Folks, God created the woman's body to reproduce
That's all you think women are good for, isn't it?
Every Christian mother should want to have as many children as possible.
Well of course... It's not like it cost money to feed, clothe, and house all these children in a increasingly overcrowded world.
Sterilization should only be performed in extremely serious situations where the mother's life may be threatened if she has another child.
Choosing to only have one or two children and not twelve or more kids is not the same thing as sterilization.
This is not a real word. You are not Shakespere, you don't get to make up your own words.
you have to be real careful with this type of reasoning because Planned Parenthood
... has nothing to do with what you are talking about.
(and the medical profession as a whole)
Because the medical profession is all about abortion, right?
are often telling woman that their bodies CAN'T HANDLE ANOTHER BABY
And in case where that advice is given it is more than likely a very real concern. Who should a woman trust after all? A doctor who has her health in mind, or a religious fundamentalist who thinks that a woman's only purpose is to cook, clean, and please her man master and to pop out another kid every nine months (Because having another kid more than nine months after the last one is a sin after all.)
It's just an excuse of the murderous abortion industry.
How is choosing not to have as many kids as possible akin to abortion? I'll give you a hint... it isn't.
And as a last note I would add that not all women a cut out to be mothers, and not all women, christian or not, want to be mothers. But it seems that you would be just as content with forcing them into that role whether they liked it or not. I wish I could say that suprises me, but alas I cannot.