I once heard a rebellious woman say that she divorced her husband because he looked at pornography and went with a prostitute. She never mentioned what her sins were. She must be perfect. She's a hypocritical brat. The truth is that she finally decided to divorce her husband and those were the excuses she found to justify her decision at the time. That's ALWAYS the way people do what they do. It's never for a certain reason that people do what they do. It never is. People do what they want to do, and then search for reasons afterwards to justify what they've already decided to do. No wonder the Bible says man's heart is deceitful above all else and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).
Your own sinful heart will condemn you on judgment day when you stand before God. Many women today have learned how to manipulate the law in their favor. Many women deliberately taunt their husband to hit them, knowing that she can call the police and will automatically get the kids and everything he owns.
Country singer, Faron Young, after 40-years of marriage, got drunk and shot off his gun in the kitchen. His wife filed for divorced and automatically won. She got $1,000 per month in alimony for life. The poor guy developed prostate cancer and blew his brains out 10-years later. He couldn't take it anymore. His wife murdered him as far as I'm concerned. It is common practice in America for disgruntled wives to wait until their husband sins or doesn't something stupid, like Tiger Woods trail of devastation. Then those malicious wives file, knowing that they'll get everything. God sees their wicked hearts. God sees the lying lawyers and the perverted judges. God sees their haughty arrogance and their evil intentions.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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