@Mister Spak, Goomy pls
TV series uploaded to YouTube (officially or by fans). Streaming sites (Netflix et al). TV series torrented (available via Kickass Torrents & The Pirate Bay). 'Smart TVs' networked (even wirelessly) to one's computer, and therefore the internet. Smart TVs with built-in 'catch-up' facilities, such as BBC's iPlayer; Sky TV's Wi-Fi facility to laptops, tablets & smartphones (linked to one's account). It's possible to watch TV without an actual TV these days. So clearly Davey-boy loves teh interwebz. Otherwise, the fact he wouldn't be able to spew his screeds would be the least of his problems, no: how would he possibly be able to justify his sad little existence if he couldn't be judgemental towards anything? No method of watching any visual media whatsoever would be another source of righteous indignation wrested away from him. No TV, but plenty of alternative avenues via the internet; nope, still no hypocrisy on his part, nosiree. [/hyper-sarcasm]
... yet, whenever any 'Reality TV' (which I don't need to see, to know it's inferior shit that has no right to be watched by me) etc comes on, I merely change the channel/put on a DVD/Blu-Ray disc, or click on a TV programme/film I've downloaded & on my computer. Or I can switch such OFF, and do something else. I'd say not watching an inferior TV programme is the best method of protesting against such. As you say, 'Television is Hellivision. TV is very bad nowadays. I really hate television', there's infinitely greater evil on the internet, so what say you about the latter, considering how TV is also available via such (iPlayer, Netflix, YouTube, Torrents, Sky Wi-Fi etc), Davey-boy...?
@Doubting Thomas
"So, in other words, stay home every night doing nothing but reading the bible."
...exactly what he isn't doing. [/'Do as I say, not as I do'] Again, that (non)hypocrisy of the fundie Christain. Typing BS on a website isn't reading the Bible, is it o Davey-boy...?
He's gonna go too far one of these days, you mark my words [/Hubris]. Then the ultimate b&hammer by his webhost. Can you say 'Blacklist', Davey-boy? He doesn't know the meaning of 'Persecution', until he has absolutely NO way of spewing his BS anywhere on the internet. If 'Mods are Gods' [/4chan] and Admins are creators of God, then what does that make the ISP's/webhost's server controllers...?!
There have been hackers/cyberstalkers/trolls in the UK arrested, tried, then jailed and/or heavily fined AND legally banned from so much as going anywhere near any internet-capable device, never mind owning one: EVER. I think you'll find that, ultimately, the internet is NOT a 'right', but a privilege that can be removed from you; the fact that ISPs/webhosts can wield the ultimate b&hammer on you being the least of your problems, like I say, they have blacklists of those they ban which they distribute to other companies. And I doubt any webhosting company worth their reputation would want to have anything to do with a known convicted paedophile; particularly if the authorities were to know about such being allowed access to the internet by them...!