Neal Horsley #fundie
Overview: Christian Slaves In America
It's a terrible truth, but truth nonetheless: Those in Christ in this nation are presently enslaved to the government of the United States of America because we have been forced to not only obey but actually work for laws that are the diametric opposite of God's law defined in 1 Timothy 1: 8-11. Any Christian with eyes that see will admit that the federal laws that allow abortion and sexual crimes like homosexuality, fornication, etc. are not only tolerated by Christians, but our labor funds the crimes themselves in the form of government funding of abortion, etc. This government mandated collaboration with sin results in slave labor being forced from Christians, Christians who are as enslaved as Israel in the days of Pharoah.
Like most Israelites before Moses, the vast majority of Christians today accept their enslavement and ignore the fact that God never intended for His people to be slaves in this world, slaves to the god of this world. The vast majority of Christians in the USA spend their lives explaining why they are not slaves, or, if they admit they are, they blaspheme God by teaching that slavery to this world is the Will of God.
But not all Christians are willing slaves to the god of this world.
It is to separate ourselves from the slavery that has us working to support heinous sins in the United States of American that the Army of God is being mobilized.