It will be here September #conspiracy

You FUCKERS want be alright for long. Mother Fucking Nibiru is really on the way THIS TIME Fucker will be here September 24th next month.

And I don't have to tell you a Mother Fucking thing. You either know it are you don't. Mother Fuckers with knowledge out there know it and this time the Mother Fucker is for real.

And I am not going to post no Mother Fucking video. You either know it by now are you don't.

The Fucker is on the way and will be here in September. Mother Fucker will kill most of us instantly freezing us like it did the Fucken dinosors with Fucken Food still in there mouths. The earth was flung out for a period of time to far away from the sun and froze every fucken thing down to 200 degrees below zero.

Then we gonna swing back up near the FUCKEN SUN and we all going to be burnt to death.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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