so you think if no one believed in any religion there would be no wars or fighting? i think it would be worse. i know if i didn't fear god's judgement i would have killed many many times.
I doubt that war would cease to exist if there were no religion, since I'm sure we'd still fight over land and resources and whatever else. But man, you freak me out. People of the "I'd totally kill/rape/pilliage if I didn't believe I'd go to hell for it" persuasion need to wear signs so I can stay the hell away.
To a degree I think it would've been better. How many folks have gladly gone to combat and even wished for death because of the 'rewards' they are promised when they are buzzard meat?
So many lives spared during holy wars, jihads, inquisitions and biblegod's slaughtering of tribes he didn't like (unsure on validity of most accounts but I'm sure there was much religious persecution nonetheless).
Then on the flip-side there are assholes like this one who I imagine as a starved pit-bull on PCP who is just ITCHING for the day he is freed from the bondage that is religion so he can violate, slay and cause pandemonium as he is (apparantly) always been want to do.
Drink the spiked holy-water already.
Well, there you have it. We are morally superior to you, because we don't have religion and we haven't killed many, many times.
If you require a boogeyman to keep your impulses in check, then you are not a very moral person to begin with. What the hell.
I mean, it is not like Jesus was the first one with the message of "do to others what you would like them to do to you", being a dick is in the end, counterporoductive for the individual.
if i didn't fear god's judgement i would have killed many many times."
-Does this mean that you have so many people who want to kill you, but the fear of god prevented others from killing you?
Did you really mean to say that you are a homicidal sociopath who wants to mass-murder all non-fundies but fear of god is the only thing keeping you from unleashing the savage killer within you?
Never mind, I just decided I don't want to know!
Very disturbing. So this person is taking the position that the only reason he is even slightly nice to people is the fear of God's wrath?
As a teacher, I can assure you that the fear of punishment is the worst possible behavioral motivator.
Besides, any student of history will notice that almost every war ever fought was really about land. who has it, who wants it, what's in, on, or under it. Religion frequently gets swept up in it, but the initial conflict is usually about land.
It's the only thing they aren't making any more of.
Lay off this guy.
God exists!!!!
God does not want little cajun to kill.
No cajun, don't kill. Read your Bible again.
Stay away from the OT.
We don't want to let him think that God does not exist, do we?
Nice cajun, God loves you and Jesus wants you to stay on your meds.
Besides, what horrible teology would the first Christians have done to convince.......Vikings or Parthians, just to put an example. Because, what are they going to say, "please, be good boys or you´re not going to Vallhala". They didn´t promise them Heaven if they were good kids or Hell if they were bad(they did it AFTER their conversion), they convinced them through reason. I don´t think without religion there would be fewer wars, the problem is that the world is full of idiots like you.
I'm tempted to nominate this one for a Terminator "Via con Dios, Baby" Award. (Yes, I know he used "Hasta la Vista," but the deific reference is more apt here, methinks.)
~David D.G.
Fundamentalism in a nutshell, indeed.
What is with those guys that they need to fear divine punishment in order not to turn to serial killer..? ...Wait, maybe I do NOT need to know. My faith in humanoty is fragile as it is. :(
Sigh. These people don't even know what the word "morality" means. To them, morality is merely a set of arbitrary rules that you must follow in order to avoid punishment; they're declared by an authority who is allowed to declare them because he's physically capable of punishing people for breaking them.
When they ask how atheists can be moral, they are genuinely stumped as to why people would refrain from killing if they didn't fear punishment.
1. Yes.
2. No, because without religion, we would have no radicals.
3. Morals and "god's judgement" have NOTHING to do with each other. Their are many agnostics/athiest that don't kill, not becuase of a fear of "judgement" but because they know it's morally wrong.
Think of it this way though, the world would be a less violent place if everyone was an Atheist (I'm agnostic by the way).
Okay, you've got this guy who says he'd murder if he didn't fear god's judgment. But think of it this way, if there was no god to judge, and there was no heaven or hell or afterlife, then people would be afraid to kill out of fear of receiving a punishment that would ruin or end their life (life in prison, death sentence, etc.).
So if your life is all you have, and there is no afterlife, then why would anyone go on a rampage?
It's unbelievable, I just cannot understand how or why this guy can honestly think that religion is what prevents people from murdering or any other crime for that matter. God's judgement? There is no god to judge you. I am an atheist and I don't murder because i just know it is immoral, i feel it inside me in my heart and head that it is immoral, i have no desire to do it, nor have i ever had a desire to do it. Not becasue i fear a god. To propose that there would be no morals without religion is absolutely rediculous. Let's not forget that sadly in todays world, and over all of history murder has been committed, often genocide, in the name of religious belief. Unbelievable.
I'm scared now. o_o If you actually need someone judging you and threatening you with eternal torture to keep you from killing, you're seriously fucked up in the head.
Athiests, on the other hand, don't need any invisible sky daddy to keep them from killing others. Who's the better person?
So that's the best thing about religion:
If Fundies werent religious, they'd just be serial-killers...
Funny how there's just SO many people who arent religious,
hmmm <_<
Fundies make me laugh!
Fearing God's wrath is the only reason you haven't killed?
Funny that, I haven't killed because I'm not mentally unbalanced.
There should be a special section of mental hospitals reserved for Fundies.
Now I post on these forums frequently, and indeed I argued in this topic. The bloody idiot ignored every single point everyone on the site made and just ended up saying, "I know you have evidence, but I have faith in God, and that counts at least a 100 times more than evidence." The whole argument was archived somewhere, not sure, but I did dl it once.
1. Religion and morals have nothing to do with each other.
2. Thats because your a heartless, evil, person who needs a sky god to tell them right and wrong because they don't understand it themselves.
idk, i think that if there wasn't any religion, at least organised, then the wars that would occur would not be about vendettas or blood lust, but to establish things that change the world for the better. let us not forget, your hitler was a protestant.
Well I'd sure as hell bet my top dollar that we should at least abolish religion and give it a shot in the dark. I mean, after the hundred million lives taken in the name of God, I think I'd have to say by now that religion certainly turned up short in the pile of good ideas. There's only one way to find out.
Oh boy, you're so odd...I don't fear God's judgement and I still haven't killed anybody. I'm actually pretty sure I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed anybody, even by accident. So what I think should happen is that you become less narrow-minded. You think all Athiests hate Christians...maybe some of us hate some of you because some of you say things like this.
P.S. Emphasis on SOME because I'm not so narrow-minded to include everyone of a certain religion.
P.P.S Good job with not using a capital 'G' when you wrote god...that'll show him that you truly do believe he is THE God. Dumb fuck. Proof read.
I'm running a campaign to preemptively lock up anyone who says those words. not because they have a belief in god, but because without their belief in god they will kill us. if they have a crisis of faith people would die.
most christains I know who aren't violent won't kill because they know its wrong and personally consider life to be precious. not because god might send them to hell.
Wow, Award. With out religion we would have never had the dark ages caused by the corruption of the church, nor would the useless crusades have happened, christians of any religions have caused more wars
What scares me is that these posts are to be found on gamefaqs, penny-arcade and other sites... completely unrelated to anything religous (okey, PA has strips about Jesus, but hey, let us at least have some fun about ayy kind of subject)
Oh dear Cajun. Did you ever come to think that rather than "not fearing god's judgements and kill" you'd just be a psychopath if you killed so many many many times?
What about atheists? They don't believe in god. So do they just go to a place and fucking kill everyone? What? Excuse me, but even without god in someone's life, they still can have MORALS.
Having poked around a bit, he still seems to be using the forum as a soapbox under a different handle.
* Apparently he doesn't like the KKK. I'd have thought someone who argues that a man shouldn't be elected President because of his middle name would fit right in.
* Being a movement conservative (as opposed to classical conservatism) is correlated with education. It is, but not in the way he thinks. He demonstrates this fact by being ignorant of the definitions of everyday words.
* He hasn't emigrated in the wake of Obama's victory as he said he would. The rest of the world thanks him for this.
There you have it folks:
Athiests have no fear of god. Most of us Athiests do not kill other people, nor do we have the inkling to.
According to you, Christians are cold-blooded killers, and the only thing holding them back is the fear of god.
I don't feel safe around Christians anymore.
This is why Christianity was invented, actually. Back in the day it was needed to put the fear of God in men to keep them from killing each other all the time. I'm not saying this guy is a throwback to pre-conscious man, but hey, as long as he doesn't kill anyone I'm not going to argue against his beliefs.
People have killed with God in mind as well. Before God even existed, there was fighting. Before Mohammad spread the word, there was fighting. Animals worship no God or Goddess (That we know of) and they still fight. It's called Survival but Religion made a new game of it. Even still it can be seen as survival (The apprehension of new land and resources).
"so you think if no one believed in any religion there would be no wars or fighting?"
'Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too.'
- John Lennon, 'Imagine'.
"i think it would be worse. i know if i didn't fear god's judgement i would have killed many many times."
Two Words: Timothy McVeigh.
I love the smell of destroyed arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
Thank the gods that you do fear god's judgment then.
Meanwhile, back in the rational world, we have something called "empathy" that stops us from killing others, and the Golden Rule stops us too, as we do not want to be killed.
No doubt there would be killings in a world without religion, but I'd risk it.
No Holocaust, no 9/11, no bombs going off in the streets of Pakistan.....yeah, what a ghastly world that would have been.
So, you're a sociopath? Good to know! *backs slowly away and runs to FBI to alert them of the possible danger*
We normal people manage to treat others as we want to be treated without the threat of Big Daddy in the sky taking away our weekly allowance. We're "grown-up", you see; we take responsibility for our own actions, and act responsibly, using our internal conscience.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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