David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Al Qaeda doesn't really exist. It's a boogieman created by the criminals who've hi-jacked our federal government (and even cities like Chicago have been hijacked, now with Mayor Rahm Immanuel [who came directly from the Obama administration] staffing key offices with globalist Stasi). Guns have been banned in Chicago. Video or audio recording of the police now brings an automatic 15 years in prison. They're taking over quickly! Believe it friend! President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the American people, but the powers behind the scenes killed him. They also own and control the mainstream newsmedia, which is their primary weapon.

After Kennedy's assassination, the first thing that Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson did was cancel President Kennedy's Presidential Directive 11110. These are evil men beyond comprehension, but God is still on His throne. People come and go, but God is always the same! Judgment day is soon coming!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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