"Bee, I doubt any of our church members would say that slavery was "great." Obviously, it's a shameful moment in American history."
Human history you twit. The U.S. is not the only country on this planet and it's sure as hell not the only one to ever have slavery.
"But isn't it amazing how God can bring good out of evil? Many of the negroes who were brought here as slaves were living as pagans in African."
Negroes? Did you just step out of the 1950s or something? I'm sure all the "negroes" are very happy that foreign invaders kidnapped their ancestors, decimated their villages and brought disease just so long as they're no longer hellbound "pagan" heathens.
You're one step above a holocaust denier/apologist.
"It is possible that God allowed the evil of slavery not only as a punishment for the refusal of the African peoples to recognize him, but also as an opportunity for repentance and restoration."
The Africans had their own gods. Lots of them. For a hell of a lot longer than your piddly ass little Yahweh has been around. I don't think they needed your god and I know for a fact they didn't need to be "saved" by being enslaved and treated as less than human for something as insignificant as skin color.
"See, God never punishes without also providing an opportunity for a person to be restored to faith in Christ."
Oh, well then. I guess that just makes it all better, right?
"Today, the American negro is among the most religious peoples in the world."
There's that word again. Are you really that out of touch with the times or what? I assume, if it weren't a public forum, you'd be using a similar word in place of "Negro" but you don't want your racism to be flaunted for everyone to see so, instead, you use what you believe is an acceptable word in its place.
"They could very well say to us what Joseph said to his decietful brothers: "what you meant for evil, God meant for good."
Just stop already.