doesn’t mean that your part of the lifestyle

Afrofrycook #dunning-kruger twitter.com

I'm sorry you're not intelligent to understand this, but nazism as a movement died when the Reich fell. It's so unpopular it's the one political faction considered unironically evil and worthy of dehumanization compared to USSR, Communist China, or Imperial.

Your confusion probably comes from your side's absolute inability to understand what a nazi is, given your side's history of calling everyone from Libertarian to Neo-Cons to Populists nazis. You're a blind man insisting they can see.

There has been a rise in anti-semitism in the last 5 years, but it's as bad on the left as the right. You guys just call it zionism lmao.

I know you're an idiot, but you'll notice I didn't say they were the same. I said they both had a focus on racial consciousness. You can contrast this with Liberalism's colorblindness of the universal man.

But I understand you had to throw a tantrum because you're out of your depth.

Afrofrycook #dunning-kruger twitter.com

Except your side has done everything it can to surreptitiously support the growth of nazism, including promoting race consciousness via movements like CRT.

Your imagination is wrong. The reason your spurious claims occur is because you have no idea what a nazi is beyond vibes. This is a result of leftists doing everything in their power to downplay the socialism central to nazism and make it a movement simply based on "fascist, authoritarianism" which is really ignorant.

You guys love nazis more than anything else.

EeCeEe #racist twitter.com

Hey jerkoff, MLK Jr. cheated on his wife, wiretapped by FBI and leaked to the press on top of being indicted for tax evasion from sermons or campaigning to his cult of sycophants. Isn't that exactly like Donald John Trump?

#47 should have IRS crawl up your ass fake Man-o-God.

Ana Kasparian #elitist twitter.com

CA, and especially LA, is controlled by Democrats. THEY are responsible. No more passing the buck.

Our Mayor, who was in Ghana as fires exploded in our city, cut the fire budget by $17 million. Endless amounts of money funneled to bullshit scammer homeless nonprofits. We’re the highest taxed yet we have encampments and squalor everywhere. Even worse, we don’t have enough firefighters to respond to the absolute disaster we’re experiencing right now. Rather than conserve the record rain we got last year, we just drained it into the ocean. We are a failing city run by a sick excuse for local government.

You want to radicalize people against the modern Democratic Party? Send them to LA.

OhNoYouDidnt #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

Obamacare was necessary so that middle class workers could pay massively more for health insurance, so that the government wouldn’t need to stop sending money overseas, or just wasting it, to hand free healthcare to you. Now you are blocked for failure to understand basic etiquette in debate 😎

Since Obamacare, my health insurance has gone from $200 a month to $1650 with a large deductible. There are many physicians offering monthly unlimited subscription services that would work with a catastrophic policy. With all the regulations and restrictions, it is impossible to find a catastrophic policy and simply pay out of pocket for everything else.

It was supposed to “ widen the pool” as you put it, but did it? I have zero faith in the governments oversight capabilities on anything. Just one more bureaucratic cesspool. As we are going to see for 2025, when the govt negotiates prices it is meant for them to have more funds to move around and spend recklessly. Seniors will see increases in their part D coverage every single year. It is forecast currently to be a 18% to 35% increase along with a 6% increase in part B.

Medicare does not have the same raiding restrictions as Social Security. If they try to lump all health insurance into Medicare I’m betting we will still pay the large premiums they have conditioned us to and they will siphon money off to keep up the ridiculous spending trend, just eliminating the middle man.

So, NO I am a hard no on this issue. Smaller government not larger

Cor Nexus Kalervo #dunning-kruger #wingnut facebook.com

As a Finn I see our country as a free-market society with some advanced social helping systems. Our health system is working well, but needs some improvements, our school system is one of the best in the world, but not perfect. We are a capitalistic society with a heart, not a socialistic one, although we have too much bureaucracy. Socialism means catastrophe, but caring the poor is the natural thing to do.
Mass immigration, conservative islam and political correctness are real threats here, too, and our green and socialist parties have stupid blue-eyed idealism towards those issues, like left in USA, too.

memetic_sisyphus #wingnut #racist twitter.com

The issue is the left has demanded we view race as a political category that groups an Ivy educated lawyer raised by college professors in with street thugs who are tatted up and get kicked out of school for stealing. And when the latter gets killed in the commission of a crime we have to pretend it was equally as likely to happen to the former.

various commenters #wingnut twitter.com


Mehdi (Hasan) is on the wrong side of everything. Consistently the worst takes. But you back yourself in a corner when you have to be against the republicans on everything.


I swear to God, this guy was on MSNBC for a reason. The stuff he posts is insane. He absolutely lost his mind.


Was thinking exactly this when I saw this post today.


Mehdi Hasan me ole china, my olfactory-challenging cheempanzoid of the sand.

You shall live through 4 looong agonizing years under The Fellowship of the Reign of Trump, Elon, and Peter Thiel.

John Williamson #fundie facebook.com

Kamala's attempt to make abortion a tenant of her campaign fails. A Catholic woman wins millions from Blue Cross after they attempt to force her to violate her faith! CVS and Walgreens have turned their drug stores into abortion clinics!! Will the abortion loving Bob Casey ever give up?
Hear these and many other Pro-Life stories tonight at 7:00 p.m. on Pro-Life America Radio.

Tune in at the link below:



Please call, write and email Walgreens to tell them what you think about the dangerous abortion pill. Call, write and email at least once a week. Sample letter below:

Walgreens Phone: 800-925-4733

Tim Wentworth, CEO
200 Waukegan Road
Deerfield, IL 60015
email: wcrexecresponse@walgreens.com

Dear Mr. Wentworth:

I am boycotting Walgreens because you sell the dangerous abortion pill in Pennsylvania. It is much more dangerous than a surgical abortion. How do you know whether the woman has an ectopic pregnancy without an ultrasound? You are setting yourself up for a massive lawsuit!

Elijah Schaffer #wingnut #racist twitter.com

The modern right is so bad at combatting Marxism

We must look at who successfully defeated it in the past

Assuming that H***r is the worst person in history

He did successfully eradicate communism

So we should study at least how he did that and consider whether our current approach of losing could be reevaluated

Perhaps we should study history rather than hide it so that we can learn whatever good there is from the terrible things done in generations past

Is anything he did worse than communism? Certainly not. So it’s in our interest to at least learn from his successes rather than throw the baby out with the bath water on this issue

I mean, do you think James Lindsey and Chris Ruffo are stronger men who can defeat communism through their blogs and X posts? We need to expand our horizons

Who benefits the most from hiding the history of the man who eradicated communism in his country?

Sobchak Security LLC #wingnut waltersobchaksecurity.com

Proponents of Gun Control are in effect, complicit in the idea that the state should have a monopoly on violence. While this might comfort the Liberal concept that they know best and shall protect the meek, Walter is terrified by this notion. It goes without saying that Walter trusts individuals far more than he believes in governments and citizens in aggregate. Sure, one person can do something stupid, but for sheer idiocracy and tyranny, you need to get a few hundred people together. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but a disarmed population is far easier to bring into heal than an armed one. Oh hell, Walter's rambling again, on his soap box shouting to bowlers that largely agree with him. However, there’s a point to Walter’s rant; next time a bowler's at a family meal, a few white Russians or oat sodas deep, and feels gravity sucking you towards the urge to argue with a septum pierced, purple haired relative, remind them that by supporting gun control, they are assuring a monopoly on violent power to the very people they claim are corrupt, compromised, colonizing, racist, misogynistic or whatever woke bingo terms are in vogue that week. If that concept isn't grasped by their room temperature IQ, show them that you can meet them in the middle and tell them that, "Hell like you, I believe in gun control. USING BOTH HANDS!!!!"

Ray Garzone #wingnut facebook.com

Opinion or fact?

China is America’s number one enemy, hands down.

Brandon’s road to Socialism is our second enemy.

The tsunami of illegals through our borders is our third enemy.

Brandon’s family influence peddling with China, Russia, Ukraine, et al is our fourth enemy.

Equity and Wokeness are our fifth enemy.

Ukraine’s sucking out our treasury is our sixth and seventh enemy.

A bogged down ‘keystone cop’ Russia is a distant enemy, except in the minds of political buffoons

My opinion - As I stand here in beautiful Falls Park in downtown Greenville SC, I want to be able to continue to stand here tomorrow, and the next day and the next - without being ‘molested’ by Socialism and Communism. America must remain strong enough to fend off the bleeding of our freedoms by crooked buffoons who don’t give a damn! If America is not first, then where are we? Remember, true Positive Humanity does not allow for the stifling of our freedoms through Socialism or Communism.

Be Positive and fend off our enemies as I have listed above…

Ray Mondo

Bernadette Repisky #wingnut facebook.com

Evan Sayet:
"My Leftist friends constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”

Here’s my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. We tried statesmanship. We tried propriety. And the results were always the same. This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob. I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.

With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Donald Trump is America ’s first wartime president in the Culture War.

Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. First, instead of going after “the fake media” — and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri — Trump isolated CNN.. He made it personal.

Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama’s close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright’s church.

So, to my friends on the Left — and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do.
These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.
So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights for America!"

Gregory Grace #wingnut facebook.com

It is funny that I see people on the left here tell us how they are the ones that are open to opposing ideas. But my experience on this FB group has been horrendous. I've had to block about 20 people on the left because they use defamation as a tool to try and silence me. I have had to block ZERO people on the right even though I regularly express far left ideas that they don't like. I am a liberal D but the D party right now is a far left socialist/Marxist party that is corrupt to the core. The people on these FB groups that use defamation/cancel culture to try and silence opposing views are like Mao's thugs that committed atrocities during the cultural revolution in China.

Hank W #wingnut twitter.com

Stock Market continues to crash along with 401Ks. Literally millions of illegals crossing our border. Billions in unConstitutional student dead-beat payments. Skyrocketing crime. Weaponized FBI. Yet Dems say everything is fine. We need to stop the madness. NOW.

ala4577 #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy complex.com

Excellent comment, sadly only Christians are willing to see the truth. And look this up on Google and the usual "Factcheckers" are debunking this, so based on their typical agenda, there is at least some truth to it. But these rumours have been around long before the BigTech corrupters of any Truths, so I to believe this is genuine and this evil pervades this planet. One cannot imagine the terror in these children and there is so much factual evidence of children be abducted and never seen again. The British "Royal" family come up in these rumours, the Clintons who are known Satanists

Jonathan Kleck #fundie #sexist #transphobia thelightinthedarkplace.com

Their God is the matrix!

Everyone on Earth is born out of a mother’s womb, cast down into the matrix, slaves to Satan's flesh host body system that was created in Genesis 1.

The only way out of the matrix is to be born again (spiritually) by the Holy Spirit of The LORD God Jesus Christ.

The mystery of what happens to someone’s soul has been revealed by The LORD God Jesus Christ to his end-time prophet Jonathan Kleck. Jonathan has been preaching this truth for years now.

Everyone has wondered for a long time – Why the change?

Read about: What Is Woke Culture? MTF Male to Female Energy.

It’s about the spiritual energy at war within the human host body system.

There is masculine energy from Our Heavenly Father, The LORD Jesus Christ. (It comes from above, UP).
There is feminine energy from Satan who runs The Mother of Exiles flesh system. (It comes from below, DOWN).
The Wachowski "brothers" transformation into the Wachowski "sisters", is simply an outward manifestation of the masculine energy being consumed within their human temple, and the female rival energy taking it over.

The Wachowski brothers sisters have become victims of the matrix flesh system that wars against the Spirit of Christ.

Joseph Gunderson #wingnut google.com

Old habits really do die hard. Authoritarianism still courses through the veins of Deutschland, and hey, they’re only following orders, right?

If the kind of insanity we’re experiencing in the states has you feeling, well, irked, Europe isn’t too far ahead of us, and it’s far, far worse, if only for the time being. This little old lady was just doing her thing, but apparently, she didn’t get the memo about having to have her vaccine passport on her at all times, and these polizei take their jobs very seriously.

How many officers does it take to detain a single elderly woman? At one point a woman counts, and it seems it takes nine. Are these jackboots just roving the streets in platoons? Get these guys some armbands, and we’ll be right back in the 1930s-40s.

Like so many other places around the world—Australia, France, Canada—liberty is at risk of being lost. The idea of personal freedom has been shrugged off by our governments and replaced with totalitarian control in the name of the collective good, social welfare, and social justice. And it is coming to our shores whether you want to believe it or not.

When it arrives, are you prepared to stand up for what’s right?

leoandimartydicaprio2017 #crackpot #psycho instagram.com

Part 1
#QuentinTarantino #QuentinTarantinoNews; #RobertoRodriguez; #EliRoth: you all know that Leo (11-11-74) & I (11-14-74) share a sacred #blessedsacrament of God, together. Didn't I tell you to STOP CORRUPTING MY SACRAMENT OF GOD?

I already gave you lots of mercy, the last time you corrupted my sacrament of God--on Django. I didn't count your dead/injured toll as a result of your: corruption, backstabbing and lies BECAUSE WE ARE BOTH ITALIAN.

Quentin, if you don't stop: stabbing me in the back, corrupting my sacrament of God, lying to everyone, stealing what doesn't belong to you, &not being honest to my face (& on email) about what you're doing w/my sacrament of God, behind my back...Consequences:

FACT: Corrupting sacraments of God causes 2Peter2:14 to become seriously violated--which causes large groups of kids to become "cursed" (killed, injured, sick, suffer, tortured, etc.). SINCE 01/01/18:
***OVER 50 school bus crashes in Jan., including SIX IN GEORGIA & at least two in TN.
***Train crash in Milan
***Train crash in Australia
***Train crash in Virginia
***Severe flooding &rat infestations in all of Paris. The Louvre was SHUT DOWN.
***Two earthquakes off the coast of California--which puts us all in danger. (The last time Robbie was MISCAST w/ my Leo, she caused 75Billion in damages to NYarea & 325 dead/injured--including SandyHook murders. Obviously, a walking DISASTER.)
***Two volcano eruptions in the past two weeks where women and children were left running for their lives and lost everything they had. (Japan & Phillipines)
***The Doomsday Clock has moved forward with only two minutes remaining for you to get your cast list right w/ respect for God, Jesus and the 60million Italians that you, Leo & I lead TOGETHER.
***Shooting rampage in KY for trying to MISCAST Leo w/the wrong girl, again. (At least two dead & 19 injured.)
***Car plowed into huge crowd in Rio, injuring massive people.
***Massive kids died in Syria from gas attacks.
***#HelicopterCrash in Newport Beach
***Shooting rampage at Middle School in LA
***Shooting rampage at darker skinned folks in Macerata & lead singer for The Temptations died. Today's Saturday, 02/03/18

stopblockingmyhashtags #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie instagram.com


I'm hashtagging all the movie studio executives to let them know the truth, so they can protect their jobs from evil white people from foreign countries (who are being reported to CTSOB for lying and stealing again this year). Please read my GoFundMe page. It will help you learn the truth, so you can protect your career. Please know I look forward to working with you all in the future as an Academy Award winning Best Actress from America. Thank you and God Bless!





Christine Flowers #wingnut delcotimes.com

Some continue to insist that the anger and protective instincts were based on a fallacy, namely, that no one is teaching critical race theory in schools. The women are being called racists, in some ways directly and in others more implicit, as when the elite intelligentsia complain about “dog whistles” and failed gubernatorial candidates scream that voters are “better than that!” And then you have cable news commentators who accuse the “white Republican women” of hiding percale sheets under their workout suits. Then there are the attempts to gaslight us into believing that a book about sodomy isn’t about sodomy, it’s just about youthful exploration (namely, a middle-aged man exploring the genitalia of a teenage boy). And to top it all off, as I’ve written about in a previous column, we have the Department of Justice poised to treat these women as domestic terrorists at the behest of triggered school board members. The fact that our Attorney General refused to acknowledge the radical departure from sanity and legal precedent that this represented is proof positive that progressives have lost whatever is left of their collective minds. (It’s also a confirmation of the fact that we surely dodged a bullet when Mitch McConnell kept “moderate” Merrick Garland off of the Supreme Court).

Whenever someone tries to peddle the idea that critical race theory is a law school pedagogy, my first reaction is that it wasn’t on the curriculum at Villanova circa 1984-1987 when I attended. But more importantly, I get really angry at the attempt on the part of my interlocutor to play me for a fool, a simpleton who doesn’t understand that CRT is more dangerous than any single subject. It’s a way of teaching based on the premise that everything and everyone is motivated by race, and history/literature/politics/math/science and whatever else is on the academic menu must be viewed and presented through that threshold lens. It’s a distortion, toxic and dishonest and deeply divisive, of the world we inhabit.

And if I get enraged at this attempt to school me in CRT, I can just barely imagine how a mother who has one or more children vulnerable to this tainted attempt at indoctrination must feel. These lionesses sense the threat, and crouch, ready to attack.

FORCES International #quack forces.org

Forces was founded before the majority of households had personal computers. Now we have smart phones, ipads and high speed Internet service to the majority of people in the United States and Europe. We have 24/7 - news cycles, Facebook, Twitter and Google, we have truly entered the information age. Thus we have decided to de-emphasize our focus on serving as a news feed while still working to bring about a new age of peaceful coexistence of smokers and nonsmokers.

There are now a good number of high quality and dependable newsletters, email lists, and blogs that produce new, reliable, and thought-provoking material on daily and weekly bases. Our News Page will largely serve to direct FORCES visitors to those resources while still featuring contributions from our own core group of writers. You can also continue to join us on Forces Tavern or Facebook.

FORCES will be concentrating our efforts on bringing true Free Choice to the second quarter of our 21st Century, a period where we'll likely see a full acceptance of ventilation, air filtration and tolerance largely taking the place of today's more unreasonable prohibitions. It's now 2017, and over the next eight years we will lay the groundwork for that new generation and help move the world to a place where the rights of all people, smokers, nonsmokers, vapers and nonvapers alike, are considered and respected.

We still need your help and support to continue to keep the website open to all, with updates on the latest anti-smoking research. The anti-smoking establishment has a great deal of money to continue to spread their misinformation campaign and while all of us are volunteers we still need your donations. Please be generous and donate now, your donations are tax deductible.

Mark Levin #wingnut mediamatters.org

CALLER: I've listened to you, I believe that we need to be working hard to develop new therapeutics, so I agree with you 100 percent --

MARK LEVIN (HOST): But I'm saying two, three days, then they have natural immunity and they actually have better immunity than people who are vaccinated. And we're not taking that into account.

You try, doctor, you go to the CDC website and tell me if you can find how many people are mentioned there, the numbers, the data on natural immunity, the antibodies. You're not going to find it. Why? I'm not a conspiracy nut, but why? Why do we treat -- how many of the unvaccinated are people who have natural immunity? It's got to be a significant percentage of them.

CALLER: No, you're right, so I'm excluding people who have already been -- contracted COVID and have natural immunity, but I'm talking about people who have not been contracting --

LEVIN: But here's another theory, or at least not theory, another model of thinking, and that is -- and DeSantis and others think this -- if people want to get vaccinated, they should.

If they don't, they come down with the virus. They get the natural immunity, they're treated with therapeutics, they go back into society. They're less of a threat than people who've been vaccinated.

Giureh - G.I.U.R.E.H. #conspiracy #magick #fundie #psycho youtube.com

The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil: Part 1. NWO Nazi-Templars

I feel, the Indigo inside me consists of AIR & FIRE, and they shouldn't play with this fire any longer these earthly creepers of the worldwide authorities and occupying army over humanity; this is why my Blue Warrior's aura has the colour of air and scourging blue fire !
Ich fühle, der Indigo in mir besteht aus LUFT & FEUER, und sie sollen nicht weiter mit diesem Feuer spielen diesen erdischen Kriecher der weltweiten Autoritäten und Besetzungsmacht über die Menschheit; darum hat mein Blauer Krieger Aura die Farbe der Luft und versengendes Blaues Feuer !
The Knights Templars of Octogon founded "clean" Switzerland 1291
My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil"

ARMAGEDDON APOCALYPSE END OF THE WORLD BLOG #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #psycho #quack #ufo humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

← New enemy weapons alert to all allies and Republic Rebel Alliance forces. I have been hearing from multiple sources that the reptilian fallen angels from the Orion star system will be returning to the earth after we real Christians and the Holy Spirit in us is raptured up to heaven. When light leaves, then darkness sets in. We real Christians, who the people of the world hated and persecuted and kicked us out of every workplace to try to starve us to death because they were afraid we would replace their jobs, were the last kamikaze warriors defending them from the devil and the worst fallen angels that will be released from the abyss, who are extremely angry and wants to destroy everything and everyone that exists, after they were in the spiritual Azkaban prison for eons. They are pissed and they are looking for a fight and will want to scorch everything they see. The Draco reptilian chimera aliens will be breakfast sausage food for them. And I am not joking either, but I mean it literally. I believe the worst ones are kept in the Saturn abyss and in Tartarus far below the earth, for a good reason. The fallen angels will be releasing these real bad fallen angels, in order to try to fight Jesus at Armageddon. It will be comical to see the fallen angels trying to fight the Creator of the universe and the God of heaven and earth. I think the nephilim & chimera aliens were lied to by Satan Lucifer that they will be the kings and rulers of the NWO when the real Christians are gone, but they will end up like the human Satanist witches who were told by Satan Lucifer that they will be kings and rulers of the NWO but they were just used and kidnapped and soul-scalped and their bodies stolen and betrayed.

Nathan Laing #fundie #conspiracy #racist facebook.com

You really Have to first defined Christian extremism To avoid sweeping generalizations
that’s like saying that our biggest problem in America is white supremacy
there’s a HUGE difference between arbitrary or liturgical rules and extremism. In today’s political climate “extremism” it’s just a word to demonized and Marginalize or dehumanize Things That someone opposes
In fact the social media platform like FB are even doing the same thing to its political any enemies calling anyone that doesn’t fall in line with Joe Biden the discrepancies around the 2020 election are now “promoting extremist content”
We need to be careful Not to play fast and loose with the words that we use.

P A #racist #fundie facebook.com

Unless I’m mistaken the Jews are still Gods chosen people, Christ came as their Messiah and while most rejected him not all did, Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East and perhaps someone who feels that Palestine is somehow virtuous should study more. They use women and children as human shields and set off rockets from schools and hospitals, dig tunnels into Israel to enter in and commit acts of barbarism and their goal is to annihilate Israel. I find it astonishing that a Christian would hold such a stance against Israel. My support for Israel is based on scripture, not fundamental ideology I am also unaware that women are nothing but chattel in Israel, that women and homosexuals are stoned to death and that you get your right hand cut off for stealing. I know of no instances where Israel has beheaded an “infidel”.

Mark Levin #wingnut google.com

I have a question for the CDC, you're busy issuing all kinds of orders to American citizens -- vaccinated citizens are supposed to wear masks?
Don't you understand when you tell people that, they aren't going to get vaccinated – on the one hand you say hurry up and get vaccinated, we are going to treat you as if you're not vaccinated: that's not science, that's stupidity.

Joe Biden, I have a question for you for health purposes: Why don't you issue orders to secure the southern border so we can make sure people coming across don't have the virus and aren't spreading it in the United States? Why don't you do that?

Landlords can’t evict people but these Marxist BLM members … get a health care pass too?

They don't mean that everybody should be vaccinated, they just mean that law-abiding American citizens better do what they tell us to do or you are going to be cut off from the rest of society

Japan4Salt #sexist #fundie #wingnut patriots.win

You mean basically what we had before 1960 then.
Also, matriarchy is a myth because it goes against the natural order. Thats why we made it this far under a so-called patriarchy anyway.
Also some people are conflating feminism with simple respect for women. This is a problem. The so called patriarchy is not anti-women or disrespectful towards women, it just flows based on the natural differences between men and women.

חודשים #conspiracy live.ahava528.com

(DESCRIPTION OF VIDEO) All Conspiracy No Theory - Don't buy into all those silly conspiracies floating around out there? Well, this chilling video might change your mind. Witness actual footage of your favorite pastors, politicians, actors, musicians and comedians all sounding the alarm that something sinister is afoot.

Sean Hross #crackpot #magick youtube.com

My son Kylean Hross Tel ++41 76 587 1770 is an Indigo abiding his own set of rules, I was only allowed to film him in the back from a "safe" distance. Now 2021 he's only 21 years old, he cannot read a single musical note, never had any piano lessons, taught himself to play the piano, where he improvises for hours without making a mistake… The enigma concerning the Hillbilly kid in the film is, that he also must have been a traumatised child - maybe the snake handling of the Appalacheans did it, who knows. Due to the endless SwiSS Nazi terror by the SwiSS people, my son is suffering from severe PTSD and is very traumatised, as his younger brother Riwan and his little sister Alwina are too but in a totally different sense though. Because of the deliberate SwiSS SVP Nazi police terror on my children, they destroyed their future in the cradle, so at least they won't become like their political father - the SwiSSies call that Collateral Damage to keep SwiSSyland clean. They do nothing anymore with their young lives except sit around at home the whole day, and they just gave it up, abandoned, surrendered and gave in to the SwiSS terror. It breaks a father's heart to see this and being too little and too powerless to counter the massive and endless SwiSS terror into the 4th generation already. For this SwiSSy is gonna pay dearly. Please someone take my kids out of this SwiSS Hell. They have sweet characters and don't deserve this, only because the SwiSSies want to take revenge on their political father. SwiSSy arrested me their father several times with an anti-terrorist squad, shouting, screaming and putting guns at my head in front of my very young children, who were just three and twelve years old at the moment and crying their hearts out. Also witnessing the house full of heavily armed SwiSS Nazi Police doing several house searches to eliminate the proofs like stealing hard discs, cameras, computers, memory cards, my files, etcetera. And those little souls with their sensitive characters absorbing it all deliberately destroying their young lives. Therefore my son Kylean retracts in his music, shuts the door, closes off, seals off and only wants to be filmed in the back, because he's used to be alone with his sorrows.

Sean Hross #conspiracy #crackpot live.ahava528.com

This spot, as you might recall, is where I demonstrated how the AR-15 doesn’t work the way they showed. I proved the video of the Christchurch shooting was a fake in this exact location. And the tree fell right there. Nearly killed me. They’re in control. Always watching. My knowledge is a threat to them. Reptilian filth.

Dr." Katherine Horton #conspiracy researchgate.net

Dr. Katherine Horton is founder and lead investigator of the Joint Investigation Team US-Europe for Directed Energy Weapons, Military Neuro/Biotechnology and Systemic Corruption. Originally a High Energy Physicist who worked at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva and at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Dr. Horton left particle physics to undertake research in Medical Physics and the Physics of Complex Human Systems where she studied economies, finance, currency systems and white collar crime. Becoming a victim of Western Intelligence she was assaulted with Directed Energy Weapons and discovered that she was implanted along with thousands of victims. She founded the Joint Investigation Team to investigate these crimes, help such victims and stop a global genocide.