
childojesus #fundie worldwidechristiansonline.co.uk

[Re: You can't preach here, this is a Muslim area]

Well, this is a sad case. Christians are being persecuted the world over and now this... I'm sad but not surprised at all. Christians are not "politically correct". Soon we may even be persecuted in North America. There are so-called Human Rights tribunals in Canada that have worried many believers here. Some socialists here want to be "inclusive" to the point that only Christians will not find room at the inn... it won't be long I'm afraid until the Holy Bible is declared hate speech. Although it's already considered that by some special interest groups.

silvername #fundie worldwidechristiansonline.co.uk

There is only one right kind of sexuality and that is heterosexuality, all others are sexual deviant, immoral and abominations in the eyes of God.

Pedophilia and homophilia are simply two sides of the same immoral coin.

The only difference is the object of their shameful lust, the target of a homophile's shameful lust is a member of the same sex, while the target of a pedophile's shameful lust is a child, both are contrary to God's divine plan for human sexuality.

Homphiles suffer because of their immorality, not because of people who oppose homophilia.

wayne #fundie worldwidechristiansonline.co.uk

[On the subject of the "Trials of Egypt", the killing of first-borns in particular]

May be the answer lies in MATTHEW 19: 12-15, were little children are brought to Jesus and the disciples try to stop them and Jesus rebukes his disciples and says '' Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.''

Access to the kingdom of heaven is through repenting of your sins, children have not had enough time to sin, so access is immediate. So most of the Egyptian children would have walked straight in. And they died in their sleep, then they did not suffer either. It would have been their parents that suffered for their disobedience.

goli #fundie worldwidechristiansonline.co.uk


I'm gay. Because of something out of my control, I have been subjected to torture, mainly from those who would call them selves 'christian.

Because of this I have suffered beatings, verbal and emotional abuse, and have read research in to those famous 'quotes' from the bible just so I know in my heart that what the abusers say isn't true.

I'm not going to label you all as bashers and haters, but instead will ask you, as collective christians, what you would say to my abusers, who have caused me to have regular panic attacks, suffer nightmares on a daily basis, and live a life of solitude, away from family and friends.

And what would you say to me? Am I a victim, or did I deserve all of this?)

Hey Buchanan , welcome to the forum

I would explain a little science. (very general mind you)

Some of who we are comes from Genes and heredity. However some genes develop from memories. People who have negative memories when they are younger of abusive fathers are more likely to turn gay as these genes are turned on by bad memories. People who associate with chronic liars are exposed to lieing and genes may turn on to make them prone to lieing. In the same way if a person is loved they will develop memory Genes that will develop and make them prone to be a loving person.

The reason that people are gay is indirectly because satan has abused them. But the solution is not by bashing , i would tell those christians that the solution is to expose them to the love of God and let God do the rest. People who are gay just need to have good memories of God and christians loving them , and if it needs to happen God will give gay poeple a conviction to change if that is what needs to happen.

I think the most important thing is that christians should try not to be offended but instead look over anything that offends and try to love. Offense is the bait of satan

Hope none of this was offensive to anyone

RisingSonFan #fundie worldwidechristiansonline.co.uk

I feel so bad for children being brought up to believe something like that is true. It took me almost 20 years to weed out all the trash my teachers put in my head when I was in school. And it was all that... TRASH

Piltdown man.... hoax.
Neanderthal man... pig teeth
Lucy.... smashed chimp....false
Gran Canyon.... millions of years of erosion.... false. WATER CANNOT FLOW UPHILL! But it can undermine a mountain in a matter of hours with a huge earthly upheaval like a great flood.

The only thing that created this world was a creator. The only thing that could possibly hold it all together is a creator. And he knew one day, people would come along and try and prove otherwise. That is why real math, real science, and real human logic shows evolution for the exercise in futility that it really is.