Surely, nine out of ten people in this wicked world are bound for a Godless, eternal hell. I have no doubts whatsoever that 90% of the people in this world are going to Hell. Why? For one simple reason friend, they do not have the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior--Their sins have not been forgiven. We estimated that 232,876 humans die every day on average. 232,876 minus 10 % equals 209,588 people that perish into hell fire and destruction every single day that passes. So roughly, 200,000 HUMANS PLUNGE INTO HELL FIRE EACH AND EVERY DAY! We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average.
yeh, but those 2.1bil aren't true christians... I've heard the TC estimate at 7%
Anyway, when I worked at the factory, if I had produced 90% failure in my firdge handles I would have been fired. Perhaps the same goes for god.
Fundies believe that denominations like Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism teach false doctrine, and so will will lead straight to the lake of fire. Add to that list the evils of the Anglican and methodist churches, which have adopted liberal beliefs and so will burn too. Then you've got all the unconventional Christian denominations like Mormonism. The fundies believe their own beliefs are right, and everyone else who disagrees (even on minor issues) will go to God's very own barbecue.
Heh, "Islamic Muslims". (a.k.a. "Arabs.")
The whole article seems to basically be, "This many people exist now! Therefore this many people are going to die! Holy shit!" interspersed with arbitrary statistics about how many of those people are supposedly going to hell. How does this... prove anything about why he's right? About why Christianity is true? About why Jesus ought to be believed in (besides HOLY SHIT WE'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!).
I suppose I'm just in the "bad habit" of wanting some sort of reason , some sort of explanation for why I should believe the shit I should believe in. He doesn't care about "proof." He's all about faith.
But how can you make yourself wholeheartedly trust in something if you're not convinced at all? How can someone just look at a site like this and have that conviction?
All it is is scare tactics, without anything to back it up at all.
I suppose I'm preaching to the choir.
Kind of hard to believe that someone known as a saviour is allowing a quarter of a million people to go to hell each day.
Shouldn't he be called the Ten Percent Saviour at least? Otherwise, it sounds like the saviour doesn't save anything, and of course, that would just make the believers look like a bigger bunch of goons then they did before!
Hey, is that the same dave stewart from the Eurythmics?
*Hey, is that the same dave stewart from the Eurythmics?
Last I heard, he was doing stage shows with Annie Lennox again.
Anyway, LDS belief is that those who didn't get the gospel in life will have a chance to hear it in death; they won't receive judgement until after they've heard it.
"We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average."
Interesting. Did he count the people passing per day at by any chance?
According to my measurements, 100% of the numbers David J. Stewart pulls out, he pulls out of his ass.
According to Revelations the number of the 'saved' is 144,000. That's a hell of a lot less than10% of nearly 6,000,000,000 people on the face of the earth. I look forward to the lake of fire and will be buried in my absbestos swim suit.
I suppose I'm just in the "bad habit" of wanting some sort of reason, some sort of explanation for why I should believe the shit I should believe in.
And just yesterday I've been told an anecdote about the encounter of the Pope (okay, he wasn't that back then) and a bunch of philosophy students coming to tour Vatican.
He asked them what they were studying and when they told him it's philosophy, he smiled nicely and told them: "And what shall you do with that? No use in thinking! Go back to the faith of your ancestors."
So, that sums it up nicely.
Now there are people trying to claim STATISTICAL descriptions of people going to their respective afterlives? Good grief!
Mark Twain was absolutely right: "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, and statistics."
~David D.G.
"We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average"
I've never personally seen that. Maybe people who are going to hell aren't privileged enough to see that. We don't have fundie christian superpowers. Hey, wait, aren't those superpowers of the devil? I'm confused. Anyway, given these stats, most of my friends will be in hell anyway so I might as well be too.
We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average.
I've never personally seen that. Maybe people who are going to hell aren't privileged enough to see that. We don't have fundie christian superpowers. Hey, wait, aren't those superpowers of the devil? I'm confused. Anyway, given these stats, most of my friends will be in hell anyway so I might as well be too.
We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average.
I've never personally seen that. Maybe people who are going to hell aren't privileged enough to see that. We don't have fundie christian superpowers. Hey, wait, aren't those superpowers of the devil? I'm confused. Anyway, given these stats, most of my friends will be in hell anyway so I might as well be too.
I'm frequently amused that Fundies think so little of their perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, omni-benevolent God, that 90% of his special creations, created in his own image, would be sent to eternal torment.
And, remember the old adage, "75% of statistics are made up."
leaving aside the fact that 1 in 3 people on the planet are Xian, let's do some maths.
200,000 people every day go to Hell. Humans have been around for somewhere in the region of 120,000 years. there would have been less at first, so I'll average at 100,000 people every day going to Hell for the last 120,000 years. that puts the population of hell at 12,000,000,000, and using the same method the population of Heaven at 1,200,000,000. Methinks its time for a little revolution... God had better watch out in 60 years' time.
I mean come on, how many of the people this 'God' lets into Heaven will be able to stop anything? And if they did they'd be sent to Hell for sinning anyway.
Some loving, merciful, just God that is.
Hell was, ironically, the final nail in the coffin for my faith. It's completely irreconcilable with justice, mercy, or love.
That's a hell of a lot less than10% of nearly 6,000,000,000 people on the face of the earth.
Actually, it is now up around 6,400,000,000... Maybe even close enough to 6.5 billion to be called "about 6.5 billion."
kkkron - you forgot to multiply by 365, but you also didn't extrapolate back the exponential growth since industrialisation. It'll be higher than 12 billion, but not 365 times.
Does anyone know if David J. Stewart is related to Robert J. Stewart aka the PANTS! guy?
I won't even discuss the content - enough has been said about it already, and I get nauseous just remembering what this loonie wrote there.
However, here's some non-anglophone perspective for you. He has a page entitled "How to get to Heaven" , apparently translated into a gazillion languages. Well, the Russian page is gibberish - apparently babelfish does not know how to translate "Jesus Christ", those are left in Latin. And Bulgarian... "the" is translated as (literally) "definite article". All over the page.
Don't butcher my language, asshole!
Napoleon The Clown ,I just hate when I turn my back for a few minutes and the population of earth creeps up like that.
Sorry for the pun but, fucking humans...
Anyway, when I worked at the factory, if I had produced 90% failure in my firdge handles I would have been fired. Perhaps the same goes for god.
Now I think I understand!
Human beings are computer chips cranked out from God's chip-fabrication plant.
At 90+%, we have about the same failure rate.
For the Weapons of Our Warfare are not carnal, But mighty through God for the Pulling down of strongholds.
One day, If you believe it or not, you will all stand before God and give an account of the Deeds done in the flesh. I lived a rotten life full of adultery, Booze, Drugs and Blaspheming The Lord Jesus Christ, But Turned all that around when in a suicidal moment Jesus spoke to My heart and I got saved, Its that simple I left Drugs, Drink, and a rotten life behind and was forgiven for all those things I had done By simply believing that Christ Died for my sins and accepting him as my Personal Saviour.
I know where I stand and I pray that the ignorance of some comments here are Forgiven of you from the Lord of Hosts.
Get Right with God or not...he gave us free will AND a set of Rules to follow, The King James 1611 Bible, now..YOU CHOOSE.
I know. I saw Mr. Stewart's website, too. But would you agree there are "good" mechanics and "bad" mechanics? "Good" dentists and "bad" ones? "Good" teachers and those who shouldn't be teaching at all? The same is with Christians. While they are believers, some promote a mindset that scares non-believers -- but scares the CRAP out of fellow believers. OK. I know. My bad! It's not my "vibe" to judge--that's the Lord God's deal--but while individuals such as Mr. Stewart are undeniably impassioned; look at it this way: he's giving us a history lesson! Mr. Stewart's showing us how much of organized religion gained their strangleholds: by promoting FEAR. Mr Stewart's right. Hell is real. Really real. But I'm saddened how Mr Stewart thinks clubbing people over the heads with this info will work. And God is Love. Jesus is Love. And the Holy Spirit promotes/fosters Love. When you come from a place of "love"'s impossible to club people over the head. You might be able to turn over the moneychangers' tables in a synagogue...but you won't club people over the head. Seriously, though, I beg Mr. Stewart reconsider his technique. And his website. The Great Commission appears to be The Great Assault. I know he's refusing the Holy Spirit to show him how. That's ego-at-work. Unfortunately, that's a sin. Mr. Stewart, your mental attitude is also keeping you from paradise. As for me? Patience is Love! I better get my patience mojo going! Yours in Christ...
YOU SUCK BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking of that bit in South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut where Kenny goes to Hell. Souls just stream on in there, and the population sign for Heaven has some low and steady number, but the population sign for Hell is in the billions and keeps spinning like a speeding car's odometer.
The side effects of living with your head up your ass -- that's your only source of statistics.
Evolved Human -- make your comments short, consisice, avoid redundancy and, most importantly, only post once . We don't need people spamming the comments page.
Why are so many people afraid to die, they should be excited to see their Creator-only if they are ready to face theit Creator.The bible says something about" out of the abundance of man's heart, he speaketh...Dont't worry at all, heaven is the perfect place for us, but for those who will go to hell, it is etenal....How i wish to see you someday in the paradise,c'mon friends, accept God and be forgiven and He will cleanse you from all sin and He will take you to His paradise..
Let me guess Dave, with all the religious freaks in the world, it is you and your small group that figured out the path to heaven, right. You are in that 10%? Did I get it right?
I'm a gonna have to disagree with you though Dave, I think that 0 out of 10 are going to Heaven, I guess that makes me more a cynic then you.
I am amazed by the proof.
Everyone who listens David J. Stewart should suffer endless torment, not me.
That pretty much makes the god you worship a sick and cruel bastard. That also makes the cruelity to his own son on the cross a worthless gesture.
Besides you estimation of the numbers of people who believe as you do is grossly over the mark.
Mr only takes faith as a mustard seed to stand against mountains. The ones who oppress you shall soon see for themselves what their time is only a gift...presented to the weak, lame, sinners, day we ALL die so you all would see for yourself maybe it would be easier to count the number of persons around you, to late shall be your cry, to late...
I always find that "friend" a bit chilling. You know they actually hold the addressee in utter contempt and hatred, and that they gloat on the pain of hellfire said addressee will experience, and yet they use they word that holds communities together
90% going to hell? So basically you are admitting that the god you worship is a complete and utter failure when it comes to design and implementation of his divine plan. He can create the universe, but is completely impotent when it comes to getting his numbers up.
Are you suggesting that in the end, Satan wins?
With all those billions of people already condemned to etermal torment, you would think that such a dreadful place would have been found by now. All jokes about Ohio aside, no Lake of Fire has been found inside the Earth, just a molten mantel and an iron core. "Fire Lake" is just a song by Bob Seger. Astronomers and meteorologists have been unable to find a Paradise of Good People in union with God among the clouds or stars.
So, you're saying that God sends 209,588 people a day to eternal torture... BECAUSE HE LOVES US!
You don't need Jesus, you need to help humanity.
HEY DAVID J. STEWART! Hey i don't appreciate what topic you did on Tobymac! Listen he has godly songs! So you lied! You talked about the so-called bad songs well listen i will be heard. Here are some more of his GODLY songs:One World(about one love till we go to heaven), Made to Love (how we were made to love GOD!), I'm for You (oh that we were made to worship who ummmm...GOD!!!), No Ordinary Love (that GOD'S love is no ordinary love it is extravagent!).There are alot more songs about GOD that he sings. Listen I'm not going to take this crap. You shouldn't be doing things like that! You need to know the facts, buddy, before you go critizing like that. I DEMAND YOU TO TAKE OFF THE SUBJECT THAT TOBYMAC IS NOT SINGING ABOUT GOD! You can e-mail me at I'm 13 years old and I want my voice to be heard!!!
I understand your point and i believe a lot of things i guess i have to keep looking for the truth..also i dont believe in hell..but i believe that if you dont have a true relationship with god, death forever will be the punishment.
also the bible says that the meek will inherit the earth..jesus said that..what do you say?
Holy shit he's trying to use math to prove his point of how many people are going to heaven and how many people are going to hell. So how many people a day, on average, eat something not allowed in the Mosaic Law? Or how many people a day, on average, forget to practice the Golden Rule? No spiffy mathematical equation for those? Come back when you've mathematically figured out the small number of brain cells you have left.
MarkSandman: he butchered Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian languages as well. I want to choke him now. (the is translated as (literarly) " third face of TO BE in present" which is hilarious). Cheapskate couldn't pay professionals to do the translation, cheap prick.
I was about to check the math, when I realized that it was David the pedophile. The fact that he says "WE estimated" shows that it's not real anyway. But I wonder where he does get that, seeing as how approximately 1/3 of the earths current population are christians, and then if belief in jesus is all that's required (as most protestants believe, but none actually practice), then you have to add Muslims and Bahai's at the least. Not to mention that there are New Ager's, occultists, Buddhists, Seiks, and others who believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person and was a great teacher or prophet. So David, once again, shows his true stupidity.
I agree with Julian, and according to the bible "Jaded_Revenge" all you have to do to get into heaven is repent!
Fuck off David J. Stewart, even assuming that is your real name and if these statistics are even true, which they don't seem too.
I saw your article on "Proof that evolution is a Hoax" and all it was was a load of hot steamy horse shit! I mean really, the disappearance of language has NOTHING to do with evolution!!
If you wanna fuck with the world at least be honest!
Wow, Alot of people looking for answers... Most of them upset because of the answers this poor guy gave them... LOOK, search the scriptures, examine your life, and do some history homework... Consider this, GOD would love to let you know all about HIM and you so just do some genuine and sincere footwork and He'll satisfy and exhaust all your questions. Oh ya, STOP looking for the most important answers to your life on the internet... Love yourself enough to invest as much time as necessary for you to KNOW for sure. IT WAS WORTH IT FOR ME... GOD LET ME KNOW.
David J. Stewart is right up there with Fred Phelps for Super-Fundie of All Time! He not only condemns damn near (pun intended) the whole world, he even condemns other Super Fundies. He condemns Jack Chick! WOW.
Seriously...this guy needs major help, with a capital H. I'm fighting the urge to flame him because that would only qualify his opinion as worth something in some way.
If the 11th commandment was:Llve and let the others live, and 12th: Thou shall leave Lord the God alone, and not put words into his mouth, not see his actions everywhere and not try to explain God.
then priests will be long gone and extinct.
Mr. Bub: lobotomy and strong sedatives do the same thing.
if you had 10 people listen to the precious word of God ,1 out of 10 people will accept it and be born-again into the family of God, that, is how he got his numbers....proof of that theory is in this very forum....all of you won't accept the truth and bash on him ,but im the only one backing him up....besides soulmaster ,sean michael and..i guess mr.bub...hmm..thats...4 out of...130 plus...numbers seem right to me...
Look, I'm all for freedom of religion, but what I'm not for is bashing other people's beliefs. This man believes that if you don't follow the bible to the letter that you will burn in Hell. This my friend is just ridiculous. Yes, I do believe their is a God, however, I believe there is many ways to reach him and not just the Christian way. Maybe when everyone like David Stewart gets the Bible pulled out of their ass, they will see that there are many ways to God.
Don't you feel like your judging these people. You kinda make me feel like I worship Satan and I have never bowed down to Satan in my life. It seems that you have badgered every religion out there who believes in God, and I was wondering which one is the acceptable one on your terms? I know that everyone who says they are Christian are not, but I find it really hard to believe that there are only 10% will make to Heaven. We are all struggling day to day but only God can save us. And if we cry out to God he will help us and mold us to who we are to be. Whether you can see the change or not. Instead of telling us that were all going to burn in hell maybe you should pray for our salvation.
You dont have any reason or room to talk about Chris Angel, Are you with out sin? surely You are not. And JUDGE NOT UNLESS THOU BE JUDGED THI SELF... Are you ready to be judged? And your so called GOD could never extingiush the flames of HELL. Because god is no different than the toothfairy, there is nor will ever be any scientific evidence to support either one. and what is with this fucking check if your are human shit? and why should socalled christians be any better for hundreds of years they slautered millions maybe more in the name of god
WRONG. Hell is simply a final punishment of the wicked. The "eternal torment" came from greek mythology. The wicked do not get punished until after the millenium.
(Rev 20:5) JESUS BLOOD TEST!!!
The word human is a discription of all animals,including man that walk on two legs.
God created all animals on the fifth day of creation. the decendents of these animals now occupy most of the world.
God created Man on the sixth day of creation. there were already animals inhabiting the earth that looked like man,only they were black. God could have taken one of these animals and called him MAN, He Didn't.
He created man after His own image.The big difference between animals and man is,Man has a soul,animals don't.
What really burns me up is man not only worships these animals he has now elected one to be president of the US with the devil's help.
Wow, I like how most "born again" people on this thread do God's judgment and decide who is worthy of heaven and who goes to hell. That's breaking at least two of precious Christian rules and doing some serious sinning. First, we have the sin of pride and deepest arrogance. Who are you to decide what all-powerfull being thinks? Why have you decided that being that creates universes by speaking needs someone to speak for him and spread his words? Isn't it the greatest arrogance to say "You are going to Hell, and I know you do. Because I know the thoughts of God and his judgment."?
And there's number two. Adding to the bible.
David J. Stewart is a hypocrite. If you've ever seen his website, it might surprise you to know that he was convicted of having sex with a minor in Jan 09. His wife divorced him, and he set up a dating profile, which is adultery by biblical standards. He's 41 (possibly 42 by now) and lives in Guam. He also listens to a lot of the music that he says is satanic. This isn't what true christianity is about.
Listen, douche-bag Stewart; no one wants to listen to your hypocritical crap, ok. I've visited your website many times and you are not only a heretic, but also an egotistical, psychotic, paranoid scumbag who wants God to be like you. That's not how the world works. If you don't like it, deal with it or get off the planet. We are sick of you and people like you. Besides, if Christians are so perfect, then what were the Salem witch trials?, ass hole! You know what though, you're right in that we are entering a new age; and thank God! As a matter of fact, if you are the "real Christian" you claim to be, I dare you to e-mail me to prove yourself( I can 99.99% guarintee that any point you try to argue I can prove against you. You have two weeks from today. And to you others that read this, I'll bet twenty bucks that this will be up on his website within those two weeks and I will never get a responce back. Lets wait and see.
Unless you have a device that can create dimensional portals (a la "Sliders"), you're merely talking out of your arse. Because you have no proof to back up your claims. And a book of fairytales isn't proof. So much for your so-called 'God' and his 'unconditional love', eh? I put it to you, David J. Spewup, that your 'God' is actually Satan, and is the secret fourth component of the Trinity. After all, does it not say in the Bible:
Isaiah 45:7: 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.'
I emphasise create evil . Therefore God = Satan, ergo you are actually a Satanist (the proof's there in your Bible after all!).
QED, bitch.
David J Stewart is a prophet from God please listen to him I beg you some things he says are true. Trust Jesus as your savior because we are all sinners and God loves you.
Bless you all!
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25
David J Stewart is a prophet from God please listen to him I beg you some things he says are true. Trust Jesus as your savior because we are all sinners and God loves you.
Bless you all!
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25
Hello. There are 144.000 saved ones. Through all of human history, that really means 99.9999985% of people go to hell, but don't worry. In the actual bible, none of that Dante stuff, hell is just some sort of dark grave.
Surely, nine out of ten people in this wicked world are bound for a Godless, eternal hell
Unlike convicted paedophiles like you, I'm not. And don't call me Shirley. [/Leslie Nielsen]
What really burns me up is man not only worships these animals he has now elected one to be president of the US with the devil's help
So you voted for Hillary Clinton late last year, then...?!
...and that's no way to talk about what's currently in the White House:
It's not that poor animal's fault there a hideous orange parasite attached to it. >:D
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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