People like David J. Stewart and Anita Sarkeesian, though on completely different ends of the political spectrum, they both have the same end goal: To end male masturbation. I have gone into the secret HQ of Feminist Frequency and seen patents for torturous chastity devices, for ages 10-adult, that trap the penis, chop it off if it gets erect, electrocute it, burn it, circumcise it, and crush it like a bone. All just because boys might be attracted to women. The future of the feminist movement can be seen on Imagefap as Modern Mothers Movement. We must stop feminism before such a thing happens!
"I have gone into the secret HQ of Feminist Frequency..."
No you haven't.
And that's, like, only the first thing that's wrong with that sentence.
Sure FF sucks, but I'm gonna call bullshit on the chastity device thing.
Here, take an Internet.
Okay, I think this person might have been trolling, just by the name alone. A pretty damn piss-poor troll, too!
You scoffers will regret scoffing at this when you are forced into permanent chastity. If you're lucky, you might get an annual prostate milking at a feminist clinic to ease your frustrations. And may God help you if your chastity device is a gelder, a penectomy-device, electrified, or red-hot iron. Just imagine being Theon Greyjoy/Reek, and Ramsay Snow is a woman. That is the future of feminism.
@Felix the Cat
<"I have gone into the secret HQ of Feminist Frequency..."
No you haven't.
And that's, like, only the first thing that's wrong with that sentence. >
Second thing, actually. The first is the idea that Uncle Badtouch down in Guam would try to end male masturbation. It's pretty much all he has left beside posting insane and outdated nonsense online.
David J. Stewart is a crazy fundie right-wing nutcase and a collosal perv.
FF is radical feminism gone mainstream.
They are both 'problematic' in their own way, but they are also on the opposite ends of the crazy spectrum.
torturous chastity devices
Male bovine excrement.
"Just imagine being Theon Greyjoy/Reek, and Ramsay Snow is a woman. That is the future of feminism."
Surely you can't be serious!
"You scoffers will regret scoffing at this"
Adam "Man Vs. Food" Richman. Ghost Chillies.
...meanwhile the vast majority of women think men should have the same left .
People's Rights: What about their Lefts ?
And you sound just like Mary Jane Lick Sick : Just because you're not getting any, you think nobody else has the right - or the left - to do the same, neither.
Well, you're as impotent as he is. And in more ways than one.
...meanwhile, people are still having sex. [/LaTour] And like Mary Jane, there's less than fuck all you can do about it. Pun extremely intended.
Oh, and be careful, lest - like him - you become a Lol[i]cow[/i].
You can start with we on FSTDT milking you - for lulz . With your retarded BS, you're very close to giving us exactly that.
And should you be detected by Kiwi Farms' radar, that's fine; we don't mind sharing Lulz with them.
Speaking as someone casually interested in the BDSM scene, I can tell you that this is actually a common sexual fantasy. Some people like the idea of their partners having control of their bodies and deciding when they get to have an orgasm, a common femdom fantasy is the matriarchy where women are in charge and men are slaves and the back story to a BDSM matriarchy is usually some kind of feminist uprising. Oh, and some of the more extreme fantasies involve torture and castration. So yeah, this guy is either a troll or masturbating furiously. Maybe both.
"Yes, feminists do masturbate. It is unfair that they get to masturbate but they don't think men should have the same right. "
"Yes, feminists do masturbate. It is unfair that they get to masturbate"
>Thinking that your subjective 'opinions' will somehow bend reality to your will
The fuck are you talking about?
And don't say you weren't warned about becoming a Lolcow . Your returning to FSTDT to be milked is testament to that fact.
Kiwi Farms , , and 8chan's /cow/
You could always go to those boards and try to make them come to your way of thinking. If you don't, then you'll be admitting we're right, and you're wrong.
...back are you, proving me right, eh Bessie? Mad too? That's fine. We'll begin milking you of all that Lulzy goodness... there, that's better. And as you can see, even the act of milking a Lolcow is just like Fapping, so there's more of Reality you'll never be able to change, despite your BSE-like Mad Cow Disease emerging in the form of you being mad over things that you can only impotently RAGE at over the internet.
...and speaking of which, have you been to Kiwi Farms, & 8chan's /cow/ yet, Bessie? Because if you haven't, then you'll never be the 'martyr' you claim you are; even that in itself is Lulzy . >:D
Remember: you're always welcome for your next milking , Bessie. Because what you have is:
I can feel your anger. It gives us lulz ! [/Palpatine]
PROTIP: Men's Lefts . Women give handjobs - 'Fapping' - to men . NEXT !
...and then TheEndOfFappingWillNeverHappen, a.k.a. Bessie woke up with the letters 'T, Y, U, I, F, G, H, J, K, V, B, N, M' embossed in reverse on her cheek, with her keyboard ruined by drool, realised she was back in her bedroom on Planet Reality, and she cried like the impotent little Tumblrina she is. ;_;
Anon-e-Moose, I must object to your intentional misgendering of anyone for any reason.
Other than that, please continue.
As per Poe Dameron, who takes orders from General Organa, you're a Feminist.
...but unlike him - the hero of the Resistance - you will never get to fuck . And, as his first name suggests...!
...certainly as your most recent post suggests. Your failure is now complete. [/Darth Vader]
Tbh, minus the intentional misgendering, this shit is great. Someone pop some popcorn, I wanna use his tears to salt it.
So feminists aren't going to let us fap, but will they let us jack off, how about jerk off, choke the chicken, spank the monkey, will women get to pet the kitty? What about Furries will they still be allowed to yiff, will Bronies get to clop, these are important question that need to be answered.
Just as "Top Gear"'s James 'Captain Slow' May discovered the true source of the Nile, We now know the source of the Dead Sea.
Ah, so saltyy thou art. Not just Milk, but Corned Beef a-plenty from this Lolcow! >:D
...oh, and you want to fap? Hypocrite!
If you want the answer to your question, just look at yourself naked in a full-length mirror and ask yourself the same. But you're going to need a microscope to find yours, along with extremely small tweezers if you want to be the hypocritical little retard you are.
Nobody else has the right to fap, but you need to do so? Ever hear of the phrase 'Do as I say, not as I do'? Enjoy your paradox. And your blue balls. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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