'Thou shalt not bear false witness...' - I do not worship Ann Coulter or any other female commentator who should be at home making babies & baking for her lord husband. Titus 2:4,5..teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
It enforces my suspicion that some religions were imposed on the people to preserve a certain power structure.
The mere thought of oppressing a certain group like apostledbm suggests is making me nauseous. I desperately wish our species could grow up.
Yay, misogyny for Jesus!
Ann Coulter agrees, natch. She said women shouldn't have the vote. Back in the kitchen, Bitch, and take Schlafly with you!
Yes, let's punish not only Ann Coulter but also Phoebe, Ruth, Deborah, Elisabeth I of both England and Spain, Eleanor Roostvell.....................ah yes, I forgot that he's a fundy.
Inasmuch as any woman who advocates the garbage Ann Coulter spews should be sent back to the kitchen and an abusive jerk of a husband, I agree. The same fate ought to await such people as Beverly LaHaye and Michelle Malkin.
But they should have to look wistfully out the windows as their neighbors' daughters go off to high school and college so they can have any life they wish...
Naw, Andy Coulter is too fucking funny to have to stop what s/he's doing. Besides, no other fundie practices what they preach, so why should she?
Sarah Palin on the other hand...
We're in agreement here, sort of.
In that: We should all never hear or see a word from Ann (lying tool) Coulter ever again. I don't care what it takes to get this corperate, elitist shit off the opinion machine. This bitch cares nothing for the average American, she feeds off of your deluded, indoctrinated, gullible citizens.
Becks only the biggest asshole because he has so much more airtime. She's definately a major contender for the "most dishonest, self-serving and uncaring shit tv show host" awards
Women are people, NOT robots! They have a need to get out as much as men do! If you want someone who is servile to her "lord husband" build yourself a damn gynoid! I refuse to call anyone my "lord husband" unless he calls me his "lady wife". I respect everyone's decision, that includes women who *choose* to be stay-at-home mom...but to FORCE all women to be a stay-at-home mom is a shame and waste of talent! As one of Eartha Kitt's songs says "I'd rather be burned as a witch!" I will laugh heartily when this (s)tool gets to Heaven and has to answer to Sophia (the Heavenly Mother) for his misogynistic BS!
That said, I do think Coulter should shut up...not because she's a woman, mind you, but because she's a vitriolic idiot!
EDIT: Women belong in the kitchen, huh? That explains why they tend to live longer than men (on average)...the kitchen is where the knives are!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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