Zeno #conspiracy yahoo.com

The tried and failed political debate scam needs to end.

Let's do the math democrats have obviously won 92%
Of these political debates due to the fact they have controlled
Congress 92% of the last 100 years.

I believe the deceitful ( word game ) of college debate strips
Those honest candidates out of the race because they are
Not the best at being deceitful or dishonest word manipulators.

The conservative usually spends his time studying the problems
And trying to piece together the policy and direction solution we
Need to take the nation to get out of the recession or depression
The democrats created.

Yes even the Great Depression was democrats fault as they
Ran the federal reserve responsible for taking too much dollars
Out of circulation. That currency shortage caused the stock
Market to panic and drop in value at the drop of a hat. As
Word spread banks didn't have enough money to pay customer
What the customers had in their savings. As I said democrats
Destroy everything and then blame conservatives for everything
Only to find out years later oops democrats did that damage
To the nation as well.

End debates and elect based on what these candidates have
Accomplished in their career. That takes Hillary out of the running
Because she has accomplished NOTHING.



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