
Jayce #psycho #sexist pro-rape.com

I’ve been doing some thinking and I think I found a way I can rape and get away with okay so listem carefully so first I’m going to buy realistic silicone mask look it up it’s crazy. So I’m going to use that to disclose my identity. Wear gloves of course. Buy a gun for intimidation. Also if you wanted to be more safe get a VASECTOMY because remember semen without “sperm” is useless. Also buy a bike never use anything that can be identified or linked back to you. Also if your going to commit rape NEVER EVER do it where you live that’s stupid. Always do it clear across the country for no links back to you. Okay now you have the basics how are you gonna commit the act itself and get away spot clean. Okay listen to the plan it’s very important first your going to ride you UNREGISTERED bike to a local store/mall whatever. Once you see a female of choice you like wait till she’s ready to get in her car alone of course. Then you approached her (remember you have that realistic silicone mask I was talking looks real as fuck) okay so you approached with the gun and say ”listen I’m not gonna hurt just get in the car and drive where I need you to drive and you want get hurt, Understand but if not I’ll blow your brains out ” so she going to agree because she doesn’t want to die lol. So you get in her car you have the gun pointed at her. You then drive to a very secluded place. Before she can ask any questions you handcuff her and put ductape around her mouth( Oh yeah I forgot you should have gorilla duct tape and handcuffs in your book bag your carrying). Okay do what you heart desires to her after your satisfied put her in the back of HER TRUNK = not in your name or can’t be traced back to you when they find her (see smart) ok anyway you put her in the back and have your way with her. Once your done put her in the back of the trunk of her car.(oh yeah destroy her phone before all of this for obvious reasons) and now you have about till morning to leave the state back home. Take everything you used and your back pack and burn it. ANOTHER RAPE SUCCESSFUL. What do you boys think of that???? (Gosh I’m a genius)