
White Papers #racist #crackpot whitepapersinstitute.substack.com

The Great Repatriation: the return of non-Whites to their respective ethnic homelands, is the cornerstone of our policy agenda here at White-Papers. While we have no doubt that this can be accomplished, and have written extensively about states which could be our allies in this cause, other states are going to, at least in the beginning, be oppositional to any Great Repatriation project by White nations.
The United States already has a history of limiting remittance payments to nations which it does not politically align with. Remittance restriction regimes have been applied, on and off, to the Cuba for decades and the US government retains the right to apply such restrictive regimes to other states.

India is the perfect example of a remittance restriction candidate. If the Indian state does not want to cooperate with US deportations (and it currently is uncooperative) than a pro-White American state must withold all remittance payments during any Great Repatriation schemes. The Indian government and Indian citizens will miss out on tens of billions of dollars in transfers which could be made while the 4.4 million Indians in the US continue to work until eventually being asked to leave.

African elties and the Chinese ruling class are some of the largest purchasers of luxury goods on the planet, and so are liable to be ‘harmed’ by not having access to them.

The United States and European Union have already imposed sanctions regimes on Russia which prevent the export of luxury goods to that state. These regimes should be expanded to any state which is reluctant to cooperate in the return of its nationals.

By starving the elite of Africa, Asia and the general developing world of the cars, watches, and luxury goods which give them domestic standards of living we can force said elites to cooperate in order to serve their personal greed.