I don't agree with the pope very often, but he's right on this one.
H.P. is the most vile book series ever written. There is no more evil entertainment book(s) than this. Simply putrid.
The stench of these books is nauseating.
Oh, Jesus. Y'know, Benedict the Umpteenth almost makes me nostalgic for John Paul II. I mean, at least JP didn't have those creepy circles around his eyes that make him look like he's possessed!
And Gjervan, your comment is awesome.
H.P. is the most vile book series ever written. There is no more evil entertainment book(s) than this. Simply putrid.
Try reading the Turner Diaries, tard.
Yes, because a kid fighting evil as deemed by a prophecy is totally immoral.
Hmm. I seem to have forgotten the story of jesus. Remind me, will you?
(and totally agree with father heathen - have they even *touched* the book, let alone read a jacket cover summary at the very least??)
This is why way it is with these folks: even the very concept of a continuity outside their own is unacceptable. There's a bit featuring this attitude in JESUS CAMP, but it's not nearly so disturbing as when the counselor comes in after lights out and politely asks the kids to stop telling ghost stories. There's just no level at which they can accept even a fictional alternative to the cosmology they've created; it permits too much room for dissent in their thinking.
I don't agree with sensible people often, but they're right on this one.
The Bible is the most vile book ever written. There is no more evil entertainment book(s) then this. Simply putrid.
The stench of that book is nauseating.
There, fixed it.
And @ Brenz -- WHAT thinking?!
Then, for heaven's sake, stop reading it, and get rid of your copies!
I thought the pope had more important things to worry about, than a series of books about a boy who fights evil. There are people starving to death each minute of each day. Kids get blown up by hidden mines every day. Young girls have their genitals cut off, or develop Obstetric fistulas due to prolonged labors and immature bodies. Small kids die of dehydration due to diarrhea and lack of salt.
When all these things are taken care of, then you and the pope can worry about a series of books about a boy who fights evil.
"Of course, I KNEW HP = Harry Potter, but here I thought it meant HP Lovecraft 'till I read those links."
Oh c'mon, these people aren't advanced enough for H.P. Lovecraft. Their eyes would melt if they actually looked into any of his shit.
“I don't agree with the pope very often, but he's right on this one.
H.P. is the most vile book series ever written.”
Okay, why? What makes it vile? The defeat of fascism? The death of unicorns? The vast amounts of unsupervised time for boys and girls in the same House?
“There is no more evil entertainment book(s) than this. Simply putrid.”
Okay, what makes them EVIL? Or PUTRID? Or worse than the misogynistic Tribes of Gor? His Dark Materials? The Dune books (the ones between #1 and #6)?
“The stench of these books is nauseating.”
What makes them so stinky? The glue they used in the spines? The ink when it gets wet? What?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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