TimeWarper #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Hence why they speak out of both sides of their mouth and LIE to us.
It's okay to do that to the INFIDELS...

From the silencing of atrocities committed against Swedish women, to the cover up of Muslim crimes, to the safe passage of Jehadis to the West.

Obama has converted them all to Islam.

The only LINK I HAVE TO PROVE THIS is the link between what I see and hear and common sense.

Every new thread that gets posted about the Invasion and all the WTF? going on globally , just think in your mind that the leaders are now MUSLIM and it all makes sense folks.

We're aleady being ruled over by Islamists!
The Muslim world knows this but till now we've been left in the dark and will be told later down the track IF AT ALL...



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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