Anonymous Coward #racist
Watching hockey on NBC. Three commercials so far with interracial couples. That's three in less than two hours.
Many of you might not find this shocking, but for someone like me who only tunes in about once a year, it's pretty disturbing.
I don't know why companies and advertisers are pushing this so hard. I don't know what they have to gain or even what kind of strange social engineering they hope to accomplish.
I do know when you take one part of the population with an average IQ of 100 and another part of the population with an average IQ of 85 and coerce them into mixing, the net effect is an average IQ lower than 100. And a population with a lower IQ is easier to control. This combined with all the garbage in the food will continue our downward spiral into sheep-itude. But come on. Advertisers can't be that patient, can they? Chipping away at the fabric of society for years and years to bring us down a few notches on the IQ scale for later?
There must be more to it. It can't all be about IQ.