[Surely one of the virtues of the Christian faith is to keep an open mind to the beliefs (and non-beliefs) of others.]
Why? Having an "open mind" is not a virtue. In fact, it's foolish.
Do you have a door on your house? Do you leave it open all the time? Or do you shut it, or even (gasp!) lock it sometimes?
Of course you do, because you know that it isn't wise to let just anybody enter your house.
In the same way, there are many times where it's perfectly appropriate to shut that door of your mind in order to keep harmful things from entering in.
Because we all know how harmful things like love and tolerance are.
Next thing you know you may be dining with tax collectors and other sinners, while telling people to love their neighbour.
"Of course you do, because you know that it isn't wise to let just anybody enter your house."
Not only, considering the metaphor, an excellent illustration of the fundie stance on education, but also an excellent illustration of their levels of paranoia and lack of hospitality (which, I assume, must vary depending upon your fundie-rating).
Well, if you're weak minded, it's probably for the best.
But me, I may not be able to kick out anybody I don't like from my house, but I am perfectly capable of welcoming strange, foreign ideas and offering them a cup of tea. Or throwing them out with a swift kick in the metaphorical butt if they offend me. But no judgment without knowledge.
But minds are nothing like houses.
If your mind were open, could I go inside steal your thoughts and memories?
I would argue having an open mind is more like having your windows open - You can see what's going on, but it doesn't really affect you unless you decide to act on it.
Yeah.. keep that mind closed, and don't allow an original thought in. You might LEARN something, and what would that lead to? Independent thinking? Oh no, can't have that!
Problem, the mind needs constant feedback, unlike the house. Otherwise, this computer, for example, wouldn't exist.
Actually a better analogy would be locking the door, boarding up the windows, sealing the chimney, and nailing the cat flap closed. Without fresh air and sunlight everything inside withers and wilts, including you.
And if you really want to stretch the image, the internal neglect becomes obvious to those outside as the garden gets overgrown and messy. Though I don't know what that would represent. Drowning your kids in a bathtub for being demon possessed, I suppose.
Well, at least he is admitting that his mind is shut off from difference. That is not typical fundie, since most have a false concept of themselves and the status of their mind.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step in solving it.
Okay Mike, I'll be sure to close and lock my mind whenever you start to speak. Oh, what's that ?? Not when you're speaking ??? You meant when OTHER people are trying to make a point ??? Well why didn't you just say ?? Oh you did ??? Sorry, I had my mind closed, some asshole told me it was a good idea.
Why? Having an "open mind" is not a virtue. In fact, it's foolish.
Oh, this is gonna be rich...
Do you have a door on your house? Do you leave it open all the time? Or do you shut it, or even (gasp!) lock it sometimes?
But you have to open your door once in a while, to go out, to see things, and to learn things. Likewise with your mind. It's not bad to hold things as truth, but to shut yourself in, and disallow any and all differing views is just unhealthy.
Of course you do, because you know that it isn't wise to let just anybody enter your house.
No, but it's good to let some people in. Not eveythin/one is bad and out to get you.
In the same way, there are many times where it's perfectly appropriate to shut that door of your mind in order to keep harmful things from entering in.
And sometimes, it's good to evaluate WHY you deem it a threat, and whether it really is one.
Let me respond in poem form.
There once was a rapping tomato
That's right I said rapping tomato
He rapped all day from April to May
And also guess what
It was me
-Homer Simpson, the real God
@ cool cats: Just locked? A key still exists then, and so does a chance of openmindedness.
I've met some fundies whose mind is nailed or bolted down if not welded shut with the Holy Acetylene Torch of Gawd.
Well Mike, since I am sure you have given away all your worldly possessions to the poor (as your savior commanded you to do), there is no need to lock your house since there is nothing left to steal.
But then I'm sure you were being purely metaphorical (just like your savior was when he told you to give away your precious things, right?). In that case your faith and conviction must be very weak. Otherwise, you would not need to hide away behind metaphorical locked doors to protect them. But hey, I am sure that your savior won't hold your weakness and cowardice against you, anymore than he will be annoyed by your excuses to hold onto to your worldly possessions, right?
you aren't just closing the door, you are boarding up the windows and sealing the chimney.
When somebody rings the doorbell or knocks on the door I look out the window to check before opening it. Similarly when deciding whether a new idea is worth my time I do a quick general examination of it. If I decide it's worth it, I go in for a deeper analysis (the equivalent of opening the door to talk to somebody standing on the porch) before deciding whether to accept it (let it in). If it's not worth my time then I don''t even open the figurative door. But i always give new ideas at least a brief examination.
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