I jsut saw a documentary on the beginning of civilization which was in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians passed on stories of a global flood that was survived only by one family. They pased that along thousands of years before the Torah was written down.
But no mention of their cavemen ancestors. None. No mention of dinosaurs. None. No mention of any of their ancestors being more ape-like than their current generations. None. No writings of anyone describing cavemen, nor pictures of cavemen. None. No evidence anywhere of "homonids", or neanderthals. None.
Yeah, 'cos Sumer was, like, full of dinosaurs ...
She can't be for real. Nobody can be this stupid and yet still be able to type in English. (Or any other language).
ok, lets look at the timescale here.
Earlyest writing: 5500 years ago.
Earlyest civilization: 10,000 years ago.
Death of last neandertal population: 25,000 years ago
Death of last dinosaur: 65,000,000 years ago
Cave paintings in France dating to over 14,000 years ago show ancient man hunting animals. And since dinosaurs became extinct many millions of years before man evolved to the point of drawing and eventually writing, you wouldn't expect early man to know about them. And there is no evidence of a global flood whatsoever.
Pull your head out of your ass, Carico. You've been sniffing shit for so long, you're starting to write it.
Can Carico remember one story passed down from one of her great-great-great grandfathers? Probably not - and that's only maybe 90 years ago at most. How does she imagine Sumerians would know stories passed down for 50,000 years from people who didn't know how to write? Does Carico know what her great-great-great-grandfathers looked like? How would Sumerians know if their ancestors 50,000 years ago looked different from them?
Sorry, I've already wasted too much bandwidth on a Carico argument ...
This works against Creationism!
If dinosaurs, neatherthals were around 6,000 years old, then the Sumerians would have a chance to write about them, but because they died out way before the Sumarians, then there's no writings. Just as you'd expect
No mention of dinosaurs means they knew nothing at all about them, which makes sense; the dinosaurs had all died out 65 million years before humans ever even appeared, let alone started talking, or even later started writing anything down. Finding the occasional cache of freakishly large bones may have stimulated a legend or two, however, and those we DO have.
Neanderthals aren't mentioned for the same basic reason -- it's a slightly smaller timescale (tens of thousands of years, and humans did coexist for a time with Neanderthals, unlike with dinosaurs), but still the oral traditions (if there indeed could have been sufficient language development that far back to HAVE any oral traditions) simply did not stand up over the stretch of time until writing was developed.
Really, Carico, this is NOT that hard. It becomes perfectly obvious when you give in to the Reality Side of the Force!
~David D.G.
To me, the evidence presented by the fossil record, both of dinosaurs and pre-human ancestors, was enough to convince me years ago the Biblical account of Genesis was a load of crap.
I guess not all of us are born with a functioning brain, eh Carico?
Of course, since they were Mesopotamian, they're going to hell anyway. I mean, Jesus wasn't around yet to save them, right?
I daresay there was a drastic and distinct lack of mention about a pair of nekkid white folk eating apples, too.
And the caves with their rests and the bones and the pictures in the caves, ARE NOT ENOUGH PROOF FOR YOU?. The Sumerians didn´t talk about cavemen for the same reason as the Bible, one, because they used writting mainly to trasnmit accountancy and myths, second, BECAUSE THEY DIDN´T KNOW.
The beginning of civilization happened a very long time after Neanderthals died out and a very, very, very long time after dinosaurs died out. If you had ever learned anything, you would know this.
Lying, Crying, and errors, oh my! So because a TELEVISION program fails to mention something, it can't be true? Carico...please, please please, pretty please, with naked Playmates on top... run into a katana and do humanity the favor of promptly dying.
So... a documentary about the beginning of civilisation; no mention of cavemen, dinosaurs, or ape-like ancestors.
Hmm. Could it be possible that the programme didn't mention these things because -- IT WASN'T ABOUT THEM???
By the same token I'll bet the documentary didn't mention UFOs, Bigfoot or Atlantis either...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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