[Was Jesus ever married? Did he have Sex?]
I believe this question is frivolous and without merit. It feels as if it is asked in a whimsical way.Jesus was not carnal. Sex is the ultimate carnality. Although he never states (like Nixon said "your president is not a crook" or Bill Clinton) that he never had sex with that woman, Mary Magdalene, everything we know about him says he was a pure as the wind driven snow. You can believe that he was lustful and acted on it, but I don't. If you preach that stuff you risk getting Jesus really annoyed with you. So...if I were you I would be careful regarding Jesus's so called sexuality.
You can believe that he was lustful and acted on it [...] Who said anything about being lustful? Couldn't Jesus simply do what he was expected to do entirely out of duty, both for being a Jewish Rabbi and for being commanded by God to "go forth and screw"?
Further, there's nothing really wrong with being erotic in the right circumstances, even in the Christian tradition. (Whether many want to admit it or not.) The Song of Solomon makes it out to be one half of the complete love you are to have for your spouse. Wanting to get it on is only a problem, well, when it's a problem.
Now appearing on center stage, just back from a two week stint at the Mustange Ranch, you wanted the best, you got the best, ladies and gentlemen, 'Ultimate Carnality'!
The bibble says that humans were created in gods image, and jebus was human. Humans get horny. Any questions?
This guy would be excommunicated in 600AD for this. OF COURSE HE WAS CARNAL. Even if Jesus didn´t have sex, he ate, drank, had fun with his friends, talked, went to parties.........actually, without realising, you have denied one of the most important dogmas of the Christianity and it would annoy, not Jesus, but the rest of Christians because you have compromised the whole system of beliefs. And be more consequent, if the Gospel never says that he didn´t have sex at all, don´t asume that he will be angry because you won´t to believe that. Don´t think Jesus will asume your personality SPECIALLY REGARDING THE FACT THAT HE DOESN´T SEEM TO BE ANGRY TO SEE HOW PEOPLE DISTORT HIS TEACHING.
I still don't understand how having sex makes you impure. Plus, if Jesus is the personification of an all-knowing benevolent god then why would he get annoyed if someone asked him about his sex life? Every time fundies talk about jesus, he just sounds more and more petty, illogical and mentally unstable.
Or maybe he just couldn't get laid...
everything we know about him says he was a pure as the wind driven snow.
Of course, everything you know about him comes from that one book written by his followers. I'm sure that, in a time of persecution and trying to keep their faith alive and spreading, they'd really truthfully write down anything bad about their saviour along with the rest.
All of the 40 or more rabbis/itinerant preachers/miracle workers who were active in the Jerusalem area at the beginning of the first century and who, thus, may have been models for the Jesus character in the bible were probably married - since all good Jewish boys were expected to have been married by around the age of 20 at that time.
But, I drift too far into reality. For the sake of argument, suppose there really was a Jesus who was sent from god to live as a human on earth. Rather pointless, then, for him to have lived a life that was so removed from that of the experience of everyone else. Might as well have come to earth in the form of an angel, or a talking unicorn, or something other than those humans with which he shared so little in common.
So, he never said a word about that, but you think it's furious?. By the way, isn't Jesus the earthly manifestation of God?, didn't he eat, drink, sing and dance and party with his friends?. Most probably he never married but, if he did, why not?, there is nothing more human and more honest than that.
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
After Jesus' baptism, his mama gave him the things that the three wise men brought for him. The gold was given to the poor (naturally), the frankincense he kept for himself, and the myrrh went to...Mary Magdalene, who was his constant companion after Galilee. Draw your own conclusions.
An interesting point--pure as the driven snow. At that period in time the verse, "A man shall leave his mother...." was taken, not as a description, but as a command. Boys married young and to do otherwise was considered sinful. Had Jesus been single, it would have been unusual and remarkable. Remarkable in the true sense of the word--meaning, somebody would have remarked upon it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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