David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The U.S. government is preparing for massive future public resistance and violence by building detention camps and passing Patriot acts I and II. Massive amounts of prisons were built during the Clinton administration (and many more are being built now). Society has been desensitized by television and a school system designed to dumb-down our children. 911 was deliberately orchestrated by our own government as a pretext for war, to justify our invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. 911 also was the necessary crisis which the global elite needed to create their police state and a New World Order. The evidence of a conspiracy is overwhelming!...
George W. Bush signed presidential directive W199-eye prohibiting the FBI or defense Department officials from investigating the terrorists. FBI Deputy Director, John O'Neill, resigned because he felt that the Bush Administration was deliberately blocking the FBI's investigation of the terrorists. John O'Neill was given a new job as Security Director at the Trade Towers in New York. He was killed on 911 when the attack happened... his first day on the job!!!
Don't forget about the third building (WTC # 7) that came down on 911... No plane ever struck it. Three buildings don't just perfectly collapse in a few seconds time. Larry Silverstein, owner of building # 7, admitted publicly in an interview that he was asked by the fire chief if they could "pull" (demolish) his building, he agreed. Those buildings on 911 were blown up! Folks, this stuff if real! I've read the facts, I've watched the videos, this is no conspiracy "theory." Fire fighters, members of congress, former FBI and CIA employees, and police officers have all testified against the government on everything from the Oklahoma City bombing to 911. Nationally known lawyer, David Schippers, is representing several FBI and CIA members who were prohibited from investigating the terrorists of 911. To date, the Justice Department refuses to talk with David Schippers on behalf of his clients. It makes perfect sense if the government's got something to hide, which they do.
There will be riots in America when the economy falters, and circumstances become so dire that the truth cannot be hid any longer by the liars in Washington D.C. The police state will be upon us in full force. National ID Cards will be mandatory. The bio-chip will be implanted into people. U.S. citizens will revolt and be put down by the now militarized police force. The days of "officer friendly" are over. Now we see militarized thugs in Darth Vader uniforms, complying with their orders. The United States will fall into UN control. This is the New World Order (i.e., the Beast system). The stage is being prepared for the Antichrist, the end of the world as we know it.
Thank God for faithful pastors, but did you know that already over 26,000 U.S. pastors have been recruited by OUR government to brainwash you us submitting to tyranny and a Police State? I'm an Independent Fundamental Baptist myself, but I could not attend most Baptist churches because of woefully ignorant, backslidden and cowardly pastors. I heard an apostate Baptist pastor of a large Baptist church, with over 10,000 people attending every Sunday, brag about being a State-licensed 501c3 business and said that his church would support the government unquestionably. That same pastor forsook the inspiration of the King James Bible and then shortly thereafter endorsed Barack Obama's wicked Communist presidency.