David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Parents all across America have been charged with being "negligent parents" by the Child Protection System for nothing more than a refusal to subject their child to the numerous and often harmful side-effects of DRUGS. Child Services would much rather prefer the term "medicine"; but the honest truth is that they are DRUGS. These drugs are often fatal. In fact, 100,000 Americans die EVERY YEAR from prescribed drugs from their doctor.

If you want NON-DRUG medicine to help you, you must seek the help of a homeopathic doctor. Unfortunately, 99% of all people go to the drug-dealing doctor because insurance companies WON'T cover natural remedies. Isn't that crazy? Nearly ALL doctors are trained to prescribe a "drug" to treat the body's ailment (drugs, drugs, and more drugs)!!! The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar empire. Are you starting to get the picture? Parents informed of the potential dangers of such dangerous drugs are expected by the government to subject their children to those drugs (OR ELSE be charged with parental negligence!!!). It is utter COMMUNISM!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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