Pastor Jack Hyles #fundie
As soon as you get to the place to where you think you’re smart without God and you can formulate your own philosophy about God and who God is, then the next step is your worship of the creature. Why? You’ve got to worship the creature if you think you can figure out who God is. If you draw up in your mind your own concept of God, you’re putting yourself before God. You’re worshipping your own mind in the place of God, and the next thing is that you worship the creature or the body.
Worship of the body is where our nation is tonight. All this open sex, nudity, free love, and body worship is the final step in the downward trend of our nation. “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.” (Romans 1:26) Now, you listen to me! When a nation gets to the place where nudity is prevalent, what else does it look for? One reason God intends for folks to wear clothes is because the unknown gives you added property to explore. Don’t snicker when I say that! However, when we get to the place where we strip off our clothes and nudity becomes commonplace, then man begins to search for something other than the natural man-woman relationship. To what does he turn? First, he turns to sex perversion or unnatural acts. When that runs its course, to what does he turn? He turns to women committing sex with women and men committing sex with men. Now, that is as low as you can get. Here is the order again:
1. We do not glorify god or give thanks to Him
2. We become vain in our imaginations
3. We become wise in their own eyes
4. We make a false religion
5. We worship the creature instead of the Creator
Let me say a little more about that third point- becoming wise in our own eyes. I’m not against going to a university, but let me tell you something. If you went to a university and got a degree and now think you’re better than your grandpa who didn’t go past fifth grade, then you’re an idiot! There’s nothing in this world any more sickening than for one hunk of flesh who’s worth only $1.98 chemically, a sinner who ought to go to Hell; if you’re fortunate enough to have trusted Jesus, then you’re saved by His grace.
There’s not one good thing in this world about any of us. “There is none that doeth good, no, not one.” (Romans 3:12b) “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10) “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) On and on the Bible goes to tell us that there is not one good thing about any of us for one of us to set himself up above the rest of us as being a scholar or an expert or of a particular sphere or caste system. It’s heathenism, it’s paganism, and it’s a result of turning from God. As soon as you do that, you become wise in your own conceit. You think you’re smart. You’ve been to college, you have your degree, so you think you’re above the common man.
Next, you begin to worship the mind and then you begin to worship the body. After that, you go into sins of the body, and the last step is the step that Sodom and Gomorrah took when God said He’d rain fire and brimstone on them. Let me tell you something, and you hear me well! There are three people who wear britches and have short hair and would be called men who sit in this room tonight who are homosexuals, and I know it. You have said, “Don’t let Brother Hyles’ preaching upset you. God wouldn’t have made us this way if He hadn’t intended for men to love men.” Oh, you pagan heathen! God didn’t make you that way! Don’t you blame God for your sin! Don’t you blame God for your rejection of God’s Word! You’ll burn in Hell forever and ever and ever unless you get born again and get delivered of that wicked sin! It’s not normal! It’s pagan! It’s iniquity! God hates it! God goes so far as to condemn to everlasting torment the soul of every person who is homosexual! Check your Bible! That’s the last step in man’s downward progression.