So when will humans develp wings, a beak, or maybe alien traits since evolutionists claim that only fitter species survive?
And since they've already claimed that we came from our less fit ancestor apes, then what is more fit than humans? Aliens perhaps? So sorry, evolutionists, but your contradictions are exposed and your game is over even if you deny it. Claiming that animals turn into humans and explaining it by the survival of fitter species presupposes that humans will turn into a completely new and superior species than we are today.
So when will that be and what will that entail? A god perhaps? How anyone can adopt such a ludicrous and impossible notion that apes breed anything but apes & humans breed anything but humans not only contradicts biology and reality, but it is an embarrassment to humanity, not to mention those who consider themselves "experts" in biology. It only proves that "For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight." The theory of evolution is more impossible than anything in the bible. It would probably have been laughed out of science fiction books before the 19th century. That shows that humans are indeed in a state of decay, rather than more fit than the minds of previous generations.
Carico... let me see, where's my auto-response generator... oh there it is behind all the busted irony meters.
*shake shake shake*
Says: "Humans will grow beaks and wings when you grow a brain."
Huh. Not the best one it could've generated. Let's try again.
*shake shake shake*
"Evolution Doesn't Work That Way!"
Meh. C'mon, I bought this thing to generate really crushing remarks!!!
*shake shake shake*
Damn. Pushed it too hard. In it goes with the busted irony meters...
"So when will humans develp wings, a beak, or maybe alien traits since evolutionists claim that only fitter species survive?"
So, when will you educate yourself about the ToE so you won't keep making an ass of yourself.
"And since they've already claimed that we came from our less fit ancestor apes, then what is more fit than humans? Aliens perhaps?"
No lifeform is necessarily superior to any other lifeform. Each lifeform has evolved to work in a particular environment; flies are superior to humans if the only food available is shit.
"So sorry, evolutionists, but your contradictions are exposed and your game is over even if you deny it."
You have apparently mistaken the ToE for the Bible, even if you deny it.
"Claiming that animals turn into humans"
Humans ARE animals, moron.
"and explaining it by the survival of fitter species presupposes that humans will turn into a completely new and superior species than we are today."
Indeed, if the human species last for millions of years, humans may evolve some significant differences from what we are today.
"So when will that be and what will that entail?"
Who knows? It will take millions of years. It is unlikely to be something fanciful like wings or a beak. Possibly something on the order of better resistance to the ill effects of smog or radiation.
"A god perhaps?"
No, that is almost assuredly the least likely scenario.
"How anyone can adopt such a ludicrous and impossible notion that apes breed anything but apes & humans breed anything but humans not only contradicts biology and reality,"
That's not what the ToE says.
"but it is an embarrassment to humanity, not to mention those who consider themselves "experts" in biology."
No, you've mistaken the ToE with religious dogma.
"It only proves that "For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight."
Your God wants you to be stupid and ignorant.
"The theory of evolution is more impossible than anything in the bible."
Not true.
"It would probably have been laughed out of science fiction books before the 19th century."
I don't think sci-fi existed before the 19th century. Anyway, what 18th century readers might have thought of the ToE is irrelevant.
"That shows that humans are indeed in a state of decay, rather than more fit than the minds of previous generations."
No, all that has been conclusively shown here is that you continue to be a first-class idiot.
Reasonably speaking, directed evolution will be occuring within the human species in the very near future. Of course, it won't be purely biological evolution, seeing as it will involve gene maipulation, cybernetic augmentation, and/or nanotechnology, but it will be evolution in the sense that it is a change in the species.
So when will humans develp wings, a beak, or maybe alien traits since evolutionists claim that only fitter species survive?
We'll develop alien traits when or if we start living on other planets you dumbass and adapt to that environment!
Well, wings wouldn't provide that much of an advantage in this day and age, nor would beaks. In fact, such traits would be more likely to reduce the likeylhood of successfull reproduction as very few people would be attracted to someone with that kind of appearance.
Stronger, faster, more intelligent, more disease resistent... Those are the types of traits most likely to be attained.
You are what we call a "throw-back".
I imagine sometimes, that Carico is a great alligator-y thing. Slow, lumbering; scaly, toothy, and cold-blooded. Its slitted eyes balefully looking upon a world changing quickly about it. A being somewhat irrelevant to and largely unaffected by the phenomena it observes.
Am... Am I strange for thinking that observing a Carico striking from its pool and dragging a gazelle (or idea) to a point from which it cannot escape or recover is terrible and tragic, but because of that tragedy, also beautiful? Showing in full relief the frailty of human nature? The transitivity of this precious thing we call life? And the looming nature of a frightening beyond we call death?
Does the sophistry of this response also demonstrate how little I've learned in my highschool writing courses? Is this also tragic, but beautiful?(I'm guessing the answer is, "No"...)
Survival of the fittest refers to those within a species, not the species as a whole. For example, if there is a male Lion who is born with genetic traits that make him weaker than other Lions he's likely to be pushed aside by another male and thus unable to breed with females. Therefore, his genetic flaw will not continue to spread throughout the species as has happened to Humans.
Apes were no more fit or less fit than Humans per say. Their environment simply changed and caused them to need new traits for survival so they adapted and changed over time.
Anyway, it wasn't that long ago before the idea that stars were suns were laughed at or the idea that the Earth orbited the Sun, or the idea that the continents were once connected, etc. Yet, all of those things have been proven despite the ramblings of some fundies who refuse to accept the truth. So your statement doesn't show anything other than Humans are generally stupid and it takes a few creative/great minds to strive beyond the mundane.
"So when will humans develp wings, a beak, or maybe alien traits since evolutionists claim that only fitter species survive?"
Our species survives by having a large brain that gives us intelligence to solve problems. I don't know what traits the fundie species uses to survive. Perhaps they evolved the ability to scream and jump up and down like apes to get their way.
My cluebat is woefully inadequate, for Carico-level stupidity I'd need at least a cluenuke.... Oh, well! I guess it can't hurt to try... ::WHACK!!!::
Our species survives by having a large brain that gives us intelligence to solve problems.
That and hands to make/use tools. Wings would either require an additional pair of limbs (a huge deviation from the basic mammalian body structure) or losing our arms. Similarly, our big, heavy brain (and the skull that protects it) would be a hindrance for a flying species. As for a beak, the human mouth and lips are far more suited to our purposes (primarily speach, but also drinking,...) For birds it's a tool or a natural weapon, but humans can make the tools they need, they don't have to have them incorporated in their own body.
Inmate 22841666 : Jules Verne was called the father of science fiction and he only started being published in the latter half of the 19th century and preceded H.G. Wells etc.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
Around the World in 80 Days.
Five Weeks in a Balloon.
From the Earth to the Moon etc.
Should I point to the fact I'm double jointed has saved my life more than once here?
Most people aren't, they probably would have died. Of course they don't have my sense of humor so most likely never would have been in the situation to begin with.
Hell, I point to a few 'problems' I have and point out they work great in most instances, better than so called normal people, but no, it's different, so it's a problem.
As far as we can tell, we have removed ourselves from evolution. Mostly everybody these days can survive and reproduce, despite the fact that were they in nature, they would die. Since we're removed from nature, at the moment we're removed from the evolutionary process.
It would probably have been laughed out of science fiction books before the 19th century.
Just like anesthesia, atomic theory, computers, antibiotics, the germ theory of disease would have been.
Your point?
Darwin (I think): It is not the strongest of a species [or the fittest] who survive, but those who are most receptive to change.
Just because a species is the fittest for it's environment, if the environment changes, that species is most likely dead. Humans, on the other hand, have an adaptation (or multiple adaptations) that gives us intelligence and bipedalism, making us incredibly adaptive to almost any environment on the planet, and some off it. We won't be changing to drastically any time soon.
Now, if we do colonize extra-solar worlds, we might need to genetically engineer ourselves to survive there, and THEN some of us would look like aliens.
And yes, I could see us becoming almost god-like in the future, from a technological standpoint. After all, "any technology sufficiently advanced would appear as magic" - Arthur C. Clarke.
> How anyone can adopt such a ludicrous and impossible notion that apes breed anything but apes & humans breed anything but humans not only contradicts biology and reality, but it is an embarrassment to humanity, <
Well, it's your story .
"Darwin (I think): It is not the strongest of a species..."
Actually, it wasn't Darwin, or even Clarence Darrow apparently. Most likely it was... L. C. Megginson!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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