trifecta #conspiracy
Not even close. My vision is 20-10, I can see at great distances and down to a spot of dust on an ant's thorax. What extra sensory I see, I can turn on and off at will. No headaches, sickness, or disability in any shape or form since I've achieved full activation. I even cleared up a hernia, minor tooth decay, and seasonal allergies to name a few for over two years now, without special diet or medical treatment.
Something tells me it's not a Retinal Migraine. If you noticed in an earlier post in this thread, I am far too familiar with eye conditions. I confess when I inadvertently started this gradual transformation, my first reaction was that of a hypochondriac, coupled with psychosomatic paranoia. My first life pursuit was that of an Electrical engineer. Acedemia trained this monkey strict adherence to the scientific method. What a twist of fate, right? With all this ostentatious and gaudy new age metaphysical garble spewing from my gullet.