mad scince #conspiracy
are humans committing multiverse genocides?
The assumption of scientist is that with collisions they can recreate the exact conditions happened during the BIG BEN. Then if the condition are the same or very similar is really probable they are creating more big bens in the multiverse and each one is creating its own universe.
But what is the multiverse? watch this video to understand
The multiverse consists of bubbles and each bubble is an universe (our universe is a bubble too). These "bubbles" collides time to time and the result is the complete destruction of the life inside them (thousands planets similar to Earth).
Try to imagine to travel in your car in a highway and suddenly you frontally crash into a bus that didn't existed few moments before the accident: it is exactly what could happen when humans create new universe bubbles with their experiments.
Remember! The bubbles can collide and more bubbles exist more are the possibility of collisions! we are all responsible of such acts...
"We found that if we believed our modified rules of quantum gravity, then it is in principle possible to create a universe in the laboratory without starting from a white hole. The procedure isn't guaranteed to succeed, but in the context of quantum mechanics we were able to estimate a probability for success. Since our calculations relied on a modification of an approximation that was uncertain in the first place, we found it reassuring that Willy Fischler, Daniel Morgan, and Joseph Polchinski obtained the same results with a different method. The probability of success was found to depend crucially on the energy density of the false vacuum. If it's at a scale typical of what particle physicists call "grand unified theories," then the probability would be outlandishly small. On the other hand, it's conceivable that the energy level associated with the false vacuum might be a thousand times larger than those of the grand unified theories, and then the probability of successful universe production would be high."
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